Moving to New Jersey

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"Marshall wake up" a guard poked me it was 7am, Alex was still asleep I didn't want to wake her I knew she was upset I had to move but it's the best thing for Kevin. I got ready and kissed Alex on her forehead "I'll be back soon" I whispered and grabbed my bag and walked outside. I sat in the prison van and we drove to the hospital. Once there I was escorted to the maternity unit, Kevin was wide awake he smiled as he saw me. I carefully picked him up and placed him in his car seat he started giggling as I pulled funny faces at him.

"I love you" I said to Kevin and I kissed his cheek and a smile erupted on his face. After the drive to New Jersey I arrived at 'Wilma Kay Mother and Baby prison unit' it was a small prison and I get my own room. "Hey I'm Katy. I'm your guidance counsellor and will help you settle in" this woman said as she emerged out of a room. But first I headed to the reception desk and the miserable receptionist asked me some questions. "Remove all personal effects and place them here" she said and handed me a bag "What?" I said confused "The rings" she said and pointed "But I've only just got engaged" I pleaded "And I've just ate a cheese sandwich you don't see me holding onto that? Now put rings in the bag... Now!" She snapped. I took off my engagement ring and Alex grandmas ring and placed them in the bag before grabbing Kevin and emerging into the main prison.

I got a few odd glares but Katy showed me to my room it was beautiful it had carpet the lot and even free opening Windows without bars on. I got settled and set Kevin to sleep and led on my bed. I was struggling to look after myself let alone a child but I'll cope. All I could think about was Alex. I grabbed a photo of me and her and I started to sob I miss her to much. "Hey what's wrong?" A woman said as she came in my room "Oh nothing just missing my fiancé" I said and wiped my eyes "It's tough being here but having your child makes things a lot better. I'm Amy and this is my 1 year old daughter Caitlyn" she said and smiled "If you need anything just ask" she said and grabbed Caitlyn and walked away.

I'll do different Povs for a few chapters whilst Faye is away from Alex.

Alex PoV
I can't believe Faye left me without saying goodbye just a kiss on the cheek. Luckily we can phone each other. "So when are you and Faye getting married" Piper asked I gave her a glare "I'm not jealous I'm happy, that's why I wanna be your wedding planner" she said "Um maybe next year I guess" I said "Pick a month" she said "I'll have to ask Faye" I said and turned my eyes back on my magazine. I miss Faye a lot I just want her to come back.

Morning came and I had to work in the laundry with Pennsatucky and the rest of her bible group "Poor old Alex alone again" Pennsatucky sneered as I walked in the room "Shut up meth head" I snapped as I walked past her "I wonder how Faye's getting on. I mean I did cause her to go into early labour" she giggled "You better shut your god damn fucking mouth" I exclaimed as I looked at her. She held her hands up in surrender and walked away "I better not mess with you or Faye she might attack me like what she did to that poor innocent girl" she continued as she walked out the door "That's it" I snapped and ran towards her and jumped on her I punched her multiple times as she screamed for help "INMATE THATS ENOUGH" a guard shouted and dragged me off Pennsatucky and took me away "Your lucky I'm not sending you to SHU" he said as I walked away from him. As I did I punched a metal cabinet causing all my knuckles to bleed a lot.

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