Scans and breakdowns

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I woke up to the noise of crying I turned to my left and saw Alex weeping into a tissue "What's wrong?" I asked as I clutched her hand "Its my mum she's been rushed to the hospital they won't let me see her" she muttered "What's wrong with her?" I questioned "All I know is she's in a bad state and the only way they will let me see her is if she dies" she said as she continued to cry into the tissue "Look I can't guarantee anything but I've gotta go for my first scan today I'll see if I can find out anything?" I asked she looked up her face changed she was smiling and looked full of hope "This is why I love you" she smiled and hugged me, "Hey where's your ring?" She added and looked down at my hand "It's in my cabinet I don't want someone pulling it off my finger when I sleep" I said and opened my cabinet and got the ring out.

"Marshall the vans ready" a guard ordered as he came over I said goodbye to Alex and walked outside "Hey may the almighty Lord be in your favour for you and your child" Pennsatucky said as I got in the van as the guard turned away she turned and stared at me "Watch your back I know what you and Alex and that Russian lady did" she sneered and started up the van. The drive was long. Agonising. I just wanted this over I'm already 4 months gone now I don't think I'm cut out to be a mum.

The van soon stopped at the hospital and I walked to the emergency ward as a matter of privacy the guard waited outside the room "Hey can you do me a favour?" I asked the nurse "I'll try" she replied "My friends mum is here, she doesn't know what's happened to her her mums name is Daniella Vause any information would be great" I smirked "I'll try my best but you didn't get it from me" she laughed before walking outside. Moments later she came back in "She's going in for surgery I can't say why but she's going to be fine" she whispered "thank you" I replied "Right this may be cold but in just going to take a quick scan" she said and placed this jelly like substance on my stomach. Minutes later it was over "Your at the stage now where I can tell you the gender if you like?" She asked "You can tell me that when I'm only 4 months in?" I replied "Yeah" she giggled "Go on then" I laughed "I'll place it in a card and you can open it with your partner when you get back to...." She paused "Prison? It's fine" I sighed.

She gave me the card and I headed back to the van outside Pennsatucky was waiting she gave me a creepy smile with her 'new' teeth. I was soon back at the prison and headed back to my bunk Alex was led in her bunk her eyes red and puffy "I bring news" I exclaimed she soon shot up "Yours mums going in for surgery but she'll be fine. That's all I know" I said Alex jumped and hugged me "Thank you, what's the card for?" She said as she pulled out of the hug "inside is the gender of the baby I wanted to open it with you" I smiled we both grabbed the card and opened it we closed our eyes and pulled out the card we opened our eyes and saw the result and Alex turned and looked at me "It's a boy" Alex said overjoyed I was shocked it's suddenly hit me that in a matter of months I'll be a mum.

"You don't look happy" Alex questioned before I could respond someone interrupted us I looked around and to my horror Pornstache was stood behind me "How was the scan?" He asked "Get the hell away from me" I screeched and hid behind Alex "Can't you see she's distressed?" Alex snapped at him he soon walked away.

I was led down relaxing alone in my bunk when Piper emerged out of no where "Can I talk to you?" She mumbled "sure come on in" I said and sat up "I'm sorry I snapped it's just weird you know seeing you both together and it just feels like you both don't wanna know me" she said and slumped her head "Aww you know that's not true I want you to be in my life and my sons life too" I said trying to reassure her "We are all gunna be released the same day we can all live together, engaged or not, together or not me and Alex won't ditch you" I smiled. "Thanks, I'll see you around" Piper said and smiled before walking away.

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