The crash

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"Girls can I have a word?" Mr Healy directed at me Piper, Alex and Stella as we stood working in the factory, we all stood and walked over to him hesitantly "The head of the factory wants to see you ladies at the New Jersey headquarters tonight to highlight the scheme here at Litchfield" he said excitedly "What convicts working for not even $6 an hour I don't think that's what he wants to hear" I rolled my eyes "Be ready at 6pm" Mr Healy said before storming away.

We all got ready and headed outside and jumped in the prison van it was cold at night but we soon headed off. "Hey driver turn on the radio" Stella said jokingly "Don't think so" the guard snapped "Cmon don't be grumpy turn it on" she said and undone her seatbelt and leant over the seat and tried to turn it on "Inmate back in your seat" the guard ordered and took his hands of the steering wheel to pry Stella of the radio "WATCH OUT!!!" I screeched as I saw we were heading straight for a tree. The guard flung the steering wheel to the right causing it to slice straight through the barrier.

We were tumbling down the cliff, screams echoed all through the van before we came to a stop resting on a cliff edge. Stella was out cold, but the rest of us were ok except the guard. He's dead I think. I heard Alex moan as she awoke as Piper clutched her arm in agony, "Faye your bleeding" Alex said and looked at me my foot was stuck under the seat it was lodged there pretty well. "Save yourselves and get out" I whispered in agony as we saw the van was hanging of the edge ready to plunge into the water below.

Stella kicked open the van doors and her and Piper crawled out "We need to free your ankle" Alex said and started to pull I screamed in agony but it was stuck there pretty well. We tired again but stopped when we heard the van creak and felt it start to move "Get out!" I ordered to Alex "No I won't leave" she said and clutched my hand without hesitation I pushed her and she fell straight out the back, I squirmed and tried my best to free my ankle I looked out the window and saw the van hanging right over the sea before it tipped and was free falling. The guards body was falling all around in the front before the impact hit. It was a strong blow but I was alive.

The van floated for a few seconds I could hear Alex screaming from the top of the cliff. Water started pouring and and the van started to sink I yanked my ankle free finally and got to my feet. All the doors were shut and I couldn't open them. Water was up to my neck and soon covered my mouth. I took a deep breath before going under I went to the back and grabbed a seat headrest and slammed it against the window. Millions of shattered crystal glass pieces came flying back some of them piercing my skin and blood started to flow in the water.

I swam through the small opening I was out finally and started swimming to the surface. I emerged and took a huge breath "ALEX" I screeched "FAYE??" I heard someone reply it was Piper "Alex passed out are you ok?" She asked "I'm fine get help" I said as I tried to keep myself above the water I saw some rocks in the distance and swam to them. Once there I lifted myself up on the rocks and laid back I was cold and injured I just hope we get rescued soon. In what felt like forever I heard something in the distance and saw a light beaming down on me it was a rescue helicopter "Stay where you are help will be down soon" I heard someone shout. Soon a man winched out of the helicopter and landed on the rocks he strapped me to him and within seconds I was lifted up. It felt like I was going to heaven.

Once inside the helicopter the door slammed shut "Where are the others" I whispered "They are fine" a doctor said as he cut my trouser and looked at my leg "Ouch that's a lot of glass" he said I looked down and there's was loads of small piercing holes in my leg. "Looks like we have a bruised pelvis. Broken right arm and lots of bruising to the chest" I heard another doctor say, soon I was back at my home well you know I've been at this hospital a lot recently so I might as well just call it my home.

~3 days later~
I woke up and saw my mum next to me "Faye!" She said in delight and hugged me "Stay still your still fragile" she said as I tried to move "Everything hurts" I sighed "It will do you impacted the water quite hard, oh and Alex is fine just a black eye and Piper suffered a dislocated shoulder and Stella walked away with scratches" my mum said to me "How's Kevin" I asked "Kevin?" She asked confused and I pointed to my stomach "Jesus you've given birth already, I didn't know" she said shocked "It happened 2 weeks ago. I thought the prison told you considering you abandoned me cause of my relationship with Alex" I whimpered "I had him 3 months early, he should be in the Neonatal intensive care unit" I added and she left the room trying to find her grandson. I rested my head back I think I should finish my sentence in hospital this is what the 4th trip now?

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