The thunderstorm

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Hello loves,

Today my new book is published. It is called:
Babysitter or Mommy?
It will be just like this book and Kidnapped Nialler. I will post every Sunday!

I hope you like it



Niall is in age play (age maybe 2-3). Every once in a while he stops the age play for a night so the boys can go for a night out. During one of these nights there is a thunderstorm while the boys are out. Niall is terrified of them since he was young. He slips back into his headspace. The boys can't hear the storm because the club is Loud but rush home when he rings them all panicky and crying. When they get home they comfort and cuddle him in their bed.


Niall headspace 2,5 y/o
Harry mommy
Louis papa
Liam daddy


'Boys?' Niall mumbles, feeling weird since he is out of the headspace he is usually in. 'Niall? Is everything okay?' Liam asks confused. 'Yeah, but why don't you guys go and have a night out. You deserve it.' Niall says. The boys smile and cuddle the boy close. 'Aww Niall! Thanks love! We will make everything ready for you before we go okay?' 'Yes please.' Niall says, he doesn't really know how to make food or know where everything is in the kitchen.

Once in a while Niall lets the boys go and have a fun night out. He feels guilty sometimes because the boys have to take care of them 24/7. Niall will get out of his headspace and will sit on the couch while watching tv or a movie.

Harry grabs the boy's hand and takes him to the kitchen. 'Do you want to eat with us or do you want us to go out already?' Harry asks smiling, knowing Niall needs some alone time as well.

'Alone.' Niall says, leaning against Harry since he just had his nap. 'Okay boo. I think it would be better if you ordered some pizza. I don't want you to search in the kitchen for food. I will put some snacks on the table with some drinks. Would you like soda drinks? I will put a big bottle with water and milk on there as well.'

Niall nods and looks to all the objects he gets on the table. 'What kind of pizza would you like tonight? Daddy will call for you so you don't have to do that.' Liam says, wanting to make it as easy as possible for the boy. The last time Niall said he could do it by himself but he didn't have dinner so he was starved when the boys got home. 'Normal pizza.' Niall says, wanting to be cuddles by someone. Louis cuddles the boy from behind. 'Papa is really proud of you, you know that?' Niall giggles and nods.

'So lets get you ready, would you like to watch a movie tonight?' Niall shakes his head. 'Just television.' Louis nods and sits down on the couch with Niall. 'You know what rules we have right?' 'Yes Lou, not going out of the house, not picking up the phone unless it is one of you. If someone knocks on the door, don't open up, even if the person says it is one of you.' Niall says with a giggle. 'Yes! Perfect!' Louis says happily.

'Well then we only have to wait until the pizza arrives before we go.' The boys say after they made sure everything is on the table for Niall. Not long after the doorbell rings and Liam opens up. He comes back with the pizza Niall wanted. 'Well give us a big hug before we go.' Harry says smiling, opening his arms. Niall runs into Harry's arms. 'You know that you can call us whenever you want. Just push the button one, two, or three. If we don't pick up you can call uncle Mark on number 4. There is a list next to the phone okay?' Niall nods, finding it a bit scary.

'Have fun.' Niall mumbles, cuddling all the boys. 'Thank you Niall, you too.' Liam says smiling. Niall nods and lets go, waving to the boys. 'Bye bye.' Niall says, sitting down on the couch. 'Just call us if something is wrong.' Harry says before giving a kiss on the boy's head. The boys go out of the house.

Niall puts the television on and eats pizza. Everything goes okay until it starts to get really dark in the house. Niall walks to the window and sees some flashes in the air. Niall's lip begins to wobble and goes back to the couch. 'Mommy?' Niall mumbles, falling back into his headspace. When the boy hears the thunder he begins to cry. He hides under the blanket and sucks on his thumb. 'Nini scary.' Niall cries.

When Niall was little he got scared of a lot of things; the dark, tiny crowded rooms, some animals and thunder. The boys are in a crowded club so they only hear the music and each other when they talk close.

'MOMMYYYY.' Niall cries, usually when he was scared his mommy would come over and calm him down. 'Phone.' He mumbles as he takes the phone and looks at all the numbers that are on there. He decides to click on number one, but no reaction. He tries the numbers 1, 2 and 3 multiple times but no reaction. So he decides to try number four, not knowing which number is who anymore.

'Hello?' Mark asks, not knowing who is calling yet. 'Markie?' Niall asks crying. 'Yes this is uncle Mark, is everything okay Nialler?' 'No, Nini let daddy, papa and mommy go out but now thunder storm.' Niall says crying 'Oh loves, I will call them until they pick up okay. I'm sure they will call back. But stay with me on the phone okay? I will call your daddy, mommy and papa okay?' 'Otay Markie.' Niall says crying, cuddling a stuffy which laid on the couch.

After a quarter Louis finally picks up his phone. 'Hey Mark.' Louis says laughing. 'Hey Lou, can you go home right now. There is a thunderstorm outside, Niall has gotten little and is scared to death.' Mark says quickly. 'Shit, boys, Niall has called me like 5 times.' Liam says, stressing out. 'Okay thank you Mark, just keep talking to him. We are on our way back home.' Louis says as they run to the wardrobe and get their jackets.

'Love it is okay, they are on their way. I wished I could come over but my little girl is having a hard time as well. She is sick and her mommy is on vacation so I have to take care of her boo. But I will talk to you until the boys are there.' Niall is panicking, shaking on the couch while crying for comfort.

After a minute or 10 the boys run into the house, when they get into the living room they quickly go to Niall. Niall is breathing heavy and is shaking, still asking for his mommy, daddy and papa. Harry slowly takes the blanket off Niall. 'Hey sweetheart, we are back.' Liam says, making eye contact with Niall. Niall sobs and get picked up by Harry. Harry rubs the boy's back while walking around the room. Louis is making a bottle while Liam is getting all the objects they need right now.

When Liam comes back, Niall is still a mess. Liam starts to get worried, knowing the boy has been like this for a long time. He quickly puts a dummy in Niall's mouth and puts the boy, with the help of Harry, in a sleeper. 'I know bubba, I know.' Harry says, not knowing what to do anymore. He softly sings while waiting for the bottle.

Soon Louis is there with a big bottle full with milk. 'I think someone could use this babyboy.' Louis says, giving the bottle to Harry. Harry replaces the dummy for the nipple of the bottle and starts to feed him. While the three parents are singing and the warm milk is coming into Niall's belly, Niall starts to relax. He feels safe and protected by his daddy, papa and mommy. 'Go to sleep baby, you need to rest.' Are the last words Niall hears before falling asleep.

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