Return of an old friend

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Faye PoV
Today's the day I've been waiting for, the day I can finally start my life with the woman I love most and one of my closest friends. I got ready and put Kevin in the car and started the hour drive to Litchfield. I was kinda nervous I hadn't seen Alex for a few days. After fighting with traffic I pulled up outside Litchfield and parked my car and headed over to the gate where they release prisoners. I had arrived far too early but being early is better then being late.

Alex PoV
"Hey Pipes wake up" I said as I shook Piper "What time is it?" She muttered "Time for you to wake up, we get out today remember?" I replied before getting ready, I packed my last few things including my lifetime supply of eyeliner. We grabbed our bags and headed over to the communal area to say goodbye. We walked in and everyone was lined up the first person was Nichols, my best friend and someone who has supported me the most "Think of us whisky your sunning it up in your mansion" she laughed as we hugged "I'm gunna miss you buddy" she added "Is that a tear I see?" I giggled "Cmon get outta here" she joked. Piper said her goodbyes as I continued down the line, next was Red "I'm going to miss you but remember if you see that chicken you send him to me" she said and hugged me "Oh don't worry I'll personally give you that chicken myself" I joked before carrying on.

I packed up my bags and me and Piper turned around and waved goodbye, in the distance I could see Nichols balling into tears, I ran up to her and hugged her tight "How about when you get out you come live with us, it won't be long maybe 6 months?" I said in reassurance "You really mean that Vause?" She said "Yeah of course I do! I'll come visit you too" I said to her, she started to calm down and we finally said goodbye and I grabbed my bag and walked out to the sign out centre "Name!" A woman said "Alex Vause and Piper Chapman" I said "Sign here" she directed to us both and we did "Anyone here to collect you?" She snapped "My fiancé" I said and she nodded before hitting a buzzer which unlocked a door "Follow the signs to the exit" she said. This was a big moment I was finally free "Ready?" I directed to Piper and she nodded.

Faye PoV
I was starting to get worried I haven't heard anything but before long I heard a huge buzzer go off and the huge metal gate start to open, in the distance I saw 2 figures walking towards me, a smile erupted on my face. Once they emerged out of the gate Alex dumped her bag and ran straight over to me, oblivious to the passing traffic and kissed me and we embraced into a hug "I've missed you!" I exclaimed "Missed me?" Piper interrupted "Of course I have, come here!" I said and hugged her.

We all got into the car and I started to drive home "Were you serious when you said Nichols could live with us in 6 months?" Piper said "Wait what!" I exclaimed "She's one of my best friends Faye I can't just leave her" Alex said trying to justify it "There's 6 of us living in the house as it is, we don't have the room" I said "She can sleep on the couch" Alex sneered "Fine" I huffed before looking away, "Cmon don't be like this" Alex said and grabbed my hand but I pulled away "No Alex I have every god damn fucking right to be like this, my mother is dying, I have to look after a 5 month old child, my 16 year old brother and now I've got to put up with someone else in 6 months!" I screeched, Kevin started to scream hearing me shout "Well done, now look at what you've done!" I exclaimed and pulled the car over to sort out Kevin.

We got home and Alex went straight upstairs "Alex how nice to mee..." My mum began but was cut off when Alex slammed the bedroom door like a 12 year old teenager "Ignore her mum, how are you?" I asked "A bit better" she said and smiled. Piper went off to her room and Oliver spends most of his time in the pool outside. I ran around tidying up and finally managed to sit down but moments after I did the doorbell rang "For goodness sake, as soon as I sit down someone inte..." I said but paused when I opened the door to see a familiar face stood in front of me.... "So....SoSo?" I said confused "Hello Faye" she smiled "Why are you here?" I asked "I'm sorry I just left, I was in a bad place, I managed to find where you live and maybe now we can resume where we left off?" She questioned before I could respond Alex came downstairs and interrupted "Don't think so, she's mine now leave" she sneered "Alex I am dealing with this!" I snapped and she walked away "I'm sorry, if you came back sooner things would have been different." I said "It's fine, here's my new number keep in contact?" She smiled I could tell she was upset but before I could say anything she ran off.

"Good I'm glad she's gone" Alex said from the kitchen "You know what Alex I thought today was going to be great, but obviously not. Yet again your being selfish and rude and if your going to be like this for the rest of your life then I don't wanna marry you!" I blurted and it echoed through the whole house "You don't mean that" she said "Don't I?" I challenged her. "Please I hate it when we argue" she pleaded trying to change her tone "Talk to me when your done being a bitch, I'm taking Kevin out. Don't know when I'll be back" I said and grabbed Kevin and my keys and walked out of the house.

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