Stressed out part 1

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All the boys have a lot of hate, so they all go into ageplay.


Paul will be mommy
Preston will be daddy
Niall will have a headspace 1 y/o
Harry will have a headspace 1 y/o
Liam will have a headspace 2 y/o
Louis will have a headspace 3 y/o


The boys are at their house, watching some netflix. The boys have been very stressed lately, they don't want to go out anymore. Because everytime there would be a lot of people who are screaming at them, sometimes they even beat or kick them. They never been more down then now.

Niall walks into the room with tears stains on his cheeks. The boys look at him, knowing he just cried. 'Come here nini.' Louis says. Niall nods and sits down next to Louis. Louis puts an arm around the boy. Niall cuddles against Louis, starting to cry again.

Suddenly the bell rings, making the four jump up or scream. 'Who's going to take it?' Liam mumbles. Niall shakes his head and cries louder when he notices that he is peeing out of scaredness. Harry is behind the sofa, cuddling a pillow. 'No no no no.' Louis mumbles as he is the only one who's left.

Liam quickly goes to Niall and help him. So Louis has to go. 'No I can't.' Louis screams as he sits down next to Harry and cuddles him close. Soon they hear footsteps in their house.

'Boys?' Paul asks as he walks into the livingroom. All the boys scream. 'Guys relax it's me.' Paul says, making the guys realise it is Paul and not a hater.

'What happened to you four?' Paul asks and walks to them. 'Nothing.' They quickly say and hide a bit. 'Boys? I know something is wrong.' Paul says and notices Niall's wet pants.

Niall begins to cry louder. 'It's okay nini, lets clean you up.' Paul says and picks the boy up. Niall looks up with red eyes from crying. 'Sorry.' He mumbles and holds onto Paul's shirt.

'Things like that happen Niall.' Paul says and rubs Niall's back. 'Mommy.' Niall says and closes his eyes. Paul smiles and takes the boy to his room. 'Niall do you have more of these accidents?' Paul asks as he puts the boy on his bed. Niall blushes.

Paul nods and thinks about a solution while grabbing Niall's clothes. Niall looks at Paul and grabs the duvet. Paul returns and takes Niall's pants off. Niall looks in fear. 'Nini relax boo. I helped you more with things like this.' Paul says as he rubs Niall's belly.

Niall nods, slowly putting his thumb in his mouth. Paul cleans Niall up and puts clothes on him. He picks Niall up who is still sucking on his thumb. Paul lays the boy close against him and rocks him a bit. 'Niall how about I buy you nappies and dummies?' Paul says softly, not wanting to scare the boy.

'Okay.' Niall mumbles, half asleep on Paul. 'Let's go back to the boys.' Paul says and walks back to the three who are watching a disney movie. Harry is already alseep on Louis' lap.

Paul smiles at the three and sits down with Niall on his lap. 'Boys, can you tell me what's wrong?' Paul asks concerned. Liam crawls to Paul. 'Too much hate.' Liam mumbles and cuddles his stuffy close to his chest. 'Oh baby.' Paul says and puts an arm around the boy who is starting to cry.

'How about I start to take care of you. So you forget the hate and the stress.' Paul says and cuddles the boys close. 'Is that okay?' Niall and Liam nod. 'Louis too?' Paul asks as he looks to the boy.

Louis looks up and quickly looks away. Paul puts Niall close to Liam and walks to Louis. He picks the boy up and holds him close. 'Is everything okay lou?' Louis lays against him and rubs his eyes. 'I don't wanna be a baby.' Louis mumbles.

'You don't have to be baby Louis.' Paul says as he rubs the boy's back. 'How about 3 year old babe?' 'But lou lou needs nappy too.' Louis whisperes. 'That's okay boobear, the others will too.' Paul says as he picks Harry up too. 'How about a nap. So I can get the objects for you guys.' Paul says.

He carries the boys to a bedroom and lays Harry down. 'Come on lou, take a wee before you go to bed.' Paul says as he tucks Harry in. Louis nods and walks to the bathroom. Paul smiles and grabs a pyjama for Louis. 'Oh oh.' Louis mumbles. 'Whats wrong buddy?' 'Couldn't open zipper.' Louis mumbles sniffling. 'Oh buddy, things like that happen.' Paul says and walks into the bathroom. 'Come lets clean you up and put clean clothes on you.'

Louis nods and gets cleaned up by Paul. 'Okay buddy, we are done. Let's put you in bed.' Louis nods but hears Niall and Liam cry. 'Cuddles?' Louis mumbles sniffling. 'How about you cuddle with Hazzy first and then I come back with the two little ones.' Paul says.

Louis whines but gets laid down next to Harry. 'I'll be right back buddy.' Louis nods. Paul smiles and runs to the other boys. 'Oh babes. What happened?' Paul asks as he picks the two boys up.

The two boys point at their glass. But now all their water is now on them. 'We wanted to grab our drink but it fell.' Liam says and makes grabby hands to Paul. Paul picks the boy up. 'I will get some sippy cups and bottles.' Paul says and gives a kiss on Liam's head. Niall looks up and kicks his legs.

'I know buddy. You want attention too.' Paul says as he picks Niall up. 'Let's put you two in bed after I changed you in your pyjama's.' Paul says. 'Thirsty.' Liam and Niall say. Paul nods and walks to their kitchen. He puts the two on the floor and searches for a plastic cup.

He fills the cup with water. 'Liam you first.' Paul says as he kneels down next to the boy. He helps the two boys drink before taking them to another room. 'You two need to take a wee before we go to bed.' Paul says and gets two pyjamas.

The two boys pee and return. Paul smiles and helps the boys into their pyjamas. Niall giggles and looks at Liam. He nods and quickly begins to move with Niall . 'Come on boys, Louis wants attention too.' Paul says as grabs Niall. Niall nods and let Paul put his pyjama on.

'Paul!!!' Louis screams from the other room. 'I'm coming!' Paul says and quickly changes Liam. 'Now you two are going to sleep.' Paul says as he tucks the two boys in.

Paul smiles and walks to Louis who is sniffling again. Paul picks the boy up. 'You really don't want a nap, do you?' 'No nap.' Louis says and lays against Paul. 'That's alright buddy. Why don't we go to the store and buy nappies, bottles, dummy's maybe some toys.' Paul says, making Louis glow.

'I will ask Preston if he can watch these three.' Paul says and texts Preston. Preston texts back that they can go. He will be there in 5 minutes.

'Okay lou, first we need to put you in normal clothes, not a pyjama.' Paul says and gets some clothes. Louis giggles as he is stuck in his pyjama shirt which he tried to get off.

Paul laughs and helps the boy. Louis giggles happily and when he has everything on they hear the door open. 'Pressy?' Louis asks with hope. 'Hello buddy!' Preston says as he walks inside. Louis giggles and looks at Preston. 'Hello.' Louis says and quickly looks at Paul.

'Thanks Pres, Niall and Liam are asleep in that room and Harry in this room.' Paul says as he puts his jacket on. 'Let's go.' Paul says and walks with Louis outside.

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