The funeral

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This tag was starting to irritate my ankle I had to use a back of a knife to itch my ankle if I needed too. I was just led in bed I haven't come out of my room for 3 days, most of my family didn't want to see me. "Faye you need to get ready!" My mum said as she came in my room holding a black dress "I don't wanna go" I bluntly replied "You have to, you and your father had a special bond you were his little girl and you need to go" she replied reassuringly "The family hate me" I said and rolled over in my bed "They don't hate you they just don't want to talk to you until you get released in 10 months" she said "Ugh fine" I snapped and grabbed the dress and got ready. I headed downstairs all my dads family was here they all gave me dirty looks but I just brushed it off and went on my phone whilst everyone got ready "I'll have that!" My aunt screeched and took my phone "I'm out for 2 weeks and all I have wanted for the past 7 months is my phone now give it back" I demanded as she just stood there.

After negotiations she gave it back on the promise I leave it here for the funeral well obviously I'm not that stupid to take it with me and be disrespectful "I don't like your attitude, what happened to you Faye?" My aunt asked "Maybe prison changes people, you try being locked away in solitary confinement for a week and the only person to talk to is yourself" I sneered "YOU GOT SOLITARY CONFINEMENT!" My mum screeched crap I wasn't gunna tell her "It was a misunderstanding some crazy woman planted contraband in my bunk it's sorted!" I replied and walked out the door. My family chose to put me in a separate car which followed the hearse.... I didn't mind though got me away from my aunt I guess.

After a long drive we got to the church, I got out the car but my shoe got caught in the seatbelt and I tripped over but no one saw thankfully over in the churchyard I saw familiar faces it was Shanice's parents crap what if they see me, I tried my best to hide within my family but it was too late "Your murdering scum!" Her mother shouted "I don't know if you've realised but she wasn't found guilty, that nut job who set her up did, she's serving time for what she did do so leave her alone, her fathers dead she doesn't need this" my aunt said sticking up for me, wow she actually does care....

We got in and I was told to sit at the back alone whilst everyone else sat at the front, the service started and my dads coffin was bought in, at first I just looked inside was my dad whom I haven't seen in 8 months. He never came to visit, not even a phone call just 1 letter..... Within an hour the service had finished so we all went outside ready to place his coffin in the ground. Again I was separated from my family. I said goodbye by myself and then I was told to step away whilst they said their goodbyes too.

I wanted to stay and to just sit next to his grave and tell him how proud I'm going to make him when I get out but we had to go, I go back to Litchfield tomorrow so I want to spend my last 24 hours of freedom doing what I want. I met up with some of my genuine friends the ones who believed in me. "Faye everyone still likes you, it's just they don't want to see you until you've served your sentence" one of my friends directed, what makes the difference weather I'm out or not they can still make the effort to visit...... The day went by fast and then I found myself packing my bags ready to go back to Litchfield tomorrow.....

~Next day~
I have to be back at Litchfield by 3 so I could stay in bed for longer. But that didn't happen my mum wanted me back by 12 so she could prepare to fly out to my dads apartment in LA to clear it out. I never got the chance to visit him there..... We got back to Litchfield and I said my goodbye to my brother and mum, when they drove off I didn't wanna go back straight away so I just sat outside watching the world go by, the guards allowed me to stay outside till 3 as they knew I was back. Then when it reached 2:58pm I was taken back. Placed back with all the bitches, least my tag was taken off. I walked back to my bunk and SoSo was led down "FAYE!" She screeched and stood up and hugged me "How are you?" She asked "Could be better, I really didn't wanna come back. It's been 24 hours since I said goodbye to my dad and I'm already back" I replied before hugging her and crying. I sat on my bunk when Piper and Alex came over "Hey Marshall we wanna apologise for being nasty" Vause said "We know about your dad and we just wanna say how sorry we are" Piper added "Friends?" Vause asked, I hesitated before smiling and getting up and hugging them "You staying here now?" Piper asked me "Yeah I am but if it's ok can me and SoSo come sit with you guys at dinner again?" I asked innocently "Sure thing!" Vause replied before they went away..... Maybe things are going to be different......

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