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"Marshall come with me" a guard said whilst dragging me to Mr Healy's office "Hello Marshall, the woman you assaulted she took a turn for the worse, the doctors though she was fine after the attack but the bottle you used to hit her a piece of glass punctured a severe artery and well... She died last night. I'm sorry to say Marshall but your facing a murder charge on your hands" he said in a soft tone "But...." I said before he interrupted me "Pack a bag Marshall your going to a high security holding cell in Chicago for a new hearing into a murder charge if your found guilty you'll be spending more time here if your not guilty it won't affect your chances of being released next year" he said, that adds a bit of reassurance I guess. I went back to my bunk "Hey what's that about. I'm facing a murder charge I've gotta go to a Supreme Court in Chicago I'll see you soon" I said before leaving.

I got into the prison van and started the journey to a U.S airbase in New York there was a bunch of other woman prisoners here too we all were chained together and boarded a small military plane "Right ladies, 50% of you will be going to new prisons in Michigan and the other 50% of you will be dropped in Chicago, sit back and don't cause trouble" he said before laughing "great another nut job" I murmured under my breath I closed my eyes and want the whole flight sleeping before we got to Chicago. One by one we got into a prison bus and were taken to a high security prison is this my new home till I can go back to New York? I stood up ready to get off when a guard stopped me "Not you Marshall and you Hayes" he said and sat us down "Hayes?" I questioned and looked up there in front of me was one of my best friends from high school "I was wondering how long it would take until you realised" she said "Why are you here?" I questioned "The same reason you are, I'm facing a murder charge too see Faye I hate to tell you but I actually done the damage that killed her not you but the court doesn't know that but I'm going to do my best to make sure you go down for this so I can go back home" she whispered "Your a bitch lets just hope fate is on my side and the court sees who you really are and I thought we were friends?" I replied "Things change Marshall see you in the dock" she said.

We got to the holding prison and were placed in separate cells my new lawyer came in and spoke to me "Hayes is trying to frame me for the murder she admitted I didn't do the damage to kill her and she did and she's going to make it look like I did" I said panicking "Calm down I know the truth and your right that's why I'm here to prove your right and she was the one who killed the girl" he said trying to reassure me "Get some rest I'll see you tomorrow we have a long day ahead of us" he said before leaving.

~Next day~
"Faye Marshall and Patricia Hayes please stand" the judge called out we both were chained together and stood up "Full names and age" he said "Faye Eloise Marshall, 19" I said "Patricia Elizabeth Hayes, 20" Hayes replied. We both sat down I looked up at the seating area and only my brother was there, where's my mum?. After a few bits of paper work the interrogation occurred "Miss Marshall, after leaving the party did you return after wards to see how the victim was?" The lawyer asked me "Yes I did return but as I got there the ambulance was just leaving" I replied "See the further injuries the victim sustained occurred after Miss Marshall and the victim got into a brawl and as soon as Miss Marshall returned the victim was already gone so there is no way she could have hit the victim again" my lawyer said "Ms Hayes, did you return to the party after leaving before the victim had been taken away?" My lawyer asked her "Yes I arrived just while the victim was outside alone whilst her friends called the ambulance" she replied little did she realise what she just said proved she was guilty "Now that's what we wanted to hear. See you saw a empty wine bottle on the side didn't you and you picked it up and finished off Shanice didn't you?" My lawyer asked "No that's not what happened I saw her and went inside to see if anyone called 911" she replied "See Ms Hayes we have cctv from inside the location of where the party took place and we have evidence to prove you never went inside the property" my lawyer said the evidence was just piling up against her now.

"No further questions your honour" my lawyer said before sitting down then Patricia's lawyer stood up "Miss Marshall, how long have you and Ms Hayes known each other?" She said "since we were 10, we were best friends we always looked out for each other" I replied "As you probably are aware Shanice got together with Ms Hayes ex, hearing this obviously made you angry that your best friend was hurt?" She replied "Yes it did make me angry but not angry that I would kill her" I replied "See this is the piece of glass that pierced the artery that killed Shanice and your finger prints are all over it" she said whilst smirking "Loads of us drank from that wine bottle, I was probably the last one to have drank it" I replied, the lawyer looked at the judge "No further questions" she said. "Ladies you will be held here over night whilst we continue with this trial, go and rest it will be another long day tomorrow" the judge said. Back at my cell my lawyer came "She got you with those questions but I can tell that the jury are on your side here. You were inside the building during the time of the second attack on Shanice this should be enough to clear your name" he said "That's good I guess hey why wasn't my mum here?" I asked "Your mother rang me this morning she couldn't get time of work to be here so she sent your brother.... I'm sorry" he said before leaving. I led down on the bed and shut my eyes ready for another day of interrogation tomorrow.

Orange is the new black "The new prisoner" (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now