Peek-A-Boo (Matthew Espinosa)

590 9 0

Word Count: 507
Type Of Imagine: Cute

"Peek a boo!" I heard a whisper next to me as I was half asleep.  Which was followed by a giggle. "peek a boo!" I heard it again. I turned on my side to face Matt's side. I opened my eyes to see Matt wide awake, sitting up with his back against the head board of the bed. He had our 10 month old baby, Y/C/N, (A/N: Your child's name) laying against his legs that helped him face him. "Peek a boo." he said. I smiled, a small giggle escaping my lips. I turned my head to see that it was 4AM and then I turned back to face them. 

"Look who's awake Y/C/N!" Matt said, picking her up. "momma!" she said, crawling out of Matt's arms and towards me. She sat in between Matt and I and played with my hair. "You're just like daddy." I said, "Always playing with my hair." I said, giggling. 

I sat up and picked Y/C/N up and put her in my arms. "You like playing peek a boo?" I asked her. She nodded. As I played peek a boo with her, Matt put his arm around me, playing with the ends of my hair that sat on my shoulder. "uh oh." Matt said. "Here comes the tickle monster." Matt said then started to tickle Y/C/N, as she squealed with excitement. I giggled at how adorable it was. 

Once Matt stopped Y/C/N cuddled up in between me and Matt and yawned. "You wanna nap nap?" i asked, she nodded, not shortly after that she fell asleep. "Sorry I woke you up." Matt said, kissing my cheek. "Y/C/N woke up and wouldn't fall asleep do I decided to play with her until she would."

"It's okay." I said, then gave Matt a peck on the lips. "I love you." 

"I love you too." he said. 

"I'm gonna bring Y//C/N back to her room." I said, picking her up. I walked across the hall and walked into her room. I placed her down in her crib then kissed her forehead then played with the small hairs on her small little head. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, knowing it was Matt, I smiled as I continued playing with her little hairs. I felt him put his head on my shoulder, kissing my neck. "My two beautiful baby girls." he said. 

I smiled then turned my head to give him a kiss. I turned my self around and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you so much Y/N." he said. I smiled then said, "i love you to too Matt."

"I'm so glad we have a family of our own." he said. "In this small cozy apartment, just like in your dreams right?" I nodded. "see, I always keep my promises." he said,

"i never doubted you one bit." I said, smiling. Matt but his forehead on mine then said, "We make adorable children." he said. i nodded, agreeing, "How about we make more?" he asked smirking. 

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