Ageplay for all

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All the boys in ageplay, Simon and Paul are the daddies.


Niall headspace 6 m/o
Harry headspace 1 y/o
Liam headspace 1,5 y/o
Louis headspace 2 y/o
Paul daddy
Simon papa


When Paul and Simon started the ageplay, they never thought the boys would love it that much. But they still think this was the right thing to do. You see the boys got drunk every night and would take someone home with them.

Ofcourse they were done with it. They begun to get rude to their fans but also their parents, papparazzi, interviewers, and also Paul and Simon. They basicly hated everyone.

Now you understand why Paul and Simon put them in ageplay. When they were trying to put the four boys in nappies the war started. Biting, screaming, punching, kicking. It all happened, until Paul decided to give a good talk with some spanks.

When they understood what they did, they felt terrible. They all were pretty brave since then. Ofcourse were there some moments when they did not want it at all, like the bottle or nappy changing, wetting or messing the nappy and nap time.

Sometimes nap time is for Louis still a challenge. But the other boys pretty much need it. They get tired around lunch time and sometimes fall asleep before or during lunch.

Paul and Simon have no regrets for doing this but they wished they should have done it earlier. At the moment they are doing it for a month and they all love it. Not only does it takes stress away from the boys, it also takes stress away for Paul and Simon since they don't think about their work but only about the babies.

At the moment are the four boys having a nap. They had a busy morning because of an interview. It is hard for all the little ones to get back in their headspace after an interview or concert.

First the be awake is Liam, he rubs his eyes as he sucks on the dummy. Bobbing it up and down. 'Paul? Simon?' Liam asks and rubs his eyes. Not long after that Paul walks in. 'Hello babyboy, had a nice nap?' 'Yes Paul.' Liam says and looks at him. 'Well lili, we are off for the rest the week.' Paul says smiling and picks him up.

'Off?' Liam asks as Paul carries him downstairs. 'Yes buddy! So how about we have a sleepover tonight?' Liam giggles and nods. 'Helwo Simon.' Liam mumbles as he sucks on the dummy and cuddles Paul.

'Hello babyboy, want to play for a bit?' 'No watch tv.' Liam says and sees Louis walking into the room. 'Hello Louis.' Simon says and sits next to Louis. 'So how is my big boy?' 'Good.' Louis says laughing and bounches up and down. 'Did you went already to the potty?' Simon asks as he gives a kiss on Louis' nose.

'No.' Louis says, and looks at the tv. 'Come on buddy, let's go potty now and put some big boy's on you!' Simon says smiling and picks up the younger lad. 'But tv.' Louis whines and points at it. 'You can watch after it with Liam.' Simon says and puts Louis on the potty.

Louis gets red cheeks, feeling pretty ashamed by it since he isn't fully in his headspace yet. 'Come on buddy, go potty for papa. Then after that you can have a cookie!' Simon says and holds Louis' hands.

Louis nods and slowly goes potty, not looking once at Simon. 'Done.' Louis says giggling, knowing he gets a cookie now! 'Good boy!' Simon says and wipes the boy before pulling a boxer on him. 'Now we wash our hands with the ducky and then papa will get you some juice or milk with a cookie!' Simon says proudly and washes his hands with Louis. When they are done Louis runs to Liam and sits next to him. 'Hey lili!' Louis says hyper.

When everyone sits on the couch they hear cries through a babyphone, Harry's one. 'Daddy? Papa? Can Lili and I get Harry? Pleeeeeaaaaasssseeeee.' Louis says with puppy dogs. Liam giggles and nods. 'Okay then! Come you little cookiemonsters!' Paul says laughing and walks to the nursery.

'Harry?' Louis says as he walks with Liam into the room. 'Louis!' Harry says and looks at the door, seeing Louis and his other brother Liam! 'Liam!' Harry giggles and tries to sit up in his crib. None of the boys are fully in their headspace yet but the two daddies are sure that will happen soon.

