Christmas at Litchfield

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"Merry Christmas sleepy" piper said as I awoke "Wait it's Christmas? Last I checked it was July" I replied "See time really does fly when your locked up in here, just think 10 months and you'll be out" she said whilst smiling. "Get ready we do actually celebrate Christmas here" she said. I got ready and met up with everyone in the communal area "Ladies, due to all your hard work in your specific job areas we have each got you a gift from your families and a $20 gift card for commissary" mr Healy said whilst everyone cheered "You the man Mr H" someone said. We all lined up and got a gift I unwrapped it, the gift was specific to each person and was sent from family I opened it up and inside was a photo in a sealed frame so no one could break it and the photo was a family picture from last year with all my family a tear ran down my cheek it feels so weird not spending Christmas with them.... But my mum is coming to visit me later thankfully.

"There's also Christmas dinner later it's surprisingly good" Piper said as she sat "What did you get from your family?" I asked her "Some instant coffee and some socks" she replied "you?" She added "A picture from last Christmas" I replied. She smiled and laid back on her bunk "It's weird to think that this time next year I'll be with them, when is your expected release date?" I asked her "I'm not meant to tell anyone but my sentence got extended instead of it being 24th June 2016 it's been extended to 5th January 2017" she said and sighed "Wait why did they extend it?" I asked "They deemed me unfit for release so I guess I've gotta stay" she said "That's tough" I replied. Then SoSo came over and dropped a letter in front of me it was from the federal Supreme Court "Guess this is your expected release date" Piper said I opened it up and read the letter.
"Miss Marshall,
If you stick the the terms of your sentence your expected release date is....
October 27th 2016
However break just one term of your sentence your date will change depending on the seriousness of that trouble. On 30th September 2016 there will be a release hearing
Yours sincerely
Head of supreme government"

Seeing this letter bought a sense of relief to me just 10 months, that's 40 weeks, "Dinner!" One of the guards screamed we all headed to the kitchen and sat down for once we all reconciled as one group and sat together even the guards did too, this was actually a good Christmas here at Litchfield some other places it would just be a normal day. "Marshall over here!" One of the guards said to me I followed him and my mum and brother were here we all hugged "I thought you weren't coming until later?" I asked "we can't come later so the nice guard let us see you now for 10 minutes" she said as we hugged "How's things?" She asked me "Good it's actually been a good day. I got my expected release date" I said excitedly "Already!?" She said shocked "Yeah October 27th 2016" she said "I'm so pleased to hear!" She said she hasn't mentioned the divorce but I didn't want to say anything. Soon our time was up and she had to leave but I didn't mind. I joined back with the others who were watching films but I returned to my bunk just alone time I'm exhausted. I sat and read more of this book that Vause gave me. I thought prison would be a lot worse but it's not well not here anyway I'm sure these next 10 months will fly by lets just hope nothing interferes with that and could potentially add more time to my sentence..........

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