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Niall has recieved a lot of hate lately. He gets really down because of it. The boys notice it and decide to baby him.


Niall as Niall
Liam as Liam
Louis as Louis
Harry as Harry


Niall wakes up in his bed. He yawns and turns around. He picks up his phone with a smile, but that smile fades away when he sees the texts he recieved.

Lately a couple people kept messaging him terrible things about him and his family. He told it on twitter but he mentioned that he doesn't mind and that he is a carefree person. But actually he isn't. He is feeling terrible because of it. It breaks him.

Niall can't do anything about it but he starts to read the first 3 messages.

"Ugh I wished you never auditioned."

"Why do you even live? You don't deserve it to be alive."

"Your family is so discusting, they are fake as fuck just like you."

Niall looks up and lets the tears go. 'Why.' Niall cries in his hands. Liam runs in to the room. 'Niall what's wrong?' Liam asks worried. He lays down next to Niall and cuddles the boy close.

Niall cries into Liam's chest, not liking the messages. He just wants it to stop. 'Are it the texts again nini?' Liam asks feeling sorry for the boy.

'Yes.' Niall says crying, cuddling into Liam. Liam nods and thinks about the meeting he, Louis and Harry had yesterday. They know Niall is struggling with the hate texts he get, so they decided to make it as easy as possible by babying him.

'Lets go downstairs and eat something. Harry made pancakes Nialler, you can lay down on the couch and relax.' Liam says softly, Niall holds onto Liam's neck. 'Don't let me go.' Niall says crying.

'I never will buddy.' Liam says and picks Niall up. He stands up with him and carries Niall downstairs. Niall makes his grib stronger and cries into Liam's neck. Liam rubs the boy's back, saying he is safe.

'Goodmorning Niall.' Harry and Louis say. Niall shakes his head and cries. Liam lays Niall down on the couch. 'Relax buddy, it just are Harry and Louis.' Liam says as he lets go of Niall. Niall cries louder when Liam lets go of him. 'Shhh Nialler, it's okay I'm here.' Liam says, standing next to him.

Niall turns around and cries in his hands. Harry sits down next to the boy. 'Nini? I have a pancake for you. Would you like to eat it?' Niall shakes his head as he cuddles a pillow close to his chest. 'You have to eat something Nini.'

Niall shakes his head, thinking about the message where they told him that he is fat. Louis walks to Niall and picks him up. 'Shhhh it's okay boo, I'm here.' Louis says as he rocks the boy.

'Want to go home.' Niall cries into Louis' shoulder. 'I know you want but we can't boobear.' Louis says, wanting to take care of the boy. 'How about some milk, you like warm milk.'

Niall nods and begins to cry softer. Louis smiles and carries the boy to the kitchen. 'With vanilla?' Niall mumbles, rubbing his eyes. 'Ofcourse, is it okay if I put you down on this chair?' Louis asks. Niall looks down and shakes his head. 'I will make it.' Harry says smiling with something in his hands.

'Thanks Hazzy.' Louis says and holds Niall close. 'I have something for you buddy.' Harry says softly. Niall looks up and sees his stuffy, Sophie the Giraf.

Niall takes it softly from Harry. Niall gives a weak smile and cuddles it close. He lays against Louis and looks at the stuffy. 'We will take care of you boobear, we don't want you hurt.' Louis says.

Niall nods and puts his stuffy against his face. He slowly puts his thumb in his mouth, the stuffy in front of it so no one would see it. Or at least he thinks. Louis smiles at the boy and sits down. He puts the boy on his lap. Niall lays against Louis, feeling protected.

'I have your milk Nialler.' Harry says smiling, standing in front of them. Niall takes the glass with his other hand. He slowly takes his thumb out of his mouth. Niall looks to Louis and gives his stuffy. 'Take care of her now.' Niall says and begins to drink.

