A proper prison proposal

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I woke up early all I could think about was my mum who was alone, my brother lived with her but he's only 16 and cares more about his girlfriend than us. We do have a older sister but she doesn't really talk to us, she's visited me a few times and we write to each other but that's about it. "Hey ready for work?" Alex asked as she stood trying to make herself presentable "I'm always ready" I said and kissed her on the cheek.

We emerged into the factory and sat down at our stations I've been promoted to stitching which is better than packing. I sat stitching and took my eyes of the machine for a minute "Shit" I exclaimed "What's wrong?" Stella asked as she sat next to me "The threads jammed" I said "Hey it's fine let me help" she said and placed her hand on mine "Woah I'm not interested" I said and she sat back "Shame your feisty I like that" she winked at me and walked away "Faye you ok?" Alex directed at me as she stood next to me "Yeah I'm fine" I said to her. She grabbed my hand and started walking "What are you doing I'm working?" I said but she ignored me.

After a long trek she took me outside the air was warm and the sun was bright she took us to the far side of the field and stood me next to a tree surrounded by flowers "Wow is beautiful here" I said as she looked at me and smiled "I didn't want to wait any longer to do this" she said and pulled herself away from me and grabbed something out of her pocket. I stood confused as she pulled out a small box and got on one knee. Tears started streaming from my face within seconds "I know we haven't dated for a while but I've known you for a year and I love you. So Faye Eloise Marshall, will you marry me?" She said I couldn't talk I was overwhelmed with shock so I nodded my head in acceptance.

She got up and kissed me and pulled out the ring, it was beautiful it was pure silver and had a huge diamond in the middle "How could you afford this?" I said and looked at the ring "I have my ways" she smiled and hugged me, soon a crowd gathered and in the middle I saw Piper she looked mad at first but came running up and hugged me "Your a lucky woman you know that!" She whispered as she hugged me "I know, and when we are all out I want you to still live with us" I said to her. Everyone approached us and said congratulations. Alex then picked me up in her arms and led me back in side all the guards oblivious to our behaviour.

~Next day~
"Faye Eloise Vause" I like it Alex smirked as we both woke up led next to each other in our small bunk. "I guess I better tell my family the news" I said and got up and headed to the prison phones, although my dad is no longer with us I still dialled his phone "Hey this is Phill Marshall I can't come to the phone right now so leave a message" I heard his answer phone say "Hey dad, it's me Faye. Although you aren't here I just wanted to say that your little girl is engaged. And that no matter what I'll always be your little princess. I love you" I started to tear up before putting the phone down. It was then my mums turn but she didn't answer my brother Oliver did "What do you want" he snapped as he picked up the phone "Where's mum?" I asked "At the hospital meeting with the doctor" he replied "Baby who is it" I heard someone say in the background "Oliver you better be looking after mum she's ill" I said to him "Whatever Faye" he said and hung up. I don't know what's got into him.

"What you doing?" I said to Alex as I walked into our bunk "Apartment shopping" she smiled and showed me a 4 bedroom apartment in central New York "No way can I afford that" I said shocked "It's okay, I have some 'savings'" she said to me "Let me guess savings that don't belong to you?" I said and raised an eyebrow "We'll discuss money later. You'll be out soon and then you can pick the apartment as long as if I pay for it?" She said "This is why I love you" I giggled and jumped on her. "Oh a letter came for you from the department of justice" Alex said and handed me the letter. I opened it and immediately read the bold letters "Movement to mother and baby prison in New Jersey" I was shocked so I read the whole thing
Dear Ms Marshall,
Following your recent birth we have given our permission for your son to live with you whilst you are in prison, however for the remainder of your sentence you will be moved to a mother and baby prison in New Jersey until July 17th 2016.
Yours faithfully
Thomas Stevens

"What's wrong" Alex asked as I slammed the letter down "Mr Healy didn't tell me they are moving me to a all mother prison" I said "I'm being moved next week until I'm released in July, we won't be together for 3 months" I sobbed into her "It's fine, you'll have Kevin then after your released me and Piper are coming too, be strong" Alex said trying to comfort me. I soon started to pack my stuff I'll be leaving in a few days but I'm going to miss Alex and the others I just hope these 3 months go fast.

I plan to write a sequel to this book after this one finishes I aim to write 50 chapters for this one and then start another Orange is the new black book which will follow the same characters but will be their life after they all come out of prison and when Piper, Alex and Faye (& Kevin) all live together but there will be other storylines which will go with it.

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