My best friend Lux part 2

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Thursday this girl will be 18! Omg I finally will be 18! When are your birthdays?


My best friend Lux part 2


Niall will have a headspace 1 y/o
Louis will be daddy
Liam will be papa
Harry will be mommy


When Niall wakes up from all the crying he looks to Louis. He is done with the boys teasing him so much, so why not pay back time and act like a real baby? 'Daddy.' Niall says as he cuddles into Louis. The boys are in shock, did he seriously told Louis that he is his daddy?!

'Yes babyboy.' Louis says, smiling brightly. 'Lux back?' Niall asks with big eyes, not wanting to make it easy for the boys. 'No she isn't love.' Niall looks with big eyes and begins to cry as loud as he can. 'Oh baby, don't cry, she will be here soon.' Louis says quickly and rocks the boy on his lap.

Niall starts to kick his legs, not wanting anything but Lux. 'Niallerbaby, please don't cry. Why don't we build a big tower of blocks? That is fun too!' Harry says quickly as Liam puts a dummy in the boy's mouth. Niall relaxes a bit and starts to suck on the dummy. 'See that's better.' Niall looks to Harry and makes grabby hands. 'Mommy.'

Harry quickly picks Niall up and holds him close. 'Mommy has you now baby.' 'Blocks.' Niall mumbles, rubbing the tears out of his eyes. 'Yes lets play with the blocks.' Harry says and puts Niall on his lap. 'You have your own blocks now. Daddy bought this special for you!' Liam says smiling.

Niall looks at it and grabs two blocks, slamming it on the floor. 'No Niall! We don't do that.' Liam says and takes Niall's hands. Niall's eyes go big and shakes his head. 'Sorry papa.' Niall says sobbing. 'Oh no, baby. I didn't mean to be so stern. Oh boo.' Liam says and cuddles the boy close. 'Nini sorry, nini no do more.' Niall cries into Liam's neck, grinning when no one can see it.

'Would you like some milky baby? I think you like that, don't you?' Niall just continues to cry. Harry got the hint and prepares a bottle for his little Irish fella. Niall just cries louder. 'Papa is so sorry baby, he should have been nicer to you.' Liam says as he cuddles the boy close. 'Papa no wub nini.' Niall cries, kicking his legs.

'That is not true baby, papa loves you a lot!' Liam says as he holds Niall's hands. Niall looks to Liam. Liam smiles and gives a kiss on top of Niall's head. Niall giggles and pulls onto Liam's hair. 'AAAAHHHHHH.' Liam screams, making Niall giggle happily. 'Papa silly.' Niall giggles.

'Come baby! I have your bottle.' 'But papa hair!' Niall says with a pout. 'You let that go boo.' Harry says as he walks to Niall. Niall lets go of Liam's hair. Just as Harry picks Niall up, Niall feels something below getting wet. He looks at it and notices that he is peeing.

He begins to freak out. He hasn't peed in his pants for years, and the worst part, he hasn't felt anything of it! While Niall is too busy with thinking, the boys are freaking out. 'Oh boo. Everything is okay.' Niall begins to scream and cry, starting to think he really is a baby.

Harry holds the boy close and carries him to his bathroom. 'Lets clean you up baby.' Niall looks to Harry, not hearing anything but his cries. Harry undresses Niall and puts him in the shower. Niall sits down and cries in his hands. He feels so stupid. He can't drink from a normal cup, he likes to suck on a dummy and now he starts to pee in his pants.

'Hey boo, it is okay. I am going to clean you up now.' Harry says as he rubs Niall's shoulder. 'Mommy.' Niall cries, making grabby hands. 'Would you like to be in bath? I think that would be a better plan. Niall nods and gets picked up by Harry. Louis walks into the room with the bottle. 'I think you would like some milky, don't you?' Niall nods but stays really close to Harry.

'Shall mommy give you your bottle?' Niall nods and opens his mouth. Harry smiles and makes sure warm water goes into the bath first before he takes the bottle. Louis smiles and gives a kiss on top of Niall's head. 'Everything is okay bubba.' Niall shakes his head and rubs his eyes. 'Yes it is.' Louis says, looking at Niall who is so confused.

Niall looks to Harry and opens his mouth. Harry nods and puts the bottle in his mouth. Niall begins to suck, liking the warmth of the milk, it makes him feel relaxed. 'That is much better, isn't it?' Harry asks as he rubs Niall's cheeks.

Niall nods and pushes the bottle away when he wants to be in bath. 'Mommy wif Nini?' He asks with hope, still very venurable. 'Mommy will stay next to you baby, mommy has some toys for you as well.' 'Otay.' Niall mumbles, holding onto Harry's hand.

Harry smiles and puts Niall in the bath tub. Niall holds Harry's hand thightly. 'Boo, is everything okay?' Harry asks, knowing that something was going on. 'Nini is a real baby.' Niall mumbles insecure, finding it stupid. 'No boo, it is okay. Do you understand how harsh the world can be to us?'

'Nini like dummy and toys and milk but no like pee in pants.' Niall says, looking blankly at the water. 'I know you find it scary but we will help you through it all. 'Really? You okay?' Niall asks confused. 'Yes boo, we will take care of you! I think we should buy some nappies. I don't think papa would be happy when he has to do the laundry.' Harry says smiling, giving a kiss on Niall's hair.

Niall giggles and splashes his hands on the water. Niall looks happily to Harry. 'Thank you mommy.'

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