New tasks

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"Hey Marshall get up" a guard instructed me "What's the time" I said "Time you get up" he said he dragged me to Mr Healy's office I looked at the clock 4:30am why am I up at this time, I got to his office and sat down "I'm sorry to disrupt you at such a unreasonable hour but our prison driver Morello, she's too ill to work today and you are the only trusted person left, you know how to drive right?" He asked "Yeah I do" I replied "Good here's the keys Keith over here will be with you all day" he replied before I could go back to sleep me and Keith had to drive an hour to the courts in New York to pick up someone new.

We got to the courtroom and Keith got out "Stay here" he said in a dark tone he returned shortly after with a woman about my age "They actually let prisoners drive the vans" she questioned "Hey what you in for?" She asked me "Assault, you?" I asked "Second degree murder and drug offences I got 35 years, you?" She asked "3 years 8 months. Well now it's 3 years 7 months" I replied "Cut the chat ladies, Marshall back to the prison" Keith instructed I started up the old van and drove back to the prison it was about 7am so most people were awake, Keith didn't need me till 2pm so I could go back to my bunk and sleep.

"Hey where were you?" Piper asked as I returned, "I'm on driving duty whilst Morello is away" I replied "Wow they must really trust you" Vause said, "oh before you sleep someone left a letter here for you" Piper said. I looked at the letter I could tell it was from my father I opened it up and read the letter....
To my dearest Faye,
I hate to write such a horrible letter especially when you are going through a tough stage in your life. I would have come and seen you face to face but I no longer live in a distance in which it is easy for me to visit you. The moral of this letter is to say that me and your mother are having a divorce, please do not think this is because of you going to prison I will always be there for you and you have my phone number if you need to talk. You are strong and are my little girl so be good and you'll be out in a matter of no time at all and you and your brother can visit me in Los Angeles.
I love you lots.
Your father

I closed the letter I held back my tears but people could tell I was upset "Hey Marshall what's wrong?" Piper asked "Oh it's nothing just some family stuff" I replied "Oh ok if you need to talk I'm always here" she said. I smiled and put the letter away and fell asleep, Vause woke me up a few hours later to tell me dinner was ready but I wasn't hungry so I just stayed in my bunk for the night....

Morning came and I woke up, Keith didn't need me today so I could have the day off so I headed out to the yard everyone was in a group of people except me I sat alone on one of the tables staring at the lake.... All of a sudden it's hit me as to where I am the past month I've been trying to ignore the fact I'm locked away in prison. I laid back down in my bunk and looked at my calander I bought "Wednesday July 1st 2015" only 15 more months until I'm out.

I got bored so I walked to the tuck store on the way there I accidentally bumped into one of the Latinas "Hey bitch why you do that for" she screamed at me "Sorry I didn't mean to" I replied "Girls get her" she ordered then all of a sudden a group of about 10 women jumped onto me punching and kicking me before a bunch of guards got them all off me and I led bleeding on the floor in excruciating pain, a ambulance was called and I was taken to hospital. 3 broken ribs a fractured eye socket and a broken finger great..... I'll still have to go back to that place a place I no longer want to stay in. I got back and Chapman and Vause were together "Hi" I said and sat down in pain they both ignored me before laughing and walking away "What a total loser she couldn't even fight back" Vause laughed before walking away "Hey that's that wimp that couldn't fight back" another said the anger built up inside of me and I lashed out I approached the woman "I'm the wimp? Watch this" I said and punched her straight across the face she collapsed to the floor "Hey guard did you see that?" She said to the prison guard, I've been warned about this prison guard he's a bit of a creep his name is Pornstache "No ladies I didn't see anything" he said and they all left he came over to me and winked at me "You can pay me later" he laughed before walking away suddenly piper and Alex appeared "Hey that was pretty badass I knew you weren't a wimp" Vause said all of a sudden they were talking to me again so if I want friends I need to show I'm tough but doing something like that could have added another month until I get released......

Orange is the new black "The new prisoner" (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now