Early birth

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This is a time jump of around 2 months and from now on the book will be set in the future a bit maybe around April/May

I woke up bright and early ready to start my day. I don't know why but I've got a feeling today's gunna be good. I headed over to the factory where again I was placed on packing duties "Hey Marshall how long now?" Mendoza asked as she stood stitching a pair of pants "should be about another 3-4 months" I smiled "You'll be fine if we can do it you can" she said she's actually being nice to me.

After my shift was over I headed over to commissary I've had really weird cravings for jelly beans. I hate jelly beans. I got Chang to order some in I don't know why I've always hated them. I walked on over and I passed Pennsatucky and her bible group on the stairs luckily they didn't do anything. I was nervous I had to walk past them after commissary. "Hey Chang did you get my special order?" I asked "Yes I have special order just for pregnant lady" she sarcastically said and dropped a bag of brown peanut shaped things infront of me "What's this?" I questioned "Closest thing to jelly beans. Rat droppings" she said and chuckled "Thanks" I rolled my eyes before walking away with the droppings I might need them. On the way back a sharp pain hit my stomach it was the baby kicking I stopped for a while and embraced the moment. A painful moment but a happy one at the same time.

I walked down the stairs and Pennsatucky saw me and stood up "Hey posh girl" she exclaimed "Look I don't want trouble" I said innocently "I know what you and four eyes did. And I'm out for revenge" she said and pulled out a toothbrush which had a razor blade melted into it "What would God think?" I said trying to distract her "Do not bring almighty Lord into this he will know I'm doing the right thing" she said crazed with anger. I grabbed the rat dropping out of my pocket and slammed them right in her face I tried to run but I was surrounded she turned around and looked at me. I was facing directly towards the 10 stair drop down I looked at her before I could speak she pushed me. I fell for what felt like forever I banged my head multiple times I tried my best to shield my stomach wrapping my arms around it to try and protect the baby as much as I could. I fell right on my stomach and looked up Pennsatucky fled and I was alone. Helpless. My eyes shut I was unconscious.

I woke up moments later I looked down and I saw a mixture of water and blood. Please no. This can't be happening. My stomach started to hurt I was in agony. Is my baby dead? "H-help me" I muttered "Oh my god" someone screeched I turned and it was Alex she came running next to me as a tear rolled down my cheek "Get help" I said effortlessly "HELP US. SOMEONE PLEASE" Alex shouted soon guards came running over. I screamed in agony. "Call 911" Alex directed at the guards "This is officer 3214 we require a ambulance on the B wing of Litchfield prison. Over" a guard said into his walkie talkie "Officer 3214 please state your emergency" a woman said over the radio "We have a possible early labour situation" he replied.

I screamed again the pain was unbearable it was like a stabbing pain "Marshall who did this to you?" Alex asked "Pennsatucky" I mumbled "Go arrest Pennsatucky" a guard directed and he went off "Faye look at me you need to breath in and out slowly" Alex directed as she knelt beside me "Lay her on her side gently" she added the guard moved me onto my side it was a lot more comfortable "He's dead isn't he?" I asked as I wiped away a tear no one answered my question. Paramedics came swarming in and all surrounded me they lifted me onto a stretcher and led me outside. The doors slammed shut.

The hospital door swang open as the paramedics pushed me inside "This is Faye Marshall fell down the stairs and has gone into early labour. No signs of how the baby is but she is 3 months early. Extreme loss of blood at the scene" one of the paramedics said as the doctors moved me onto a bed "Faye I'm doctor Samuels, I'm just going to take a quick scan of your stomach" the doctor said to me as I took a huge puff of gas and air the cold gel came spewing onto my stomach "We have a faint heartbeat we need to get this baby out now" I heard a nurse say. My bed flung back and I was staring at the ceiling "Faye when I count to 3 we need you to push as hard as you can" a nurse said as she leant over me "1....2....3 push" she exclaimed I pushed as hard as I could I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"1....2....3 push" she said again and I pushed "Right stop for now, I can see the head" the doctor said "Ready?" The nurse asked and I nodded "1....2....3 push!" The nurse ordered and I screeched as I pushed it felt like all my bones were breaking at once "Faye just one more push" the nurse said "1..2...3 push!" She exclaimed and I pushed and it was over the pain had stopped I slumped my head back. The room went silent. I couldn't hear any crying or anything. I started to cry I know what's happened. I looked around doctors were swarmed in one area trying to resuscitate him I caught a quick glance at him he was small and tiny he was led in the small cot wires connected here there and everywhere as a small oxygen mask was fitted over his face. "Please be alive.... Please be alive" I whispered and put my head in my hands.

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