Road Trip (Hayes Grier)

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Word Count: 517
Type Of Imagine: Cute

"WOOOOO WHOS READY FOR A ROAD TRIP?" Nash yelled from the passenger seat. Everyone in tinge car cheered. Nash sat in the passenger seat, Cameron was seated in the drivers seat, Shawn, Johnson, and Matt sat in front of us, behind Nash and Cam and I sat all the way in the back, next to Hayes. Hayes and I were really close friends, best friends since birth to be specific. Our mom's were really close friends from high school so I've grown up knowing Hayes. I have some feelings for Hayes deep down but I try to hide them, knowing that if I brought it up... That it could ruin our friendship forever.

As Cameron started to drive, the guys all went on their phones, going on Twitter, tweeting their fans... All that fun stuff. I looked over at Hayes to see him scrolling through his phone as well. "Whatcha looking at?" I said cheerfully as I peeked over his shoulder.

"Just some tweets and stuff..." He said then put it away, smiling at me "but it ain't that interesting" he said. As Hayes and I started to talk more and more about anything and everything, the time flew by. Soon, before we knew it, it was past midnight. "Shhhhh" Johnson shushed Hayes and me.

"You lovebirds need to shut up." Matthew said.

"We're just friends!" Hayes and i said in unison.

"Sureeeee." Nash, Cameron, Shawn, Johnson, and Matt said not believing us. I rolled my eyes then took a glance at my phone. It was past midnight. I yawned then Hayes asked me, "tired?" I nodded.

"Come here" Hayes said as he put his arm out. He placed a pillow on his lap and let me lay down upon it. I looked up at him and whispered a "thank you" before I fell asleep.

Hayes' POV

I played with Y/N's hair as she slept. I looked up to see Nash staring at me through the mirror. "When are you gonna grow a pair and ask her out?" He asked, which caused all the guys in the car to turn around and look at me, except Cameron of corse.

"Shhhh she'll hear you." I said trying to think of an excuse, so they'll stop nagging me.

"No she won't you wuss." Johnson said.

"You should ask her out on a date while we're on the road trip." Shawn suggested.

"Yea that's a good idea" Matt agreed.

"She's like a sister to me guys." I said. "We've known each other since birth and I don't wanna ask her out and ruin our friendship." I explained.

"You never know....." Shawn said. "She might have feelings of you as well."

"Such a beautiful like Y/N...." I said, then looked down at her as she slept "like a guy like me?" I asked. "No way" I said.

"Bro, we're just trying to help." Nash said. I looked down at Y/N and combed my hand through her long Y/H/C (A/N: your hair color) and leaned down to kiss her temple. I sighed, thinking about what I should do.

Part 2??

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