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I woke up to see Alex sat on my bed "Hey how are you?" She asked "I don't feel well" I replied before sitting up "You do look pale, I need you to do me a favour" she asked "What?" I sighed "See Red has a setup in the kitchen now she's taken over from Mendoza, every so often she smuggles in stuff, not drugs just things like soap and the occasional mobile" she said "And?" I questioned "We need you to smuggle some stuff out to the garden house" she bluntly replied "Why me?" I snapped "Cause you won't get caught, your pregnant they won't suspect a thing" she said and held my arm "What do I have to take?" I said stupidly "3 cell phones and a tin of cash" she said "And where do I hide it in the garden house?" I said as I got up "Under the floorboards" she replied.

I got ready and headed to Red's kitchen "Over here" Red sneered "This is the only time I do this Alex" I said to her "Thank you" she said they handed me the items and one by one I found a place on my body where I could hide the items but let me just say it's very uncomfortable "Now be quick but avoid suspicion" Red said before shooing me out the kitchen. I walked down the corridor I was nervous. My heart pounding. "Hey Marshall" Stella said "I'm doing nothing wrong" I blurted before covering my mouth "Umm ok?" Stella said before walking away. All around it felt like people were staring at me. Before long I ran into the garden house and I lifted one of the floorboards and shoved all the stuff down, behind me I heard creaking and boots walking across the floorboards "Well well well what do we have here inmate?" A guard said before smirking I turned around slowly and raised my hands.

"Mr Healy I got this one storing smuggled goods in the garden house" the guard said as he threw me into Mr Healy's office "Is this true Marshall" Mr Healy said with a angry expression "YOU ARE NOT IN KINDERGARTEN MARSHALL" he screeched at the top of his voice "Ok yes I did" I sighed "why?" He said angrily I went quiet "Oh the silent treatment huh? Send her down the hill" Mr Healy said and the guard grabbed me "Wait" I said "Alex asked me to. Red has the stuff in and they asked me to store it" I blurted "Get Red and Vause down here now, call Caputo too" Mr Healy instructed to the guard.

Moments later Vause and Red came through the door "I'm sorry" I whispered "It's ok" Alex said "I should have never trusted you" Red snapped before turning away, Caputo came through the door too and sat infront of us "I'm giving you ladies one chance to tell me where you got this stuff from and why you have it and if the moment I smell a rat you'll all go down the hill for the rest of eternity do I make myself clear?" He instructed. We all nodded in response. It went quiet no one said a word before I told a lie "It was Pennsatucky, she's blackmailing us" I blurted Alex and Red looked in confusion "She's threatened to kill us if we didn't keep quiet but I'm scared" I said and started to fake cry. "She threatened to burn down my kitchen if I didn't get her the stuff" Red said adding to the lie "She said she'll lock me in the dryer again and will turn it on" Alex said.

"Is this true?" Mr Healy said we all nodded in response "I'm going to have to open a full investigation into this ladies and I just hope for your sake what you just said to me was true or you'll all be in serious amounts of trouble" Caputo said before dismissing us. We all emerged outside before Alex pulled me into a storage cupboard "That was genius you just saved all our asses" she said "And what if they know we lied?" I sighed "They'll believe the pregnant teenager over a crazy meth head any day" Alex said in reassurance. "You done well there Marshall, I forgive you" Red said in her strong Russian accent before walking away.

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