Meetings, Meetings, and more Meetings (Cameron Dallas)

449 8 0

Word Count: 499

Type of Imagine: The feels/cute

I haven't seen my boyfriend Cam in at least two weeks or so. He's been incredibly busy with meetings and his fans and everything like that. I missed him a lot and I heard that he was coming back to LA today, and I decided to go and surprise him. 

I drove to the airport and ran inside. I looked at the big board with all the incoming flights and saw the one that was coming from where Cameron was coming from, Florida. I stood with all the others that were waiting until I heard that the plane has landed and they were starting to come out. I then saw Cameron coming out of the big doorway, luggage in one hand and his phone in the other. I ran up to him and yelled, "SURPRISE!!!" 

"I'm sorry babe, I have some meetings I have to get to." he said, walking right past me, no even making eye contact. 

"Cam." i said, causing him to stop and turn around to look at me. 

"Y/N I really have to go now." he said. "Thank you for the surprise though." he said, kissing my forehead. 

"I haven't seen you in two weeks and all I get is a kiss on the forehead?" I asked him.

"I gotta go, I have a meeting and I can't be late." he said.

"It's always meetings." I said, my voice breaking.

"I'm sorry." he said then left me all alone, standing in the middle of the airport, a few tears running down my cheeks.


I walked into Starbucks, ordering a Cotton Candy Frappe. Once the cashier handed me my drink, I walked back outside, immediately running into someone. "Sorry." I apologized, looking up at the person in from of me. It was Cameron. "Don't you have some meeting to be?" I asked, walking away from him, out of Starbucks. 

"Y/N!" I heard his voice call for me, "Baby girl." he said, I could hear him getting closer. I opened the trunk of my car and sat down, looking at him. "I'm sorry." he said. I looked down and took a sip from my sweet beverage. "Babe please look at me." he said. I looked up at him, my eyes tearing up. "I'm so so sorry, I love you and I was just busy with meetings and I should've spent more time with you." he said, holding onto my hand. 

"You never even texted me."I spoke quietly.

"I'm sorry baby." he said. "I'll make it up to you, I promise." He spoke, "give me another chance, that's all it'll take." he said. "you won't regret it." 

"One more chance, that's it." I said.

"That's all I need." he said, before kissing me passionately.

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