Marriage counselling

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I woke up yet again on the sofa, as Alex says "It's my house so you sleep on the sofa if we argue." Her words not mine. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my Instagram for a while when I came across something, it was a photo Alex posted of her and Piper out in a nightclub, I looked at when it was posted, it was this morning at 5am. I heard someone slowly turning the front door handle, I slammed my phone down and pretended to be asleep and heard Piper and Alex coming in, they were drunk. They kept laughing and telling each other to be quiet.

They headed to the starts when I coughed which caught their attention, Alex slowly turned around, I didn't say anything I stood with my arms crossed and gave her the 'judging you' look. "Alex we cannot keep going on like this. We haven't even been married for a month and we are already tearing each other's hair out!" I said, she sobered up a little when she replied "I know, and I'm sorry." She replied "That's why I've taken the steps to book us in for marriage counselling. The first session is at 3pm, go and get some rest before then." I said and directed for her to go to sleep. When her and Piper went I got myself ready I've been coping a lot more recently since my mothers funeral. I still need to find a job too although Alex says I don't need one I think it might be for the best for our marriage.

"Alex wake up, the session is in an hour." I said to Alex trying to wake her up "I'm coming." She said and held my hand and smiled. I reluctantly left Kevin with Piper and my brother whilst we went. We headed out to the car and we both got in, I started up the car and started to drive. "That reminds me we need to get a new car too." Alex said trying to make light conversation "Yeah this one is a little ancient." I joked and we both chuckled. We arrived at the counselling office and we went inside. Things were awkward it was just us there. "Alex and Faye?" I heard a woman's voice say from the room in front of us. We got up and I went inside first and she followed. "Please take a seat." She directed to us.

"So why are you both here?" She asked "We have been arguing quite a lot than usual." I said "Ok, and how long have you both been married?" She questioned "3 weeks today" Alex spoke. "And why do you both argue? What triggers these arguments?" She exclaimed "It's over silly little things, Faye doesn't seem to trust me." Alex said "I don't trust you because you do things behind my back, like what happened this morning. You snuck out last night to go partying." I said "I want to have fun. Life in that household is dull. I understand you have been down because of your mother passing but I can't seem to do right from wrong." Alex pleaded. "See this is good, we are working together to see the problems and how you both feel." The counsellor interrupted.

"Have you both had a honeymoon since you've been married?" She said "No, things have been too busy for us to even spend time together." I said "Maybe a break is what you both need? Time to spend life together as a married couple. Away from everyone." She suggested "I can also offer you bereavement counselling for the loss of your mother if you'd like?" She said to me and I nodded in acceptance. "I've always wanted to go to Hawaii." I said randomly "So have I." Alex said and she looked up and smiled. Time got the better of us and our session was soon over and we left. We left that room a much happier couple, we got things of our chests and we might actually be getting somewhere. "How does going to Hawaii today sound?" Alex said in the car as I drove home "It's too short notice, no one can look after my brother" I said "Piper will look after him and your sister said she will drop in on him from time to time. Kevin can come with us so I don't see the problem?" Alex said to me "Ok fine we'll go!" I said excitedly and let out a little squeal. Maybe our marriage is getting better slowly but surely and that we can make things work.

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