My Cute Tomato (Matthew Espinosa)

523 11 0

Word Count: 444
Type Of Imagine: Cute/Funny

I walked into the bedroom Matt and I share. I saw him standing at the full body mirror, fixing his hair. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him, from behind and laid my head on his back. "hey babe." I said.

"Hey." Matt said. 

"What are you doing?" I asked as I sifted myself to stand next to him. He continued to try and fix his hair. 

"I'm having a bad hair day." Matt said, frowning. I stood in front of him, blocking his view of the mirror, then held his hands, taking them away from his hair. "Matt you look silly trying to fix it." I said, giggling. 

"But it's bothering meeee." he said.

"Matt you're such a girl." I said. 

"Am not." he said. 

Am so." I spoke.

"Am not." he argued.

"Prove it." I said. Matt reached for his pants, about to pull them down but I grabbed his hands and shook my head, "Okay okay Matt, I get it you aren't a girl." I said. 

"HA I WIN!" Matt yelled. 

"You're such a child." I said. 

"Am not." he said. 

"Am so." I spoke.

"Am not." he said. 

"Prove it." I said. He picked me up then threw me onto the bed. "Children aren't strong." he said. 

"Some of them can be." I said. Matt said, "Don't make me tickle you." I gave him a serious stare."Matt don't you dare." I said. Then Matt stared to tickle me up and down, causing me to laugh hysterically. "M-MATT STOP!" I said as I continued laughing. Matt stopped and then smiled. "my stomach hurts from laughing so much." i complained, "I hate you, you ass." i said, laughing. 

"I love you too babe." he said then kissed my forehead, still hovering over me. I stared into his eyes and he stared into mine. "You have such beautiful eyes." he said. I blushed, looking away. Matt fell onto the bed next to me, and smiled. "You're so beautiful." he said. 

"Matt stop you're making me blushhhhhhh." I whined, blushing even more. 

"You look like an adorable little tomato." he said. I covered my face as I blushed even more. Matt held my wrists then uncovered my face. " You're beautiful." he said, "And loving and adorable, and just flawless." Matt said. 

"Matthew Lee Espinosa stop. I already look like a tomato, next I'll just look like a firetruck." I said. 

"You're right, you do look like a firetruck." He said. I punched his arm then said, "Shut up." 

"Okay fine," he said, "Tomato. An adorable tomato... my tomato." he said, then hugged me, causing me to laugh.

A/N: I don't know if I like this or not....

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