'Ofcourse I will take care of her.' Louis says smiling. Niall relaxes by the milk. 'It is good, isn't it?' Louis asks smiling. Niall nods and hears his phone ring. 'Niall wait, you have to record it so we can send it to the police if they are calling.'

Niall looks at his phone and shakes his head, not wanting to pick up anymore. He is very scared it could be one of them. Louis makes sure it is being recorded before Niall picks up.

'Hello?' Niall asks, closing his eyes. 'Yes hello idiot, it is nice to hear your voice. I was wondering why you didn't response to our messages. Are you being a pussy?' 'S-so-sorry.' Niall mumbles, trying not to cry.

'Well that is not what I asked you bitch. Ugh you are ugly, stupid, dumb and now you are pussy as well.' 'No.' Niall says. 'Well yes you are! You don't even text us back. I think I need to say something about your little nephew then.' She begins.

'Well I saw a couple pictures today where little Theo was walking on the catwalk on a tv show. I know where those are being recorded. I think I might go to there someday and say how I feel about him and his family.'

Niall shakes his head and starts to cry. 'Stop! What did I ever do to you?' Niall asks crying. Louis cuddles the boy close, whispering nice things in his ear.

'Oh where should I start. You are ugly, you don't deserve it to be alive, you are discusting, all you think about is yourself, come on! Why were you even made? I bet you were an accident by your parents. Who would even want you?'

All the boys look in shock at the phone. Niall cries in his hands, not knowing why she would say that. Louis ends the call and holds the boy close. 'Shhhh baby, it's okay. We are here for you. We will send it to the police okay? They will make sure those girls won't hurt you or Theo.' Liam says.

'I want my mommy.' Niall cries in his hands. Harry picks the boy up and lays Niall again him. 'I know bud, but you are safer here. They will not touch Theo and I'm sure the police will help with that.' Harry says, rocking the boy. 'I want mommy!!' Niall screams out and begins to kick his legs.

'Sshhhh, relax. It is okay.' Harry says, taking his fingers through Niall's hair. 'Mommy.' Niall cries upset. Harry looks to Liam and Louis, not knowing what to do or to say. Liam nods and stands behind Harry so Niall can see him.

'My hands, your hands tied up like two ships. Drifting, weightless, waves try to break it. I'd do anything to save it, why is it so hard to save it.' Liam sings. When the is at the last part Niall is sniffling, looking into Liam's eyes.

Liam smiles and ends the song. Niall yawns and rubs his eyes, tired from all the crying. 'I think someone needs a nap.' Liam says smiling and gives a kiss on the boy's head. 'But first you need to eat something.' Harry says since Niall hasn't eating anything.

'Pancake?' Niall mumbles, trying to stay awake. 'Yes a pancake.' Liam says smiling and gives the boy a piece of pancake. Niall eats it from Liam's hand, too tired to move.

'Sophie.' Niall mumbles as he points to the table where his stuffy lays. 'Yes Nini, you will get her after you finished your pancake. Only 5 more pieces.' Liam says smiling and gives Niall another piece.

Niall eats slowly and looks at Sophie, really wanting to sleep. 'Daddy, nini full.' Niall mumbles, too tired to think. Liam blushes and puts the plate down. 'It's okay buddy. Lets put you in bed.' Niall nods and makes grabby hands for Liam.

Liam smiles and takes Niall from Harry. Niall lays against him when he gets his stuffy he cuddles it close to his chest. 'Sleep well nini.' Louis and Harry say smiling.

Niall waves and yawns. Liam takes the boy upstairs, he puts him in bed and tucks him in. 'Sweet dreams nini.' Liam says smiling, sitting down next to him. 'Sleep.' Niall says and puts his thumb close to his mouth. Liam smiles and gives the boy a kiss on his head.

Niall relaxes and closes his eyes. 'Yes go to sleep buddy.' Niall nods and rubs the leg of the giraf against his nose, putting his thumb in his mouth. Liam smiles and stands up, hoping those girls will stop bullying Niall and his family.

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