Dummy punishment part 3

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Dummy punishment part 3 please


Niall as Niall
Harry as Harry
Liam as Liam
Louis as Louis


Since Niall has bottle feedings he has the problem that he can't control his bladder fully anymore. Lately he wets his bed during the night time and his nap time. The boys are tired because Niall keeps waking them up. He would wake up around 3 am and walk to one of the boys for comfort.

The boys try their best to help him but it just doesn't work. They bought some nappies in a size that will fit Niall. It has cute baby animals on the front of it. They just hope Niall will cooperate with them.

Niall is currently sitting on the floor, watching some television. The boys decided Niall could only have the dummy when he is falling asleep, is sleeping, when he is sick or really upset. They don't want Niall to have crooked teeth again.

So since he can't have it he sucks on his thumb, holding the blanket which is keeping him warm, close to his mouth. Niall watches the tv show thats on tv and forgets all his thoughts. Also the thought of going to the toilet. So when he feels that he needs to go, he is already too late.

Niall begins to cry very loud, hoping his best friends will help him. Liam is the one who quickly picks him up and runs to the bathroom. Niall is sitting on the toilets with soaking pants.

'Hey sunshine don't cry.' Liam says as he slowly takes Niall's wet pants off. 'Im sorry.' Niall sobs against Liam who is running a bath for him. 'Nini, listen to me bud. We aren't mad or think you are stupid! We love you and sometimes thing like these happen. But if you have another accident we have something for you.'

Niall puts his thumb in his mouth, crying his eyes out. 'Want bubbles in your bath?' 'Yes.' Niall mumbles as he lays against Liam. 'You in bath with me please.' Niall says, tears running down his cheek.

'Okay nini, but only this time.' Liam says as he puts a dummy in the younger boys mouth. 'You stay here okay nini? I need to get your and my pj's.' Liam whispers in Niall's ear. Niall looks to Liam and begins to scream no as loud as he can.

'Nialler, otherwise I can't go in bath.' Liam says as he takes Nialls shirt off. 'Stay with you.' Niall cries as he holds onto Liams shirt. Liam sighs but takes Niall along. 'What pj would you like to wear?' Liam asks as he opens the closet. 'That one.' Niall says as he points to his Christmas pyjama.

Liam smiles and takes that one with him. They also take Liams sweatpants and a shirt before going to back to the bathroom. Liam puts Niall in the bathtub. Niall sucks on his dummy as he looks to Liam. 'Monkey swim too?' Niall asks with hope, pointing to his stuffed animal which is laying in his bed.

'You want monkey also in bath? But then she will be soaking wet when you go to bed.' Liam says as he takes his hand through Niall's hair. Niall begins to cry again, wanting to cuddle someone or something. 'Oh boo, come here.' Liam says as he steps into the warm bath. Niall continues to sit alone, making himself smaller.

'I think someone will have his bottle soon and how about you have some cuddles with who you want.' Liam says as he picks the boy up and puts him on his lap. Niall cries against Liam's chest.

After 10 minutes Niall is babbling non sense and Liam decides it is enough. He wraps Niall in a big towell and puts him down on the floor. Niall begins to whine, making grabby hands for Liam. Liam ignores it, he quickly dries himself up and puts clothes on him.

'Want to cuddle with monkey or with monkey and the boys?' Liam says as he dries Niall up, knowing he is too tired to dry himself up. Liam puts Niall in his Christmas pyjama and carries him to his bed. 'Only monkey and bottle.' Niall mumbles.

Liam smiles and texts the boys if they could make a bottle. Niall sucks on the dummy as he lays against Liam. 'You get your bottle soon ni.' Liam says as he lays Niall down but Niall doesn't want that to happen. 'Nini, I will stay here. Look who is here too!' Liam says as he grabs Monkey. Niall looks at the stuffed animal, he slowly lets Liam go and gets laid down.

Liam smiles and gives Niall his stuffy. He tucks Niall in as Niall adores his Monkey. 'You like her don't you.' Liam says, making Niall nod. 'Look what we have!' Louis says smiling as he walks into the room with the bottle. Niall looks up, but quickly he is looking at his hands.

'Boo don't worry, it's okay to drink before bed time. Remember that we don't care if you are wetting the bed.' Harry says as he kisses Niall's cheek. Niall takes the bottle and tries to have the nipple of the bottle and the dummy in his mouth.

'Nini boo, come we take that one out so you can drink.' Louis says smiling and takes the dummy out of Niall's mouth. Niall whines but starts to suck on the bottle. 'Goodnight Nialler.' The boys say and walk out of the room, keeping a small light on.

After 5 hours Niall wakes up, he yawns, letting the dummy fall out of his mouth. Niall grabs it as fast as he can and pops it in his mouth, relaxing a bit. Well he is not relaxed when he finds out he wet his bed again. 'No no no, not again.' Niall says and starts to cry, he cuddles his monkey close to his chest as he cries.

Harry is the one who wakes up and runs to Niall. 'Nini? What's wrong?' Harry asks, already knowing the answer. 'Wet, wet bed, wet bed again.' Niall says crying as he looks to Harry. 'Babe, don't cry. It's okay, we aren't angry or mad. We will never hate you.' Harry says as he picks Niall up. 'I have something for you.' Harry says as he pops a dummy, which fell out of his the little boy's mouth, back in Nialls mouth. Niall looks at Harry as he sucks on the dummy, still crying against Harry.

'Nini? The boys and I bought some nappies for you. It's not as a punishment, you know how much we love you. We just want you happy, and don't see tears coming out of those beautiful eyes.' Harry says as he cuddles the younger boy. Niall starts to cry even louder and hides in Harry's neck.

'Is that okay?' Harry asks with hope, Niall nods and cries in Harry's neck. 'Niall sorry, I no control.' Niall cries, leaning against Harry.

'Thats why we bought the nappies boo, when you can control it again you can wear your boxers again.' Harry says as he lays Niall down on a towel. He quickly grabs a nappy and takes Niall's boxer off.

Niall cries and looks to Harry. 'Cuddles.' Niall says and makes grabby hands to him. 'When I changed you we can have lots and lots of cuddles!' Harry says and changes Niall as fast as he can.

Niall cries, not knowing what to do. He decides to cuddle Monkey and suck on his dummy. Harry smiles at the cute sight of Niall in a nappy. 'Wanna sleep in my bed tonight?' Harry asks as he picks up the lad. Niall stopped crying and lays tiredly against him. He rubs his eyes and nods.

'Lets put a shirt on you first before you get cold.' Harry says and walks to Niall's closet. 'Harry's shirt.' Niall mumbles as he yawns. 'Ofcourse you can, then we go to bed and sleep.' Harry says smiling, finding the boy incredibly cute in that nappy while sucking on the dummy and holding a stuffed animal in his hand.

Harry lets Niall pick out a shirt but let him put it on Niall. He lays down with Niall in bed and tells a little story. After 3 minutes Niall is fast asleep. 'We love you babyboy.' Harry says and cuddles Niall close to his chest before falling asleep.

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