Nappy regression

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How about Niall has to wear nappies because he has accidents at night but the boys don't know and while coming back from a concert, he falls asleep on one of their laps and since he isn't wearing a nappy he pisses himself and wakes up crying. But the boys reassure him it's okay and they are okay with it. Niall starts wanting to be carried and falling asleep on them in the middle of conversations and one night when there was a thunderstorm Niall gets scared during his naps and goes to Louis and starts crying and he asks for milk in a bottle and they had one of Lux's bottles so they used that and gave him and he just continuously regresses into a headspace so the boys take care of him.


Niall will have a headspace 2 y/o
Harry will be papa
Louis will be daddy
Liam will be mommy


'Thank you so much London!' Louis screams as they walk off stage. When they are backstage they run to the van, so no one will know that they are in there. 'That show was really good.' Niall says yawning. 'Well I see it also made you exhausted..' Harry says laughing, cuddling the boy.

After 10 minutes they are at Liam's house. They decided to stay there until the concerts in London would be over. Also because Liam's house is the closest near the stadium and he has enough bedrooms for all the boys. 'Well boys, we will be there soon. Then we relax and sleep.' Liam says smiling. Niall nods and tries to controle his stress. He has been having accidents when he sleeps. He can't really control his bladder anymore so during the night he wears nappies. When they all agreed to stay there he got nervous. He just doesn't want to get caught.

They arrive at the house and go to the living room, they sit down while Liam grabs something to eat and drink. Louis lays down on the couch, making sure no one else sits there. Niall looks around. He doesn't want to sit in Liam's chair, another one is already taken by Liam's dog and Harry is in the other chair. 'You can sit on my lap Nialler, it is okay.' 'No it is okay Haz, I will lay down on the carpet.' Niall says grabbing a pillow and lays down.

'Are you sure?' Niall nods and takes his drink from Liam. The boys watch a serie they all like. Niall's eyes are starting to drop, making him get tired. The boys smile and look at the adorable boy. When he starts to snore the boys know he fell asleep. 'Aww cute baby.' Louis says. Harry nods and picks the boy up. 'Now I still have you on my lap.' Harry says laughing, cuddling the boy close on his lap.

It stayed good until Harry started to feel something wet on his pants. When he notices what it is he begins to scream, taking the boy to the toilet. 'NIALL!!!' Harry screams, not liking it. Niall wakes up and begins to cry, not only because he is awake but also because Harry is yelling at him and he just wet his pants in front of everyone. 'Boys? What's wrong?' Liam asks confused, walking with Louis to the toilet where they are.

'Well I see two boys who just peed in their pants.' Louis says laughing, receiving a smack from Liam. 'Nialler? It is okay, come let's change you baby.' Liam says. Niall looks in fear to Liam, shaking his head. Harry cools down quickly and picks the boy up. 'Oh nini, I'm so sorry. It is okay, stress can do a lot of things, including accidents.' Harry says, holding the boy close. Niall looks to Louis, scared what he has to say about it. 'You can't do anything about it Nibear. Don't worry, we will take care of you.' Louis says seriously. He didn't understand the situation until it became clear that one of the two really had an accident.

Niall cries into Harry's chest, not liking what happened. Even though the boys said they didn't mind, he still doesn't believe them. Who wouldn't be mad if someone pissed on you. 'I think it is time to clean you up and put you in bed. How about you sleep with me tonight?' Liam suggests. Niall shakes his head, wanting to be on his own at the moment. 'Can we help with something.' Louis asks. 'Talk.' Niall mumbles. 'Okay but first we clean you up.' Harry says, taking the boy upstairs.

'Hey Nini don't worry, everything is okay. If you want it to do by yourself it is okay as well. I don't want you to be uncomfortable.' Harry says, laying the boy down on his bed. 'I will do myself, you clean yourself up, we will meet downstairs.' Niall says, red face from crying. Harry nods and smiles. 'I will see you downstairs.' Niall nods and goes to the shower.

