Guilty or not guilty?

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I woke back up and was immediately led into the courtroom.. "Your honour before we start any other proceedings I would like to show you this cctv footage" my lawyer said "Very well" he said then the tape came on a TV screen it showed me in the building talking to some friends asking if a ambulance had been called for Shanice her estimated time of injuries was 19:43pm-19:50pm and I was in there from 19:41pm-19:54pm "This tape has proved a valid piece of innocence to you Miss Marshall, members of the jury I hope you take this tape into consideration with your verdict" the judge said my lawyer looked at me and smiled.

After more questions and interrogation it was time for the jury to leave for their verdicts me and Hayes were put back in our holding cells and our lawyers and families came to visit "I'm 99.9% certain you will be found not guilty we have proved your innocence Faye" my lawyer said "let's hope so" my mum replied we stood and talked for a while before we were called back into the courtroom, my heart was racing as me and Hayes stood and the head of the jury stood "Head of the jury do you find Faye Marshall guilty or not guilty of murder in the first degree?" the judge said it took a while before he spoke "Not guilty" he said this can't be happening I'm not guilty I can still get out next October.. "And do you find Patricia Hayes guilty or not guilty of murder in the first degree?" The judge added "Guilty" he said. I looked at my family they were all celebrating in the dock and the judge turned and looked at me "Faye you have been found not guilty of murder you will be taken back to Litchfield to finish your remaining sentence for GBH and assault, where as for you Miss Hayes a further 34 years will be added onto your sentence" he said. I was jumping for joy and happiness I'll stay here over night and fly back to New York tomorrow. "Guess who's guilty now" I said to Patricia "Good luck see you in 34 years"I said before smirking.

~next day~
"Marshall time to go" a guard said I sighed with relief before packing what I had and was put on a prison bus and taken to the local airport I was placed on a plane and was flown back to New York I was greeted by a familiar face which was Morello she was back at the wheel of the van "Hey stranger long time no see" she said "I've actually missed being in this van" I said and took it all in. A few hours passed and we pulled up outside the prison gates I was led back inside and walked to the communal area when everyone burst up "SURPRISE" they all screamed "You done all this for me?" I asked "it may not seem like it but we actually missed you" Vause said, the party was great we all had a great time before we all sat down "So what happened?" Chapman asked "Well the trail lasted 2 days and my old friend from high school was trying to make me look guilty like I killed the girl but I wasn't found guilty and she was and she got an extra 34 years" I said "Wow what a bitch" Red said. "You know what too? I actually missed you guys" I said. The party only lasted 2 hours before the guards ended it swiftly but I had fun. I walked back to my bunk but someone was already there "Hey the names Johnson" some woman said "Hey my name is get the hell out of my bunk" I said and she scurried away "Wow you really have toughened up" Piper said impressed "Yep I'm a changed woman" I said jokingly before lying down on my bunk "It's good to be back" I whispered before falling asleep.

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