Chapter 35

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I am so sorry it took so long to update had a lot going on. Sorry...

Elizabeth could not sleep that night. She lifted Iain's arm off her waist as she slipped out of the bed. Going down stairs to find his mum in the kitchen. "Hello Elizabeth." "Hello." "What are you doing up?" "Can't sleep." "What some tea?" "Sure."

She poured the tea for them and sat down at the couch. "Elizabeth is everything okay?" "I think so." "Is Iain not treating you right?" "No no Iain is wonderful." "Good. This morning it looked like something was bothering you?" "Well... I know Iain don't want kids any time soon." "Elizabeth are you pregnant?" She thought to herself 'Even if I'm pregnant I can't tell people before I tell Iain and Chloe.' "No the doctor told me I can't get pregnant."

His mum picked up her hand and said "I'm going to tell you this. When I found out I was pregnant with Iain it was a wonderful shock because I was told I was unable to get pregnant too. But I told Iain's father the news and he left never saw him again." "I'm sorry it must have been tough to be a single mother. I don't think I could do that." "It's okay." "Thank you for the chat and the tea but I'm going to go try and get some sleep." "Elizabeth also you may want to dart taking supplements... for the baby." "H-how do you know?" "I was pregnant at one time. Sick by smells, can't sleep, sleep in, morning sickness. Take a test. Tell Iain when you're ready." "Thank you." She went back to the room and snuggled up in Iain's chest as she fell asleep.

The next morning Iain awoke. Trying not to wake her up he put on pants and went down stairs. His mum was in the kitchen cooking as Iain came down stairs. "Morning mum." "Morning. What do you want for breakfast?" "Pancakes please." "You're like a little boy still." Iain smiled and hugged his mum. "My little boy is all grown up." "I still will always be your little boy." "I know. How about you go wake up Elizabeth and breakfast will be ready." Iain went up the stairs to go wake Elizabeth up. He got the room as Elizabeth was walking out of the bathroom. "Morning Liz." "Oh morning Iain." "Mum made breakfast." "Okay."

They walked down stairs as his mum was putting the food put in the table. They all sat down at the table getting their servings of food. "Avez-vous eu la maladie du matin aujourd'hui?"(Did you have morning sickness today) His mum said in French. "Oui."(Yes) Elizabeth said back. "Mum you speak French." "I do." "What did you ask Elizabeth?" "I just asked her if she is enjoying the trip." "Oh... Are you enjoying the trip Elizabeth?" "Yes."

Iain and Elizabeth went out for ice cream later that night. Getting to the parlor the man asked what that wanted. Iain said "Mint chocolate chip and the lady will have chocolate chip." "Okay that will be $4.50." Iain payed the man as he handed them the ice cream. They found a table to sit down at. Iain's phone dinged.

Brian: Hey Iain i heard you're in town.
Iain: Got in a few days ago. What you up to?
Brian: Nothing much. I was wondering if you want to go get a drink tonight?
Iain: I can ask the fiancee if i can go.
Brian: When did you get engaged?
Iain: December 28th.
Brian: Cool. Ask her.

Iain put his phone down and said "Liz my friend Brian was wondering if i can go out with him tonight?" "How late?" "Problem just a beer or two so not too late." "Okay." "Thank you."

Iain: She said i can go out but not too late.
Brian: What is she your mother?
Iain: No but she does not like when i get too drunk. Last time apparently i tried to have sex with her after she told me not to get drunk.
Brian: Tell her you won't get drunk. I will come pick you up at 9.
Iain: Okay. I will be at my mums house.

After the ice cream Iain and Elizabeth went back to his mum's house. There was a knock at the door as his mum got up to answer the door. "Hello Brian. Iain is in his room upstairs." "Hi Mrs. Fitz. Can i go get him?" "Sure." Brian went up the stairs to Iain's room. He knocked at the door as he heard "Mum who was at the door?" "Iain it's Brian." Iain opened the door "Brian it's been long time." "Yes it has and who is this behind you?" "Oh this Elizabeth." "You're the girl Iain talked about." "Good things i hope." "Only good things. If you need anything will we are out just give Iain a call." 'Okay have fun boys." Iain kissed Elizabeth befor he left. Getting to the bar Iain texted Liz.

Iain: Got to the bar. Love you.
Liz: Okay. Love you too.

Brian took Iain's phone "No phones, No girlfriends, Just drink." 'What-" "No buts." The bartender gave them a beer. They started drinking. "So Iain how long have you and Elizabeth been together?" "Time does not matter." "Okay. How about something harder than beer?" Brian got four shots of tequila. "Two each." They took the shots. "Brian do you have a girlfriend?" "No. But i like a girl at the office." "You should call her and ask her out to the high school reunion." "Okay i will go call her."

Brian got up and went outside to go and call the girl. As Iain stayed in the bar ordering another beer. A girl from across the bar was looking at Iain. She walked over to him and sat down next to him. "Hi Im Amy." "Iain." "So are you here alone?" "No my friend is outside. What about you?" "Alone." "Oh thats nice." "So can i buy you a drink?" "Sure." She order another shot for Iain. She put her hand on his leg. Iain jumped out of his seat. "I have a fiancee." "She does not have to know." "I said no." "Fine then." Amy got up and left the bar as Brian came back into the bar. "Iain what did i miss?" "I just got hit on by a girl." "Wow. You need to drink more." "Okay." The had four more shots each that night. "Br-rian can i-i have my p-phone?" "S-sure." A drunk Brian handed a very drunk Iain his phone. 

Iain: Hi we leave the bar. I get home i want you in bed.
Elizabeth: Iain you're drunk.
Iain: A little but red is sexy on you.
Elizabeth: Iain we are not having sex tonight.
Iain: Why not do you not want me?
Elizabeth: Iain just come home.
Iain: Okay love you.
Elizabeth: Love you too.

Iain got in a cab to go home. Getting to the door he got the key in after five tries. Walking upstairs not so softly. Getting to the door to find Liz still awake. "I'm back." "I see. Time for bed we have a big day tomorrow." "Oh yeah I get to show you off to all the jerks that picked on me in high school." "You were picked on in high school?" "Called the boy with no dad and a science geek. Did not affect me to much but I was locked in closets a lot." "Baby I'm sorry." "No worries there all going to be shocked I have a smoking hot fiancee." She laughed at his drunken sweet talk. "Iain time for bed." "Can you undress me. Then kiss me."

She helped him stand up as she took off his pants and shirt leaving him in boxers. "Now kiss me." "Go brush your teeth first." "Fine." Iain stumbled to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. Walking back out in the room he put his hands on her hips and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. Wrapping her arms around his neck running her hand through his curls. Pulling away for air. "I think I'm sobering up." "That's good let's get to bed." "Okay."

Getting into the bed Iain laid on his back as Liz was on her side next to him. "Liz don't be mad but a girl hit on me tonight. I told her I have a fiancée and she left me alone. I just wanted you to know." "Thank you Iain." "Night." "Good night Iain."

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