Niall's dream

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Prologe for when Niall wants to be a baby? plzzzz?


Niall will have a headspace 2 y/o
Harry will be daddy
Liam will be papa
Louis will be mummy


Niall has a problem, a big problem. Not because he is in trouble, but because of something he really wants. He wants to tell the boys but he is too scared to tell them about it.

He has been thinking about what he should do. Shall he tell the boys that he wants to be a baby, or could he maybe do it without saying.

He decides to tell no one but he will try to make it clear to the boys. He will have accidents, cry a lot, sitting on someone's lap, not eating by himself, go to bed early, have his stuffy 24/7 and suck on his thumb.

Niall giggles at the idea and cuddles his stuffy goat. 'You and I soon will be both a baby! Not only you goat!' Niall giggles and cuddles it close to his chest.

'Niall lunch is ready!' Liam screams from downstairs. Niall sighs but thinks about his plan. Niall stands up and walks with his stuffy downstairs. 'Hey Nialler.' Liam says smiling as they are already sitting by the table.

Niall smiles and looks at his chair. 'Come Nialler, sit down. We know you are hungry.' Louis says as he watches Niall stand there for 2 minutes. 'Want cuddles.' Niall mumbles softly.

'Nialler after lunch we can watch a movie with cuddles.' Harry says. Niall gets a pout, not long after he begins to cry. The boys look confused at the boy. 'Niall? What's wrong?' Liam asks as he stands up and cuddles the boy.

Niall relaxes and leans against Liam. 'Come nini, let's eat then we can cuddle more.' Liam says and tries to put Niall on his chair. Niall kicks his legs but because Liam is way stronger, he ends up on his chair.

Niall begins to cry again, wanting to sit on someones lap. Louis walks to him and kneels down. 'Niall what's wrong lad?' Louis asks as he rubs Niall's back. Niall looks and cuddles Louis. 'Are you feeling a bit sick?' Louis asks as he puts his hand on Niall's cheek and forehead.

'No you are not warm.' Louis says and make Niall let go of him. 'Lets just eat a bit and relax. I think you are very tired nini.' Niall shakes his head, crying even louder. 'Can you tell us what is wrong then?' Louis asks with hope. 'Cuddles.'

'Come here.' Harry says, not handeling it anymore. Niall runs to Harry and sits down on his lap. 'Shhhhh, it's okay.' Harry says and cuddles the boy. Niall relaxes and makes himself small on Harry's lap. He slowly puts his thumb in his mouth, relaxing.

'Lets eat.' Liam says and shoves Niall's plate to Harry and Niall. Harry turns Niall to the table and takes the thumb out of Niall's mouth. Niall looks at the plate and then at Harry. 'Just eat something Nialler.' Harry says as he puts goat on the table. Niall quickly grabs it back.

'Mine.' Niall says, and cuddles it close to his chest. 'I think we need to put someone back to bed.' Liam says as he stands up with and takes Niall in his arms. Niall whines because he is really hungry.

'Are you going to behave and eat? With goat on the table?' Liam asks and looks into Niall's eyes. Niall feels really scared and quickly nods, letting some tears fall.

Liam sighs and puts Niall down on his chair. 'You are going to eat now.' Liam says and sits down again. Niall makes himself small and cries.

'Come on buddy, just eat a bit.' Louis says and walks to him, feeling guilty. He takes Niall's fork and put some food on it. Niall looks at Louis and opens his mouth. Louis smiles and feeds him. Niall eats, feeling like he succeed.

But when he is done they put everything in the kitchen and let Niall alone. Niall thinks about what he should do now. But before he comes with a solution the boys walk in.

'Come Niall lets go to bed.' Harry says and stands next to his chair. Niall shakes his head but rubs his eyes. 'Tv.' Niall says yawning. 'In bed nini, come.' Harry says and takes Niall out of his chair. Niall holds onto Harry's neck.

Harry looks confused at Niall and puts the boy on his feet. While Harry takes the boy's stuffy Niall sits down on his butt and lays down. 'Come on nini, you are a big boy!' Harry says and walks to the door. Niall crawls while following Harry. 'Okay Niall what is wrong today? You've been acting very strange.' Harry says, a bit done with him now. Niall lays down, feeling that he needs to pee.

'Wee.' Niall says and looks to Harry. 'What?' Harry asks but sees Niall's light blue pants become dark. Harry starts to get frustrated by it. 'Niall James Horan! You are going to act normal again! You do not pee in your pants because you don't get your way. Do you understand?' Harry says pretty angry.

Niall looks up to Harry and runs away, crying his eyes out. He goes into his room, slams the door and putting the lock on. 'No one likes me.' Niall cries heart broken.

While Niall cries, Liam and Louis are at the place where it all happened. 'Harry please calm down now.' Louis says and takes his fingers through Harry's curls.

Harry walks outside to calm down. Liam sighs as he gets some water and a towel. 'I just don't understand why he acts like that, he has never been like that.' Liam says and cleans the floor.

'I will talk to him, you two calm down and relax.' Louis says and walks to Niall. When he hears the boy's cries, his heart breaks a little. He puts his ear close to the door and listens to Niall.

'No one likes a stupid boy who wants to be a fucking baby or who wants to have a mommy or daddy.' Niall cries. Louis looks at his hands, feeling very guilty.

He knocks onto the door. 'Nini? Can I come in? I think you need someone to cuddle with.' Louis says. Niall looks up scaredly. 'Not mad?' Niall mumbles. 'No I'm not mad nini, if there is something we could help you with just tell us sweety.'

Niall opens the door and looks at Louis. Louis picks the boy up and rocks him back and forth. 'I heard you talking about you wanting to have a mommy or a daddy. But how about a mommy, a daddy and a papa?' Louis asks as he walks around the room with the boy.

'You don't want me.' Niall says crying. 'Why do you think that? We do want you nini. And if you want to be a baby you can boo. We will take care of you.' Niall looks up in shock, not knowing he would accept it. 'Mummy.' Niall says and relaxes on Louis' shoulder.

'Am I your mummy?' Louis asks with a smile and cuddles the boys close. Niall nods happily, his dream comes true.

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