Are you my daddy?

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Niall is on an ageplay site where he talks to people who are his online daddies. One day one of the boys leaves his phone at home and when Niall sends a message his message is on the boy's phone. Later he decides to tell it to him. They find it weird but they end up as a happy baby and a happy daddy


Niall headspace 4 years old
Louis will be daddy
Liam as Liam
Harry as Harry


'Niall are you sure you don't want to come with us and shop some new clothes?' Harry asks, Niall nods as he lays on the couch. 'Are you feeling sick?' Liam asks worried, walking to the boy.

'No, just tired.' Niall mumbles and rubs his eyes. 'Come lets put you to bed then.' Louis says, worrying about the boy. 'No.' Niall says and turns around. Louis nods and puts a blanket on top of him. 'Well sweet dreams Niall.' Louis says and walks out of the house with the others.

Niall opens his eyes and runs to his room. 'Piggy!!' Niall giggles and cuddles his stuffed animal. He has been hiding something from the boys. He does ageplay, but no one knows about it except a couple people on an ageplay site.

Niall chats to them at night and when the boys are gone. His favorite daddy is daddy2412 he talks with him as much as he can. He takes his phone and quickly goes online. 'Dadddyyy, I alone.' Niall sends giggling. As he takes his sippy cup with him he walks downstairs.

'Daddy talk wiff me?' Niall sends again as he lays down on the couch, suddenly he sees someones phone light up with his message. 'Nononono.' Niall whimpers. 'Omg Louis why.' Niall says, getting very anxious.

Niall doesn't notice the door is being opened and someone walks into the livingroom. 'Aahhh there it is! Sorry Nialler forgot my phone.' Louis says and looks at Niall.

'Are you okay buddy?' Louis asks worried. 'Daddy.' Niall cries in his hands. 'Oh nini do you miss home so much again?' Louis asks as he pulls the boy close.

'No you my daddy.' Niall cries, scared of what is going to happen. 'I'm not your daddy Ni.' Louis says confused. Niall takes Louis' phone and puts it on the table. 'It's me Louis.' Niall sends, after a couple seconds it appears on Louis' phone.

'Omg.' Louis says, his eyes getting big. Niall cries in his stuffy, not knowing what to do. 'I ehm you are in ageplay? How did you keep it from us?' Louis asks confused, trying to cuddle Niall. Niall pushes Louis away and makes himself small.

'Louis we got to go now.' Liam says as he walks into the livingroom. 'Oh nini, whats wrong?' Liam asks when he sees Niall. 'Why don't you two go shopping, I will stay with him.' Louis says as Niall finally lets him cuddle him.

Niall looks to Liam and Louis just wanting to be in his headspace. Liam nods and ruffles Niall's hair. 'If you want us to stay we will.' Liam says, being very worried.

'Want to be alone.' Niall says crying and runs to his room. Liam texts Harry that he needs to come inside. 'Let me try.' Louis says and stands up. He walks to Niall and knocks on his door. 'Nini baby? Can I come in boo?' Louis asks, really wanting to comfort him.

'Daddy will hold you.' Louis says as Niall doesn't say anything. Louis walks into the room and sees Niall, laying crying on his bed, sucking on his thumb while cuddling his stuffy close.

Niall looks up with big eyes. Louis picks the boy up and lays him against his chest. 'Ssshhhh daddy is here baby. No need to cry.' Louis says, rocking his little Irish boy. Niall calms down slowly and lays against Louis.

'Daddy.' Niall mumbles relaxed. Louis smiles and nods. 'Yes baby, daddy is here.' Niall giggles softly. 'Daddy nini nappy? Nini has peepee in nappy.' Niall mumbles as he looks to Louis.

'Daddy will change you baby if you give me all the things I need.' Louis says as he lays the boy down on his bed. Niall whines and crosses his arms. Louis tickles the boy's belly.

Niall giggles and tries to push Louis' hands away. 'Daddy stop!! Nini nappy.' Niall giggles. Louis smiles and stops. 'Lets change you.' Louis says as he sees Niall pointing to his ageplay stuff.

Louis gets everything and locks the door. 'I think someone really needs a nap after this.' Louis says, looking to Niall. Niall shakes his head and crosses his arm. 'No, nini no nap!' Niall says as Louis changes his nappy.

'Well someone is getting cranky.' Louis says as he is done with changing. 'Daddy sleep.' Niall says, cuddling his piggy close. Louis shakes his head and puts the boy under the duvet. 'Can you try it for daddy?' Louis asks, tucking the boy in.

'No!' Niall says, kicking his legs. He might seem wide awake but he is really tired. 'I don't think you want a time out, do you?' Louis says a bit stern. 'No.' Niall mumbles and looks to his hands, playing a bit with it.

'Well then just try, it is okay if you read a book or talk to your piggy. Niall nods and puts his thumb in his mouth. 'Daddy story.' Niall mumbles, rubbing with his other hand his eye.

Louis nods and looks in the box for a book and a dummy. He doesn't find a dummy but he did find a book. 'Daddy will buy you a dummy later Nialler.' Louis says and lays down next to the boy. Niall puts his head on top of Louis' chest.

While Louis is telling the story, Niall is falling more and more asleep. When Louis finished the story Niall is fast asleep. His thumb in his mouth and his piggy under his arm.

'Sleep well baby.' Louis says smiling and gets out of bed. He walks to the hall and sees a worried Liam and Harry.

'Is he okay?' Liam asks. 'Yes he is, he is asleep. He was just tired.' Louis says smiling and walks with them to their couch, realising he is Niall's daddy now.

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