Chapter 33

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Pulling up in the driveway and his mum came running out of the house to hug him. "So this must be the wonderful girl you finally got to date you." "Yes mum but we are not dating." "No then what?" "We are engaged." "Is it the ring I gave you?" "Yes." "Elizabeth can I give you a hug?" Elizabeth came over to his mother and gave her a hug. "Mrs. Caestecker. It's so great to meet you." "Call me mum dear." His mom smiled up at both of them. "Come inside it's cold out here." She said as Iain picked up Maggie and went inside.

Iain showed Liz too his bedroom and put the suitcases down and unpacked them into the dresser that were in there. "That's tiny childhood bed of mine." "Tiny... we will have to sleep very close to one another." Iain kissed her quickly. That came back downstairs to find his mum and Maggie sitting next to the fire. "Liz remember the night by the fire?" "Yes I do. Would love to do that again." "Same here." They went down all the way and sat down next to his mum. "Son is there anything you guys want to do today?"

"Well we had a long ride here and a early night in my be good."

"My son it's only 10."

"Well I can take my two girls out for dinner."

"Yes you can do that but from now till then?"

"Well we can go to a mall."

"I will go get my coat." His mother got up and went to go get her jacket. "Are you okay

with us all going to the mall?"

"Yes I need some new... sleepwear." "Oh really?" "Yes and I'm going to need your help choosing and see what fits." "Okay... "

They all drive to the mall. Iain's mum went to her store as Elizabeth dragged Iain to Victoria Secret. Iain walked in the story and it was all pink. "Iain what color is best?"

"Well give me options."

"Red, white, black, or cream?"

"On... you all of them."

"Oh stop it." She said laughing. She grabbed a black one piece that goes down just below and over her butt. Then a bra and underwear set in red. Finally a cream colored one piece. She dragged Iain into a dressing room. "Could I even be in here?" "Probably not but you are. Now unzipped my dress so I can try this on." "My pleasure."

Iain unzipped her dress. Helping her slip out of it as she slid the red lingerie over her head. Iain's eyes followed her every movement. "Iain? What do you think?" "You are so sexy looking." "Thank you." She said kissing him.

They bought the items. "Iain anywhere you want to go?" "I need a suit vest." "Okay let's go." They got to St. John's. Iain went to the rack that had the vest. He tried the black one on. "What do you think?" "All you need now is a red bow tie and a white shirt." "So it's nice?" "Yes." Iain grabbed a red bow tie. Trying to tie it but he did not know how. "Liz I don't know how to tie a bow or a tie." "It's okay I know how." She took the two end of the bow and tied it for him. "Where did you learn to tie?" "My dad when I was a little girl." He kissed her cheek. They bought Iain's vest and bow tie. They went to going find his mum looking at a new outfit for dinner. "Hi mum find anything you like?" "Yes. I'm going to go get in line to pay." "Okay."

Later that night Iain, Elizabeth, and his Mum all went to a fancy restaurant. Waiting for the food to get to the table Iain's mum asked Elizabeth "Did you know Iain called me on the first day that-" "Mum please don't tell her the story." "No Iain i want to hear it." "Thank you Elizabeth. Well Iain called me on the first day on set that he just saw the prettiest girl he ever seen." "Thank you for embarrassing me mother." Elizabeth grabbed his hand and said "Well for your information when I walked on set the first person I saw was a brown hair, blue eyed Scottish boy. But over the years of working with him I fell head over heels for him." "Mother do I have permission to kiss my fiancée?" "Yes."

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