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"Morning" Alex said as I opened my eyes "What time is it?" I asked "12:30pm" she replied "That Stella woke me up in the middle of the night" I said "Why?" She asked "She wanted to know if Piper was available" I replied. Before she could respond we were interrupted "This is a lockdown procedure. I repeat this is a lockdown procedure all staff and inmates please report to your bunk facility" a voice said "What's happening?" I said in a panic. "Where are you going?" I asked Alex as she started to walk away "Piper isn't here, neither is Nichols I'm going to get them" she said "Well I'm coming with you" I said and held her hand and snuck out.

"I'm scared" I said "Shh" Alex snapped "Ah Mendoza what's happening?" Alex asked as we approached Mendoza in the corridor "A guard has gone crazy and grabbed one of the guns. Apparently someone's been shot" she said before running of. We walked around the corner and saw the guard Alex grabbed me and pulled us into a storage cupboard "Hide over here" she said and placed us into a corner and placed boxes over us. The door swung open I heard someone heavily breathing and knocking over boxes. I tried not to make any noise to avoid attention.

"I think he's gone" Alex whispered and got up she grabbed me and we ran out of the area we looked everywhere but there was no sign of Piper "She's probably at the factory" I suggested. We ran over there and opened the door "Please don't shoot us!" Someone said I looked around and it was Piper her and Nichols were clutching onto each other. "Quick we have no time" Alex said and ordered us to follow her. We ran all across the field it was empty and silent no one was around.

We emerged back inside and saw a glance at the guard "Crap" Nichols exclaimed the guard looked straight at us, he grabbed the gun and pointed it at us I grabbed a fire extinguisher from behind me I pulled out the safety clip and sprayed the foam all over the room a thick layer of dust soon filled the air enough for us to escape without being seen. A gunshot rang through our ears "In here!" I said and we all ran into the bathroom and barricaded the door "Hide in the cubicles" Piper said. One by one we ran into a cubicle and locked the door. Outside I could hear someone running up and down the corridor every so often I heard him swear.

"Alex" I whispered "Yeah" she replied "If anything happens. I love you. I love all of you" I said "I love you to" Alex replied. I could hear commotion someone was trying to break down the door I heard heavy footsteps. I gasped when they stopped at my cubicle. I curled up into a ball and closed my eyes the door came flying down "Put your hands where I can see them. All of you!" Someone said I looked up it wasn't the guard it was a police officer. We all emerged from the cubicles "I'm taking you to the nearest bunk station, stay low and quiet" he said we all emerged from the bathroom. We ran quietly to the bunk station luckily it was our one we all ran inside "Did you see the guy?" Everyone started asking us. I couldn't respond I was still shaking.

"Ladies and gentleman the threat is now eliminated you may now return to normal business" someone said a matter of minutes later. "You ok? You look as white as a sheep" Piper asked "I only just got over the crazy eyes thing. And now this? I don't wanna be here anymore" I sighed and slumped my head....

Orange is the new black "The new prisoner" (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now