Chapter 57

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December 27

Iain awoke to his phone ringing. He picked it up. "Hello?" "Iain its Gary." Iain got up out of bed and went into the bathroom to finish the call. "Hey Gary. What can I do for you?" "I was wondering if we can film an episode... in London." "Sure when?" "Well the whole crew is here already. We just need you, Elizabeth, and her mother." "Her mum? Why?" "Well we want to add a scene where Fitz meets Simmons mother. What is better than her real mother." "I can talk to them." "Good. If it goes as planned then come to the studio I just sent to your phone later today like 2." "Okay. I will talk to them." "Thank you." "Your welcome." Iain walked out of the bathroom. Looking at the sunlight hitting the bed. Making Elizabeth look ten times more beautiful than ever.

He looked at the clock on the wall reading 9:27. He got in the bed and kissed her shoulder and whispered "Gary wants to film an episode while in london with you mum in it." "She turned around and said "My mum?" "Yes." "Okay I will ask her." "How?" "Our son. She will say yes if she is holding him." "Okay. Get some sleep I will wake you at 10." She kissed his lips before she turned back to face the cot and falling back to sleep.

Iain awoke Elizabeth again 30 minutes later. HE was holding Oliver in one arm and holding a cup of tea in the other. "Let's go ask mum." He said handing her the tea.

Getting down stairs her mum was sitting at the table reading a newspaper. She looked up from the paper and said "Just spit it out." "How did you know we want to ask you something?" "I'm your mum. Do you not remember i raised you and you were a teenage at one point. So spit it out." "Okay. Our show is making an episode today. They want you to play my characters mum." "Okay I will do it. What time?" "It's at 2." "Well it's 10:30. You guys go take a shower and just a shower. I will watch Oliver. Then we can which." "Okay thank you mum." ELizabeth said handing her Oliver.

Iain and Elizabeth walked up stairs and into the bathroom. "Did my mum just tell us to shower together?" "I think so." Iain said laughing as he pulled her in for a kiss. Striping eachother of there cloths and getting into the shower.

The four of them got to the studio at the approving time. Getting on set that did their makeup and dressing.

The cameraman yelled "Action!" Fitz and Simmons were in the lab when Coulson entered. "Simmons someone's here to see you." "Who?" "It's your mother." "She's here." She said grabbing Fitz hand. "She will be up in five minutes." Coulson said before closing the door.

She looked to Fitz "I haven't told her we are together." "Is that a big problem?" "Fitz you have met my mum before. It's a problem." "Okay let's just calm down and see what she will say." Fitz said kissing her on the lips. Just then her mum walked through the door. Simmons ran to her and gave her a hug. "I've missed you mum." Her mum looked to Fitz. "Oh mum you remember Leo Fitz." "Yes I do. You look the same. The only difference is you're not 16 anymore." Said her mum to Fitz.

Fitz stood there not sure what to do. "Mum can I tell you something?" "Sure." "Me and Leo are a couple." Simmons said nervously. "Well it's about time. I have waited 13 years for you two make any sort of move." She said very excitedly. The cameraman yelled "Cut!" When the scene was over.

After the scene Clark came over to them. "I see where Elizabeth gets her acting from." Clark said to her mum. "Thank you." "The whole crew is hungry. You both grew up here so where is the best place to eat?" "Well if we all can go to my house then I can make something." "Mum you don't have to do that." Elizabeth said. "It's fine dad won't be home till tomorrow." "Okay then. Just follow us there." She said.

Getting to the house Chloe and Clark were seated on the couch as her mum was in the kitchen cooking. Iain was holding Oliver on his lap as Elizabeth was leaning against him. "How long have the crew been here?" Iain asked. "We left a day befor you guys." Answered Clark. "Where are you guys staying?" "We were staying in a hotel but we leave tonight." "Well we're happy you were able to come over." Elizabeth said.

They all sat down at the table and began eating. "Mrs. Henstridge thank you inviting us into your house." Said Clark. "Oh your welcome." After lunch Iain and Elizabeth cleaned up as her mum was most likely showing Clark and Chloe baby pictures of her. Iain came up behind her as she was washing the dishes. "I love you." "Love you too." She turned around and kissed him. "Let's get out there before mum starts showing high school pictures." She said laughing. "I will have to look at those later." He said kissing her on the lips one last time.   

This was an idea form aos_marvel. I hope you like it. 

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