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Louis lost a bet so has to suffer a forfeit. One of the others (your choice) thinks it would be funny to hypnotize Lou into thinking he's a baby. Unfortunately, they only succeed in putting themselves into a trance, allowing Louis to play Daddy instead. ( Niall does the truc on Louis )


Niall as Niall
Harry as Harry
Liam as Liam
Louis as Louis


'Haha bad for you Lou!' Liam says laughing. Louis just lost a bet, he was so sure that he was right that he told the boys that they could do anything if he was wrong. Well right now Louis is freaking out, he knows that the boys can a lot to embarrass him. 'Yeah yeah.' Louis mumbles as he walks to the kitchen. 'Guys what are we going to do with him?' Niall asks, finding it pretty funny. 'How about we hypnotize him?' Harry begins. 'Then we turn him in something really stupid. We can make him think that he is an animal!.' 'Or a baby.' Niall says grinning. When Niall says that, the boys start to grin. 'Okay lets search for some videos so we can see how you can hypnotize.' Liam says as he grabs his macbook.

After an hour or two the boys think they are ready for it. 'Louis? Can you come downstairs?' Louis looks at the ceiling, he hasn't been that scared in a long time. He wants to get over with but he doesn't want to be humiliated. He decides to go downstairs quickly so he will be done with it sooner. 'Hehe there he is, come sit down!' Harry says smiling. 'Before you are going to do something, please tell me what you are going to do.' Louis says with hope.

'No we aren't.' Niall says laughing and puts Louis on the couch. Louis sighs, knowing this will be a long day. Niall looks at the boys who give him an approval look. Niall nods and begins to hypnotize. Well he tries but it doesn't really works. Liam and Harry notice it and stand close to Niall. 'Why isn't it working?' Niall asks, starting to get a bit frustrated. 'Let me try it out.' Harry says as he takes it over from Niall. 'Louis can you talk to me?' Liam asks as he tries to help Harry. 'Well hi guys?' Louis asks confused, not really knowing what on earth they are doing.

'Mommy.' Niall cries, sitting on the floor with his arms in the air. Louis is the first one to look at the boy, making the other boys fall onto the ground. 'Niall are you okay?' Louis asks confused. 'Mommy, I ouchie.' Harry mumbles sniffling. Liam on the other hand is giggling happily. 'Oh god, please don't let this be true. They seriously hypnotized their self.' Louis says laughing. Well he couldn't laugh that long because the crying got louder.

'Shhhh Niall, look. Mommy is here.' Louis says quickly as he picks him up. 'Mommy! Me oo!' Harry says as he makes grabby hands. 'One at the time Hazzy. Why don't you ask Liam if you two can play together?' Harry looks at Liam and decides to ask Liam. 'Wiwi? Pway?' Liam looks up and nods happily. 'Yes!' Liam says smiling and looks around for some toys. 'Mommy we no toys!' Liam says as he crawls to Louis and Niall. 'Do you guys like to color then?' Louis says, remembering that they bought some colors for Lux.

The two boys nod. 'Lets go to the kitchen then!' Louis says as he bounces Niall. Niall sucks on his thumb as he leans against Louis. When they walk into the kitchen Louis' eyes go wide. On the dining table are a lot of baby objects. When he sees a nappy he quickly looks at Niall, in the hope he hasn't peed yet. Luckily he hasn't. Louis sighs in relief and replaces the thumb in Niall's mouth for a dummy. 'Okay boys, here are the colors and paper. I'm going to put a nappy on Niall first. After that I will put one on you guys too.' Louis says as he gets all the objects he needs. 'But mommy, I no need nappy. I is big boy!' Liam says seriously. 'Well ehm, okay. But then you have to tell mommy when you need to pee.' Liam nods and starts to color.

Louis walks with Niall to his bedroom. 'So lets put a nappy on you baby boy!' Louis says smiling, finding Niall extremely cute with the dummy in his mouth. Niall gurgles and looks around. Louis takes the boy's clothes off and puts a nappy on the boy. 'That is much better! I bet you would like to be with your big brother Liam right now.' Louis says as he takes the boy with him back to the kitchen. 'Harry, come it is your turn!' Louis says as he lays Niall down on his belly and puts a couple soft toys which laid on the table in front of him. Niall giggles happily and plays with it.

'But mommy! Hazzy cowow!' Harry whines, not wanting to go. 'But we will be right back!' Louis says, trying to convince the boy. 'No!' Harry says as he kicks his legs. 'Oh are we going to throw a tantrum mister?' 'Wes.' Harry says as he crosses his arms. 'Well you know what that means then, time out.' Louis says and picks the boy up. 'Noooooooo.' Harry screams. 'First the nappy then time out.' Louis says as he carries the boy to the bedroom. He lays Harry down and start to change him. Harry lays there quietly, not happy with his mommy at the moment. 'Time out time.' Louis says as he carries the nappied boy to the kitchen. He puts Harry on a chair in the corner. '5 minutes babe.' Louis says as he puts the timer on. Harry starts to cry, he wants to be mommy's good boy, not mommy's bad boy.

After 5 minutes Louis walks to Harry. 'Babe, look at mommy please.' Louis says as he turns the boy to him. Harry looks with red teary eyes to him. 'You know why you are in time out right?' 'Wes mommy. I tantwum.' 'Yes you did boo, what do we say to mommy then?' 'Hazzy is sowwy.' Harry says crying. Louis picks the boy up and rocks him back and forth. 'I think we could use a nap. Li? Would you like to take a nap too?' 'No mommy, Lili color with mommy.' Liam says smiling.

Louis nods and puts Niall and Harry in one bed. 'It is time to go to bed now babes, after that we can play again.' The boys nod. Louis smiles and gives a kiss on their heads. 'Sleep well.' Louis says and puts a dummy in Harry's mouth. He quietly leaves the room and walks downstairs. 'Mommy! Lili want movie!' Liam says as he bounces on the couch. Louis smiles at the boy. 'Of course Li, Toy Story I guess?' 'Yes!' Liam giggles happily. Louis smiles and puts Toy Story on.

While Liam is watching the movie, Louis sees their macbook. He quickly takes it and opens it. Well it is his lucky day, the page with the hypnotizing is still on. He starts to read it and curses inside. The boys will be in this trance until the person who hypnotized them will stop it. 'Please tell me there is a resolution.' Louis mumbles. He searches and searches on the internet in the hope that he will find something. Well he found something, but it means that he has to get an expert. He decides to call him right away, not knowing how long he can handle this.

After 3 days the expert is finally at the boys' house. 'Sorry it took so long.' Hans, the expert, says. 'It is okay, I'm happy that you were even able to come over.' Hans smiles and sees the three little boys on the couch. 'Mommy who da?' Harry asks confused. 'This is Hans, Hans is going to do some magic. Would you guys like that?' The two boys clap their hands while Niall just giggles. 'I'm happy you were there when it happened, otherwise we could have been here for a long time.' Hans says laughing. Louis sighs in relief, knowing this will be over soon. After 30 minutes the boys are back to normal. 'Huh, where am I?' Harry asks confused. 'And why am I wearing a nappy?' Niall asks as his cheeks turn red. 'Well that is a long story.' Louis says laughing.

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