Scared to be a big boy

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Niall hasn't been toilet trained very long and they have a long journey a head and Niall wants to show how he's now as a big boy but he thinks his daddies will stop taking care of him but they don't and he doesn't want to ask as he's a big boy and big boys can hold it like his daddies but he ends up wetting himself and the boys ask why he didn't say and he tells them.


Niall headspace 3 y/o
Harry mommy
Louis daddy
Liam papa


'Niall come let's go to the potty before we go to the studio. Remember when papa told you this isn't the studio we normally go to but the one in Scotland?' Harry asks, walking hand in hand with Niall to the bathroom. 'Yes mommy, Nini remember it.' Niall says, a bit scared. 'Oh love don't be afraid. When you have to go potty just ask one of us. We will take our potty with us so if there is no toilet in the area you can go in there.'

Niall nods and points to his potty. 'Mommy Nini pull up please.' Niall says, not ready to be in big boy underwear yet. 'Ofcourse boo, but first sit down on the potty love.' Harry says smiling, pulling the boy's pants and pull up down. Niall giggles and sits down. 'We are so proud of you! You had no accidents during the day for the past 2 days!' Harry says smiling.

'Yes.' Niall says smiling brightly, starting to pee. 'I know it is hard but you are doing an amazing job boo! You just started 2 weeks ago. Daddy, papa and I are extremely proud and I think we go to the toy store later this day.' Niall giggles happily and stands up when he is done. 'Done mommy.' 'Good boy.' Harry says, cleaning the boy up before putting a fresh pull up on the boy. 'So what kind of trousers would you like to have on today?' Harry asks, opening the closet so Niall can pick one out.

After a minute of doubting Niall decides to go with a black skinny jeans. 'Dis one.' Niall says happily, when he was younger his daddies and mommy never let him choose out his clothes. 'How about we match that one with your monday shirt?' Niall nods and walks to his shoes. 'Dees shoes mommy?' Niall asks, holding bright yellow shoes. 'Well we better go with grey, white or black shoes baby.' 'But mommy, Nini want dees!' Niall whines. 'No Niall, we are going with these.' Harry says, picking up white with black nike's.

Niall pouts but gives in. He lays down on his bed so his mommy can put the clothes on him. 'Nini go to daddy?' Niall asks after he is dressed. 'Yes you can.' Harry says. Niall runs downstairs to Louis. 'Daddy!' Niall giggles as he cuddles Louis. 'Nini missed you.' 'Hey monkey, daddy missed you too. Come lets go in the van before mommy gets mad.' Louis says and runs with Niall to the van. Niall giggles happily, but he doesn't want his mommy to be mad. Because if his mommy gets mad he is most of the time in big trouble.

When everyone sits in the van they are on their way to the studio. 'So Niall, why don't you take a nap. It is going to be a long ride. When you wake up we can watch a movie on the screen.' Liam says, having Niall next to him. 'Okay but want sippy cup first.' Niall says, pointing to the bag they have. 'How do you know we have a sippy cup in there boo?' Liam asks laughing. 'Nini sees everything.' Niall says, making the boys laugh.

Liam grabs a sippy cup out of the bag and fills it up with water. 'Here you go.' Liam says, giving the cup. Niall grabs it but Liam stops him. 'What do we say?' Liam asks. 'Thank you papa.' Niall says quickly before getting the sippy cup. 'Good boy.' Liam says.

After Niall drunk the water he gives the sippy cup back to Liam. 'No more please, Nini sleep now.' Niall says with a yawn. The boys try to do their best to do everything on time just like parents grow up their kids. But since Niall didn't like it to be a big boy a couple months ago they decided to potty train him later. Also napping is a thing Niall needs. Because of the interviews and concerts their sleep rhythm is weird. Sometimes they have to get up at 8 o'clock in the morning but got in bed around 2 o'clock. So they decided to let Niall keep his naps.

After an hour and a half Niall wakes up, with the feeling that he has to go potty. But when he looks over to his parents he sees them having a good chat. 'Hey big boy, did you have a nice nap?' Louis asks smiling, rubbing the boy's belly. Niall squirms but nods. 'Do you need to go potty?' 'No daddy.' Niall says, thinking about the dream he just had where daddies and mommies don't take care of kids who are big boys. And big boys can hold it till the toilet just like adults.

But they are just on the half of the trip and the boys just had a stop to go to the toilet. 'Niall would you like some fruit?' Louis asks, grabbing a small box where grapes are in. Niall nods and opens his mouth, trying to forget that he has to go potty. Louis puts a grape in Niall's mouth and gives the box. 'Big boys don't need to be feed boo.' Louis says with a smile. Niall looks a bit in fear, the dream he just had is true.

Niall quickly eats the fruit by himself. But when he is finished he can't stop squirming. 'Niall is everything okay?' Liam asks, Niall nods but when he feels something wet he shakes his head, starting to cry. 'No hate nini please, no hate.' Niall cries in his hands. 'Oh babe, why didn't you tell us that you had to go potty.' Harry asks, picking the boy up, taking the wet black skinny jeans off.

'Nini dream that mommies and daddies no take care of big boys only for babies and and daddy no feed me cause Nini big boy so Nini scared it true and and Nini wet pants.' Niall sobs, he was so proud that he managed not to have any accidents. 'Oh love. We always will take care of you. Even if you are 80 years old! You always will be our little baby boy who needs to be taken care of. But we also don't want you to be too depended on us. That is why daddy said you could eat by yourself.' Liam says as Louis grabs a new pair of jeans and a pull up.

Niall nods and lays against Harry. 'Daddies and mommy not proud more, now Nini no more 2 days with no accidents.' Niall says crying. 'Hey don't say that boo. We always will be proud of you. We are already so proud on how you are doing. 2 days is a really long time. But we think you are doing amazing Niall. It is a hard thing but you are doing such a good job.' Louis says, cleaning the boy up and puts a fresh pull up on the boy. 'How about we go to the closest toyshop to get you some new toys. You deserve it.' Harry says smiling.

'Thank you, Nini love you!' Niall says, smiling through his tears.

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