When he comes out of the shower he puts a nappy on him, just to be sure he doesn't wet himself or someone else again. Then he puts his pyjama on and walks out of his room. 'Harry?' Niall mumbles, not sure if he is still upstairs. 'Yes Nialler? Is something wrong?' Harry asks, walking out of his room, clean again. 'Sorry for what happened. Lately I have some problem with controlling my bladder when I sleep. But I'm wearing a nappy right now so don't worry, we can still cuddle. I mean, if you still want.' Niall says nervously.

'I'm happy you tell me Nialler, sometimes things are embarrassing but it is okay. I promise I won't tell anyone about nappies. Shall we go downstairs?' Harry asks, cuddling the boy. 'Carry me?' Niall asks scared. Harry nods and picks the boy up. Niall lays against Harry. Harry smiles and takes downstairs. 'There are my clean boys!' Louis says smiling. Harry nods and puts Niall on Liam's lap. 'So Nialler, we thought if you have problems with controlling your bladder, maybe it would be better if we try nappies.' Liam says, rubbing the boy's back. 'I wear nappy now, only sleep time nappies.' Niall says, making the boys nod.

The boys have a talk for half an hour but Niall has fallen asleep in the middle of the conversation. 'Well lets put him in bed, he is probably exhausted. Liam takes the boy upstairs and puts Niall in his bed again. 'Sleep well Nini.' Liam says, putting the duvet on top of Niall. 'Take a good rest, tomorrow tour again.' He says before walking back.

Niall wakes up in the middle of the night, feeling very scared when he sees and hears the thunderstorm. He hides under the duvet and starts to shake. 'Daddy?' Niall asks crying, or rather said sobbing. After 5 minutes still no one, so he decides to go to Louis. 'Daddy? Nini scarwy. No wike storwm.' Niall says crying. Louis wakes up and quickly goes to the boy. 'I think you can sleep with me tonight Ni. Everything is okay, I got you.' Louis says, taking the boy in bed. Niall cuddles close against Louis. 'Milky.' Niall says crying on Louis' shoulder.

'But baby then I have to leave you here.' Niall shakes his head and lets go of Louis. 'Bottle plwease.' Niall mumbles softly. 'I don't know if Liam has bottles.' Louis says, making Niall cry louder. 'I will search okay boo. 'Wes daddy.' Niall says crying. Louis looks at the boy, not sure if he heard it right. He decides to run downstairs and to make as soon as possible that bottle.

After a search of 5 minutes he finds a bottle who was actually from Lux but Lou decided to keep it there just in case she ever needed it. But now she is too old for it anyway. So Louis quickly makes the bottle and runs back upstairs. Niall is a mess, he is sobbing in the empty bed, making himself as small as possible. Louis' heart breaks when he sees the younger boy. He lays down next to him and holds him close, telling him that everything is okay.

He puts Niall on his lap and puts the nipple of the bottle in Niall's mouth. Niall relaxes and starts to suck, loving the taste. 'Mmmmmm.' Niall mumbles while drinking. Louis smiles and sings softly, finding this extremely cute. When the bottle is empty Niall pushes it away. 'Fank yew daddy.' Niall says content, falling asleep with his thumb in his mouth.

The days after have been the same. During the day he is 22 year old Niall but when they get home he is tired and gets into his 2 year old headspace. The boys find it hard sometimes but they love the boy.


Hey loves, I'm having a good idea for a new story. I have the idea but not a name. Can you think of a good name? Maybe yours will be the title of what maybe will be my next new book.

The idea:

You are hired to watch the boys and make sure they are happy and okay. At first they find it scary to open up but later after they did a concert they can't sleep and come to you with all different kind of baby objects. So you start taking care of the four boys.

I hope you can find a good name. Thank you :)

P.S. I'm not sure when this book will come. I first want a lot of parts for my other books before I start writing a new book.

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