Memories (Jack)

404 9 1

Word Count: 703

Type of Imagine: Sad

I danced along with the loud music with my friends. I saw my friends stop and whisper to each other's ears. I stopped then said, "What?" I asked, "Why'd you guys stop?" I asked. I turned around to see what they were pointing at. I saw my ex boyfriend Jack Johnson walk into the room, greeting is friends. I felt my heart break again as all the memories flew back into my mind. 


I continued to cook dinner, which was pasta, my boyfriend Jack's favorite. I felt a pair of arms around my waist. "Hey babe." I heard Jack's voice as he rested his head on my shoulder then kissed my neck.

"Hey Jack." I said.

"Dinner smells super good." he said. 

"Here." I said then grabbed a spoon and put some of the sauce in it and blew on it to make it cool down then fed it to Jack. "You like?" I asked. 

"mmmmmm." he said as he savored the flavor. "delicious." he spoke, smiling wide.

"You sure?" I asked, "Does it need more salt or-" I spoke then Jack collided my lips with his, causing me to taste the sauce a bit. I smiled into the kiss then said, "Mmmm tastes good." 

"Told you." he said chuckling, then kissed my cheek. 


I laid on the couch with my head on a pillow on Jack's lap as we watched our favorite movie together. I shivered a slight bit,  which Jack probably noticed because he grabbed a blanket from beside him and covered me with it. "Thanks." I said. 

"No problem beautiful." he said, leaning down to kiss me. I smiled wide as he started to play with my hair. I stared into his beautiful eyes as he stared into mine. "I love you." he blurted out. That was the first time he said that. I smiled wide then said, "I love you too." he said. He leaned down and kissed me passionately. I sat up, still kissing him and straddled him. He ran his hands through my hair and our kiss was now a deep, passionate make out session. "God I love you." He said, out of breath.

"I love you more."  I spoke, smiling wide as our foreheads rested on one another. 



I laid in bed, cold and alone as I stared at the wall beside me. I felt the weight in the bed tilt, meaning Jack probably got in bed next to me. I felt his strong arms wrap around me and pull me closer to him. He kissed my cheek and I turned around to face him. "Did I wake you?" he asked, worried. 

I shook my head, "nah," I said, "I didn't fall asleep yet."

He kissed the top of my head and said, "How did I get so lucky to have you?"

I smiled wide then said, "I"m the lucky one."

"Nah, I think I am." He said. I looked up at him and smiled wide. "You're so beautiful oh my god." he said. I blushed and he kissed me. "Promise me something." he said.

"Anything." I said.

"Promise me that no matter what happens, we'll never drift apart." he said.

"I promise babe." I said then gave him a peck on the lips.


"Y/N, we should leave....." Y/F/N said, grabbing my wrist.

"It's fine." I told her. "I'm over him."

"Sure?" she asked, I nodded. "Okay then." she said then we continued to dance. I saw Jack on the other side of the room put his arm around another girl, causing my heart to break. I stopped dancing and looked at them. He looked around the room and saw me, then waved at me, as if we were just friends. I waved back, sadly, missing him. He walked over to me then said, "Hey Y/N! I haven't seen you in a while.." he said. Of corse you haven't, you broke my heart two months ago. "How have you been?" he asked, giving me a hug. I inhaled his aroma. I missed his hugs so much.

"I've been okay." I said. "You?"

"Good, this is my girlfriend Cathy," he said, introducing me to his girlfriend who was so gorgeous she could've been a Victoria Secret model. I forced a smile and waved. 

But on the inside... I was broken.

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