The Honeymoon

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"Have you got the passports?" Alex asked as I dragged the suitcases out to the car "In my bag, you got the money!" I asked "All sorted and ready to go. Nappies for Kevin are in my bag too." She said "I hope I've got everything, I only had 2 hours to pack" I said. I loaded the bags into the car and headed up to say bye to my brother "You be good for Piper and Danielle. I'll be back in a week." I said and pulled I'm in for a hug. "Have an amazing time!" Piper exclaimed and hugged me. I waved goodbye and got into the taxi and we drove to the airport. "Going anywhere nice?" The driver asked us "Hawaii." I replied "Yeah we are flying first class too." Alex added and I looked at her in shock "We can't take a 9 month old child in first class?" I questioned "And why not? He has every right to be there than anyone else." She said and held my hand.

We got to the airport it was 10pm and was freezing cold so I ran indoors with Kevin whilst Alex grabbed all the bags, we checked in and grabbed our boarding passes and headed through to duty free. "Oh I love this!" I exclaimed as I pointed out a necklace I failed to look at the price when Alex came over "Yeah it must be nice for $3000." She laughed. I slowly moved away before checking out the next shop, I spent a fortune when a voice came over the tannoy system. "Can passengers Alex Vause and Faye Vause please come to gate C20. I repeat can passengers Alex Vause and Faye Vause please come to gate C20. Thank you." A man said "Crap!" I exclaimed I grabbed Kevin and we started running halfway across the airport to get to our gate, we made it just in time before they closed the gate and we would have missed our flight.

We ran down the loading bridge and launched ourselves into the plane doors, I could see passengers giving us dirty looks because we delayed the flight by 10 minutes, we apologised before walking up to first class, it was empty it was just us here. "I could get used to this!" I said to Alex as I downed a free drink. "Ladies and gentleman. Due to our short delay holding us back we are now able to push back." The captain said, we both looked at each other and giggled like little school girls. "I have a surprise for you." Alex said and turned and looked at me, she pulled out a box and placed it in my hands "You didn't!" I exclaimed "I did!" She replied, I opened the box and inside was the expensive necklace "Turn around." Alex directed and she put it on "I love it!" I said and we kissed.

The plane started to move and after about 10 minutes we took off into the agonising 10 hour flight to Hawaii. During that time all we basically did was sleep, and eat and then sleep again. "Crap, I forgot the sun lotion." I exclaimed as we were about 2 hours into the flight "Well it's too late to turn back now, I guess we will have to suffer with sever sunburn" Alex joked "We can get some when we land." She said and in twinned her hand into mine, "I love you Mrs Vause." She said as we looked at each other "I love you too.... Mrs Vause." I replied and giggled "Do you remember when we first met? And you hated me?" I asked "Yes, and when we always used to glare at each other in the corridors." Alex said and laughed "And when crazy eyes took us hostage you protected me and made sure I was ok. I knew when that happened I felt something for you." I admitted "If I'm honest as soon as I set eyes on you I felt some sort of attraction towards you." She said and she leant in and kissed me.

We sat and talked for what felt like ages just reliving moments and laughing at embarrassing stories from our childhoods. She also recapped on how she ended up in Litchfield. "Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls please fasten your seat belts." A flight attendant said over the tannoy and the seat belt sign illuminated on the screen above our heads. I strapped myself in and we started to descend into Hawaii. The sun beamed into the plane and I looked out the window to see the crystal clear ocean. The plane bounced along the runway as we landed and we taxied to the gate. The door opened and the heat swarmed at us, I immediately started regretting wearing a jacket, jumper and jeans. We collected our bags and headed outside.

The sight around me was amazing and breathtaking, the fields were as green as anything and the landscape was natural and unbelievable "It's like a little utopia here!" I said as I was taken away by the sight "Welcome to paradise" Alex said and held my hand, we picked up our suitcases and walked to our taxi ready to start our well deserved break and to finally start again when we get home as a proper married couple.

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