Stupid Acts (Shawn Mendes)

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Word Count: 1293

My boyfriend, Shawn, and I were at a dinner celebrating his new album release. Shawn and I haven't been talking since this morning because we had a small argument about my ex texting me. Shawn's been having a lot of fun with his friends and everyone there; except for me. I talked to some of my friends there, trying to get my mind off of it.

Then out of no where I hear a loud, high pitched squeal from behind me. I turned my head to see Camila Capello running into Shawn's arms. "I haven't seen you in so long!!!" She said, kissing his cheek, causing my eyes to widen. As Shawn set Camila down, he kept his hands on her waist, smiling. "It's so good to see you. I can't' wait for all the fans to hear our song." Shawn said.

'Our song'

"Cmon Y/N, let's go over there, everyone's having fun dancing over there." my friend said before grabbing my hand and bringing me over to the dance floor. Soon the dinner became a small party; with dancing and music and a bit or alcohol.

I was dancing next to my friend until I saw Camilla dancing awfully close to Shawn, they were practically on top of each other, and she was almost giving him a lap dance. It was as if she was the stripper and Shawn was the pole. And he let her!

MY friend noticed as I stopped and stared, feeling anger fill up inside of me. "Let's go to the bar." She said as she walked me over to the bar. We sat down on the bar stools and got a drink. "I can't believe this is happening." i said as I took a sip. "He's acting as if we aren't even dating, as if I wasn't even a person or something." I spoke.

"He's probably jealous from the text." my friend said, causing me to sigh. She was about to say something before Camilla sat down beside me and Shawn stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He saw me and I waved. "Who's this Shawn?" Camilla asked Shawn.

"This is Y/N......" He said then paused, "My friend." He spoke, causing my heart to break. Shawn gave me a sorry look for a few seconds before Camilla began to talk again. friend...

"Nice to meet you, I'm Camilla." She said, smiling wide, extending her arm to shake my hand. I shook it before I finished the rest of my drink. I left some money under the glass before getting off of the chair. "Y/N, have you heard Shawn's new album? It's sooooo good." She said, giggling. Shawn chuckled.

"yea, I have, I was the first to listen to the whole thing after Shawn and his manager." I spoke.

"oh." Camilla said.

"I'm gonna go dance, I love this song." I said, the song that was on was Shawn and my song. I saw a tint of sadness in his eyes but I walked to the dance floor. Once Camilla and Shawn weren't paying any more attention to me I walked out of the venue and went to my car, driving home. My emotions were flooded with sadness, anger, confusion and a bit of jealousy. I just couldn't even look at Shawn anymore.


I opened my eyes to the sun shining into my eyes, sneaking through the small sliver of a crack in between the curtains. I felt really dizzy, my whole head pounding. I tried to get up but I felt two arms around my waist. I turned my head to see Shawn sleeping beside me. I picked up his hand an removed it off of me but he moved it right back onto me. "Good morning," He spoke, his eyes still shut and his voice was raspy. I moved his arm off of me as I sat up, putting my feet on the ground, sitting at the edge of the bed. "Babe?" he asked.

"What?" I said, which came out more harshly than I intended.

"I'm hungry." he said, as if nothing happened yesterday.

"GO find Camilla I bet she'll find something for you to eat oh and you might as well fill her up as well." I spoke, and he knew exactly what I meant.

"Y/N..." He spoke, sitting up. I rolled my eyes before I stood up. I managed to take a step before Shawn grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, sitting me on his lap. I looked down at my hands, knowing he was too strong for me to try to fight back and leave the room. "I'm sorry." He said, leaning his forehead onto the side of my head. "I don't know what went over me yesterday, I guess I was just jealous of your ex and I said that but right after you left I told her you were my girlfriend and I went to go look for you but you were already gone." he spoke.

"What made you think it was okay for you to come here instead of going to a hotel or something?" I asked.

"Because this is my house too Y/n" He said. I stood up and looked down at Shawn, he has tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. "I love you baby girl an-" he began to say before I cut him off.

"Don't do that." I said.

"What?" he asked.

"Call me nicknames, trying to make me melt right back into your hands again." I said, "So you can win me back because that's not going to happen this time." I spoke.

"What do you mean by that Y/n?" he asked, confused. He was playing with his finger tips, meaning his was really nervous.

"I don't think we should see each other anymore." I spoke.

"Babe no...." He breathed out, tears falling out of his eyes and rolling down his cheeks.

"It's not just because of this, it was so many more things before this, we never had a smooth, easy going relationship Shawn, we always had some kind of problem and the stress just breaks my heart too much...... the thought of you with Camilla or any other girl breaks my h-heart...." I said, my voice breaking, and a few tears running down my cheeks. "But you seemed so..... free and happy with her so maybe-"

"NO!" He yelled at me, standing up so we were right in front of each other, not even a foot of space between us. "You make me happy." He spoke, his voice breaking, tears running down his cheeks. "You make me feel free and loved and amazing. Not Camila, but you." he spoke.

"I'm sorry." I spoke as I put my hand on his cheek. "But we just can't anymore...." I spoke.

"Please give me another chance baby girl, I love you so much. If you leave me I'll never get over you and all my songs are going to be about our breakup and all my fans will know and then-"

"I'm sorry." i spoke again.

"STOP SAYING THAT!" He yelled, starting to pace back and forth in the room. "IF YOU WERE SORRY YOU WOULDN'T LEAVE ME! YOU KNOW I'LL NEVER GET OVER YOU Y/N" He yelled, running his hands through his hair, as if he were about to pull it out.

"I-ill come to grab my belongings tomorrow." I spoke, walking past him. Shawn grabbed my hand before I could leave the room then pulled me closer to him, kissing me passionately. "Please tell me I wasn't the only one who felt that spark...." He spoke. I looked into his eyes and wiped his tears away. "I love you.... so much." He said, sobbing. I unwrapped myself from him before I walked away from him, out of the room and down the stairs.

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