New brother

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Louis works in an ageplay shop and wants to have a daddy. One day Liam and Harry are buying objects for Niall who just got into ageplay. One of them asks Louis for help. He starts to stutter, when Louis has to get something from the floor, the boys see a nappy. Niall fell asleep so the boys ask why Louis is here. Louis tells everything and Liam and Harry decide to do ageplay with two babies.


Niall headspace 1,5 y/o
Louis headspace 2 y/o
Liam daddy
Harry mommy


'Goodmorning.' Liam says as he walks into the age play store. 'Goodmorning.' A small boy named Louis says. The boys smile and walk into the isles. 'Mommy.' Niall says as he looks to the massive store. 'Yes boo?' 'Scawy.' Niall mumbles, starting to cry. Harry cuddles the boy close. 'Don't cry boo, everything is okay.' Harry says and picks the boy up.

Louis looks at the three boys, he wished he could be their age play son. When he started working here he never thought he would do any of that. But he decided to try it and he loves it. Now he only needs a daddy or a mommy. When he thinks about it he begins to day dream.

He would be playing with his little brother while mommy is making dinner. 'Hello?' The daddy asks. Well that day dream wasn't long because three men are standing in front of him. 'Oh I'm sorry, hi.' Louis mumbles, blushing a bit. 'It is okay, but could you help us? We just started a week ago but we need things like a crib and stuff.' 'Ye-yeah.' Louis says and walks to the isle with all the cribs. During the walk Liam and Harry hear a nappy crinkling. They forget it, thinking it is Niall's nappy.

'Daddy, nini sweepy.' Niall mumbles, rubbing his eyes. 'Go to sleep baby.' Liam says smiling and looks for a dummy in his bag. 'Ah here it is.' Liam says and puts the dummy in Niall's mouth. Niall relaxes against Harry. Louis looks at Niall, watching the dummy bobbing in his mouth.

'I-if y-yo-you w-want to ch-change him.' Louis begins. 'Relax love, it is okay.' Liam says, putting a hand on Louis shoulder. 'Sorry.' Louis mumbles, looking at his hands. 'Don't be scared of us, we won't hurt you.' Liam says, Louis looks up and notices he doesn't even reaches Liam's shoulder.

Louis nods and feels less nervous. 'If you want to change him there is a changing table in the back of the store.' 'That is very nice, Thanks ...?' 'Louis.' Louis says smiling, people never been so nice in the store to him.

They walk to the cribs they have. 'Here are all the cribs.' Louis says as he watches the boy in Harry's arms. When he watches Niall he starts to get nervous again, he really wants them to be his daddies. After a minute or 10 they decided to go with a white crib. 'You only w-want w-white?' Louis asks, feeling so nervous that he accidentally pees. Lucky for him he wears a nappy.

'Yeah we woud prefer white.' Liam says as he looks to the boy, not understanding why he is so nervous. Louis nods and tries to say: 'Shall we go to the playpens now?' but it sounds more like. 'We ehhh bfffff.' The two man just nod. When Louis is almost there he trips over a package. He lays on the floor and slowly starts to fall into his headspace. He looks at the floor and starts to cry.

Harry notices the nappy Louis is wearing as Liam picks Louis up. 'Hey boo, don't cry it is okay.' Liam says as he rocks the boy, feeling the nappy. Louis hides into Liam as he cries. Liam rocks the boy as he walks through the isle. When Louis is calm again Harry takes his hand through Louis' hair. 'Why is your mommy or daddy sending you here? You should be home and play.' Harry says worried.

'Louis no daddy or mommy.' Louis says, starting to cry again. 'Oh sweety.' Harry says, looking over to Liam. Liam nods and smiles. 'Why don't we first change you boo, I don't think you want to have pain over there.' Liam says and carries the boy to the changing table. Liam lays Louis down and gives a kiss on his head. 'It is okay my little boy. Don't cry, mommy and daddy don't like it when one of our boys is upset.' Liam says, Louis looks to Liam.

'Daddy?' He asks with big red eyes. 'Yes babyboy?' Liam asks as he puts Louis on the changing table. 'You my daddy?' Louis mumbles as Liam changes him. 'Yes I am little cutie, and that is your mommy. And in mommy's arms is your little brother Niall.

Louis gets a big smile on his face, forgetting about all the pain he had. 'Loulou famiwy.' Louis giggles as he sucks on his fingers. 'Yes baby, you have a family now.' Liam says as he gives a kiss on the boy's head. 'We have to buy you a dummy boo, we don't want you to suck on your cute little fingers.' Liam says and takes the fingers out of Louis' mouth.

Liam picks Louis up and holds him close. Louis relaxes and lays against Liam. 'Hello babyboy.' Harry says smiling. 'Mommy.' Louis giggles softly. 'Yes mommy is here.' Harry says and gives a kiss on his cheek. 'Why don't you and daddy go find some clothes and dummies while mommy and your little baby brother Niall go find all the bigger objects we need.

'Otay mommy.' Louis says and waves to him. Harry smiles and waves back. 'So loubear, were would you like to start? Plates? Clothes? Dummies?' Louis thinks and decides to go with the dummies. Liam carries the boy to the dummy area. 'Why don't you choose 10!' Liam says smiling. 'That many.' Louis says with big eyes. Liam smiles and nods. Louis nods quickly and picks out 10. 'Awso fow bwofer?' 'Yes you can choose for your brother. He is a big fan of animals. You can choose 5 animal dummies okay?' Louis nods and begins to search. He only wants the best of the best for his brother.

When he has 5 dummies he shows them to Liam. 'Daddy wook!' Louis says and tries to show them all at once. 'Wow! Those are really nice dummies you chose for your brother!' Liam says and picks the boy up, happy to see Louis with a smile on his face.

When they bought everything they need they put the small things in the car. 'I'm going to put you down for a little while okay? Daddy has to put the carseats in the car.' Liam says to Louis. 'Otay daddy.' Louis says and gets put down next to Harry.

'Hey boo, ready to see your new home?' Harry asks smiling. 'Yes, I play wif bwotah?' 'Yes you can play with your little brother.' Harry says and notice that Niall is waking up. 'Mommy?' Niall asks sleepy. 'Hello boo, did you have a nice nap?' 'Wes mommy.' Niall says, rubbing his face into Harry's soft shirt. 'Wake up slowly love, after that we would like for you to meet someone.' Harry says smiling, holding Louis' hand.

When Niall is fully awake he is being settled in the car seat. He looks to his left and sees Louis sitting there. 'Mommy? Daddy? Who da?' 'That is your brother Louis, baby, can you say hi to him?' Liam says smiling and drives to the house.

Niall begins to cry, he doesn't want to share the attention of his mommy and daddy. Louis looks to Niall, thinking he doesn't love him. Not long after both boys are crying. 'Hey babes, look at mommy? Nini, we still love you very much! We still will give you just as much attention as you got but now you have a big brother! You can play, bake cupcakes together with mommy or watch a movie! And you can have some sleepovers!' Harry says smiling, looking to the boys.

Niall calms down and looks to Louis, liking that he can do a lot with someone now. He rubs his eyes and holds Louis' hand. 'Hewwo, I is Nini.' Niall says nervously. Louis is quiet right away and looks to Niall. 'Hi, I am Wouis.' Louis says with a smile.

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