The football match

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Niall and Louis play in the soccer aid but England wins. Niall who is in age play doesn't like it and ignores his papa Louis. (If there would be a pouting Nialler on the field it would even be better ;) )


Niall headspace 3 y/o
Harry mommy
Liam daddy
Louis papa


'Niall! Louis!' Hundreds of fans scream. The boys are playing against each other for soccer aid. Of course it is for a charity but they still wanna win from each other. Well especially Niall wants to win from his daddy.

Niall and Louis are big football fans so when they heard they were invited to be in the team they couldn't say no. The only problem is that Niall is actually in a headspace of a 3 year old who is struggling with potty training. It wouldn't be a problem if Louis could be with him in the dressing room to help him or to put a fresh pull up on him. But since that can't happen the boys have to remind him the whole time. It has gone okay, he had 2 accidents but luckily no one has seen it.

At the moment the teams are playing their ass of. Since Niall had his knee surgery, he can't really play for long so he decided to play for the last 15 minutes. The game is being stopped so they can change. Niall smiles brightly as he walks onto the field. Louis runs to the boy and wishes him luck. 'Okay baby, you need to stay big and play really well. Daddy has a really good team!' Louis says. 'No, Nini will win!' Niall says happily. Louis laughs and runs back to his spot.

Not long after that England scores, Louis grins and celebrates with his team. Niall pouts and looks at Liam and Harry who are in the crowd on the first row. The boys try to cheer the boy up by screaming positive sentences. 'Come on Nialler! Now it is your turn to score!' 'Show everyone what you can do!'

Niall nods and gets motivated. 'TEAM COME ON!!! WE HAVE TO WIN!!!' Niall screams to his team.

After 15 minutes the game is over and England wins. While England is celebrating ROW is walking to their wives or to their bond coach. Niall sits down and pouts, kicking his leg from frustration.

When the boys are allowed to walk to Niall and Louis, they quickly go to Niall who is being sad. 'Hey baby, everything is okay. It is for Unicef, you raised a lot of money Nini. You should be proud of yourself! You did an amazing job!' Liam says, sitting down next to the boy. 'We are so proud of you Ninibaby. You even played! Remember when the doctor said you weren't able to play but the physiotherapist from your soccer team said you could? That is already very special!' Harry says.

Niall shakes his head, letting some tears fall. 'Come lets change you for the press interview.' Liam says, helping the boy get up. 'Come lets congrats Louis first.' Harry says as the England team goes to their changing room as well.

Louis walks to them and makes a group hug. 'Hey Nialler, what is wrong?' Louis asks worried when he sees the tearstained face. Niall looks away, not wanting to talk to him. 'Babe, you did an amazing job! Your team is really good. I'm really proud of you.' Louis says, wanting to give Niall a hug but Niall pushes Louis away before he could cuddle him.

'He is just a bit cranky, lets clean you up. I think some players of your team are already gone nini.' Liam says taking the boy to the changing room where everyone is already cleaned up and in their suit. 'Nialler? is everything okay?' Someone of his team asks. 'No, it's my knee again.' Niall lies and walks ''in pain'' to the showers. Liam walks into the changing room. 'Hey.' He says before walking to Liam. Niall sits in the corner of the room, crying softly.

Liam takes the boy in his arms and comforts him. 'It is okay Nialler, why don't you take a shower. Then I will make sure everyone will be out of the room so we have some time to rest and change you.' Liam says softly, he feels Niall nod. 'Does he need a chair? Or an ice pack?' Ronaldinho asks. Niall looks up and remembers that he said his knee hurt.

'No thanks, I will ask if Mark if he can come here to check it out.' He says, giving the man a small smile. Ronaldinho nods. 'We are going upstairs to talk to the coach, I will say you will come later.' 'Thanks.' Liam says smiling, really appreciating it.

'Lads time to go upstairs!' He says, making everyone go upstairs. 'Alone?' Niall asks, feeling that he is slipping in his headspace. Liam checks everything and nods, taking the big baby bag with him. 'Duckie?' Niall asks, wanting his ducky towel with a duck head. 'Well my little ducky has luck! Daddy has it with him.' Niall claps his hands and makes grabby hands. 'Well you need to shower first boo, I have a toy with me so daddy can shower you.' Liam says, baring Niall.

While Liam is showering Niall, Louis and Harry are waiting upstairs pretty worried, not knowing where they are. 'Maybe they are still in the changing room?' Harry says, taking Louis with him to ROW changing room. 'Liam? Niall?' Louis asks, hoping they are in there.

'Come in boys.' Liam says, walking out of the bathroom. The two boys walk into the room. 'Hello my cute little ducky.' Harry says in a baby voice to Niall. Niall giggles happily and makes a duck face. 'Hello little football player of my.' Louis says, taking Niall from Liam.

Niall looks at Louis with big eyes, getting tears in his eyes. But before Louis could speak Niall begins to cry loudly again. 'Hey baby what's wrong? Don't you like papa anymore?' Louis asks confused, when Niall begins to kick and punch him he gives the boy to Harry. 'I will go upstairs, my team needs me.' Louis mumbles, walking away.

'Niall you can not do that mister! You do NOT punch or kick one of your daddies.' Niall looks to Liam with big eyes, knowing he gets a punishment. 'First 5 spanks and then a time out for you.' Harry finishes, not happy with the boy. At this moment Niall is sobbing and begging not to give the spanking.

'No Niall, you deserve the spanking. You were doing something very naughty. Niall nods and looks scared to Liam. Liam puts Niall on his lap and gives the boy 5 spanks.

Niall is a sobbing mess, snot is running down his nose. 'Shhhh baby, I think it is time for a nap.' Liam says, rocking the boy back and forth. 'Time out?' Harry asks mumbling. Liam shakes his head, knowing the boy is exhausted.

Harry nods and gives Niall a dummy and his stuffed animal. 'Mommy.' Niall mumbles, looking into Harry's eyes. 'Yes baby?' 'Mommy love.' Niall mumbles yawning, softly crying.

Harry smiles and picks the boy up. 'Mommy gives you all the love you need.' Harry says, rocking the boy back and forth.

After an hour Niall had to be awake for the press meeting. Louis walks to the boy in Harry's arms. 'Hello baby, you need to wake up love. You will miss the press interview.' Louis says softly.

Niall opens his eyes and yawns. 'No papa, nini sweep.' Niall mumbles. 'Sorry baby, the press interviews are in a couple minutes.'

'Oh.' Niall mumbles, rubbing his eyes. Louis smiling and takes the boy in his arms. 'Nini sowwy papa, nini no like losing.' Niall mumbles, hiding into Louis.

'It is okay baby, I'm glad you apologize to papa. Papa loves you little football player.' Niall giggles and gives Louis a kiss. 'Nini love papa.' Niall says.

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