'Cuddles?' Harry asks as Paul puts the two little boys also in Harrys crib. 'I will get some toys also okay?' Paul says and smiles at the sight of his "sons". They are all cuddling eachother, as close as possible. 'We have sleepover!' Liam says quietly, just like it is a big secret no one should know about.

'Maybe we get candy and cookies too!' Louis says excited, Harry looks at his big brothers. 'Me too?' He asks with hope as he grabs his favorite teddy bear. 'Yes you too!' Liam says happily and claps his hands. 'Beawr too?' Harry asks with hope as he cuddles it close to his chest.

'Even bear can come!' Louis says happily and gives a kiss on Bear's and Harry's cheek. Harry throws a fit of giggles and bounches a bit. Well lets say you can hear it downstairs. Just when Paul wants to say they need to be quiet, awfull hard cries are heard in the house. 'Oh oh.' Harry mumbles and let the tears fall.

'Harry no cry, nini love you. He wake 'cause he no tired.' Liam says, slipping more into his headspace. Paul walks into Nialls nursery. 'Hello my beautiful baby!' Paul says as he walks to Niall. Niall gets silent and watches his daddy. 'Did your brothers woke you up?' Paul smiles, knowing he is basicly talking to himself. Niall doesn't say a word, sometimes he babbles non sence or gurgles but that's it.

Niall lays against him and sucks on the dummy that is in his mouth. Since they started the ageplay he got really attached to it and never lets it go. Paul smiles and quickly changes his wet nappy. 'So let's go to your brothers and have some fun!' Paul says as Simon is already making dinner.

Niall cuddles his beloved blanket and sucks on his dummy. He is the only one who actually slipped into his headspace at the moment. Hopefully the other boys will get into theirs soon too! 'Daddy!' Harry says giggly as he sees Paul with Niall in his arms. 'Harry!' Paul says laughing and puts Niall also in Harry's crib. There is space enough for everyone. All the babies are sitting except Niall, he lays on his tummy with his eyes closed.

Liam looks at Niall and giggles. 'Nini! We pway?' Liam asks and points to the stuffies. Niall throws his arms in the air. Liam giggles and gives the stuffed giraffe to Niall. Niall "plays" with it with Liam.

Harry crawls on Louis' lap. 'Lou.' Harry says and puts his head on Louis' shoulder. 'I want cuddles.' Harry says and looks at his big brother. 'Then you get my cuddles!' Louis says and cuddles Harry happily. 'Want your dummy too?' Harry blushes and nods. Louis smiles and searches for a dummy and sees only Liams and Nialls dummy, they are only in their mouth.

"I can't take Nialls dummy, he is my little brother. But I'm sure Liam won't mind to share it with his brother!" Louis thinks and takes the dummy out of Liams mouth and puts it in Harrys mouth. Harry sucks relaxed on it, leaning more against Louis.

Liam begins to cry loudly, the dummy is his favorite object in his life! Niall looks at Liam and takes his dummy out of his mouth and tries to give it to Liam. 'Fow me?' Liam asks and wipes his tears away. Niall lets it fall on Liams lap. Liam gives a kiss on Nialls mouth and quickly puts the dummy in his mouth.

Niall sucks on his fingers and lays his head on Liams lap. 'Wub nini.' Liam says, now fully in his headspace. 'Sorry lili.' Louis mumbles and takes Liams hand. 'Yew no wub me.' Liam says and takes his hand back.

'Sowwy.' Louis says and begins to cry. Harry gives eskimo kisses to Louis. 'Hawwy sowwy, hawwy wub wouis.' Harry mumbles and cuddles Louis close. 'Wiwi I is sowwy.' Louis says trying to cuddle Liam. 'Wou wub wiwi?' Liam ask as he takes his fingers through Nialls hair. 'Wes Wouis wubs Wiam a wot.' Louis says still crying. 'Wiwi wub Wouis too.' Liam says and holds Louis hand.

'Ready to eat boys?' Paul says as he walks into the room. 'Wes!' They all scream, except Niall who is gurgling. Paul smiles, all his boys are happy and in their headspace!

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