Time to tell the truth

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"Marshall it's visiting time" a guard said as I sat in my bunk I looked at Alex "Just tell her the truth and we will go from there" she said in reassurance I smiled as I walked to the visiting room. I walked inside and sat down it was just my mum there "Faye sweetheart it feels like forever since I last visited you" she said as we had a quick hug "Mum I've called you here cause I have news" I said "Faye... What's wrong?" She asked "Mum I'm... Pregnant" I said as I slumped my head in my hands "WHAT!" She screeched as everyone turned and looked at her. "Mum please don't be mad" I said trying to calm her down "It was that creepy guard wasn't it?" She said "Yeah, he bribed me and I was stupid enough to accept" I replied.

We sat and talked for a while before Pornstache came in "I'm gunna have him" my mum said and got up "Mum no!" I ordered but she went on over "You sicko getting a 19 year old pregnant well let me tell you something I'll get you sacked and thrown in jail" she said Pornstache looked over at me and winked "Marshall over here" he said. He took me back to my bunk and my mum stupidly followed "Stay here" he said and he went through and searched my bunk and one by one he took out the contraband he gave me "Dear oh dear Marshall guess your going to SHU" he said before giggling "YOU GAVE HER THAT STUFF" my mum snapped "Ms Marshall you are in restricted space of a prison facility do you want me to arrest you?" He said to my mum. She looked at me "You won't get away with this. Faye hang on in there I'll get you out" she said as she walked back outside.

He took me down the hill but it was quiet I was the only one here "Choose a cell any cell" Pornstache said before laughing before I could respond he threw me into one of the cells "Now it's just me and you I think we need to talk" he said before closing the cell door and sat next to me. "Are you pregnant?" He said whilst smiling and holding my stomach "Get your hands of me" I ordered "As you wish" he said "I still want an answer" he added "Yes I am. But I will never let you see this child" I sneered at him he didn't like what I just said to him and he came in close to me I could feel his breath "Let's see when should I let you out of SHU. Oh yeah when you change your mind about what you just said" he said before closing the cell door and locking it he smiled at me through the small window before walking away.

~3 days later~
I've been here for 3 days without food or water I can't survive it seems like everyone has forgotten about me. If I don't drink soon I'll die of dehydration I was wheezy and weak I struggled to move every so often I had the energy to bang on the metal door to try and attract attention. But nothing. I gave up and shut my eyes all of this because of what I said to Pornstache. Just as I was about to slip into my death I heard commotion outside people charging towards my cell. The door flung open and 2 paramedics rushed to me "Hello Faye my name is Penny I'm a paramedic can you tell us how long you've been here?" One of them said "3 days no food or water" I mumbled before drifting in and out of consciousness I looked above to see Alex and a guard stood looking at me shocked.

"It was Pornstache" I managed to say to Alex "I'll fucking kill that hillbilly" she said angrily before she could go and find him the guard stopped her "Alex stay with me" I said and held her hand "Tell my mum I'm sorry for my mistakes" I said to her "Your not gunna die Faye I'll make sure of it" Alex said as she started to cry "We have to go now. I'm afraid you can't come with us" the paramedic said as they lifted me onto a stretcher and led me away. Outside I saw Pornstache being taken away in a police car as a crowd gathered. The ambulance doors shut and I was taken to hospital.

I woke up I was confused I was in a hospital bed with a guard sat next to me "Nurse!" The guard said a nurse came over to me "Hello Faye" she said "What happened?" I asked "You were locked in a cell for 3 days without food or water, someone found you just in time" she replied "The baby?" I asked "The baby is fine, we have built up your immune system of all the nutrients it hasn't had for 3 days and you should be out in a few days" she said before walking away. "What's happened to Pornstache?" I asked the guard "He's been arrested for smuggling contraband. Getting a inmate pregnant and false imprisonment and neglect of his duties. You won't be hearing from him anytime soon" he said I led back down. At least that's him out of my life.

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