Come back

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Me, Nichols and red were all led in our bunks when Piper emerged into the room "I've got news" she sighed we all sat up as she started to speak "Alex has been transferred to a different prison she'll return to Litchfield later this week" she started "What about us?" Nichols butted in "Our slot to go isn't for a few weeks yet" she stuttered "For goodness sake so you mean to say we have to stay here where we don't feel safe?" I snapped. "Don't shoot the messenger they won't even tell me what prison Alex is in" she replied before sitting down "Sorry Piper it's just we don't wanna be here I'm sure Alex is fine" I said comforting her as she smiled at me.

"Marshall can I borrow you?" Mr Healy said as he stood at the door "Sure" I replied and went outside "I've spoken to Caputo and some others and there's no space in this prison for more inmates and its overcrowded as it is so you and some others are being moved, your being moved back to Litchfield you'll be the first few to return" he said "What about Piper and the others?" I asked "We wanna move everyone back in gradually not all at once so for now only 50 inmates will be returning. Go back in there and tell them your going" he said before walking away "What was that about?" Nichols asked as I emerged back into the room "I'm being moved back to Litchfield" I stuttered. Pipers face filled with anger "WHAT!" She snapped "Piper please don't be angry, if I could swap places with you I would so you can see Alex" I said in response "So what about us?" Red started "Mr Healy said you'll be coming back in a few weeks they wanna move everyone back gradually. Sorry" I replied as I packed my things.

"Marshall your bus is here" Mr Healy said the others got up and we said goodbye "It won't be long and you'll be back too" I said as I hugged Nichols "Sorry for snapping, tell Alex I love her" Piper said as she hugged me "I will, as I said if I could swap with you I would" I said as we pulled apart. "Bye girls" I said as I waved goodbye. I emerged out into the heat and was led into a bus filled with other inmates, they counted to make sure we were all here "todos excepto traje corto de allí van a las cárceles en la ciudad de México" one of the guards said before everyone started laughing, I know what he said all except shorty over there are going to prisons across Mexico City thank goodness I know Spanish.

The bus started moving and I soon found myself at the airport "Marshall out" a guard snapped as I got up and was led outside I was taken through a back entrance before I boarded the plane "I'm going on a civilian plane?" I questioned "Sorry our private jet was being used elsewhere" a guard said sarcastically as he sat me down all around people were staring at me "I don't feel safe with that lady mommy" a kid said in the row in front "Hey kid why you here?" A man sat next to me said "I'm going back to a prison in New York" I stuttered "Why you in prison?" A woman butted in "I assaulted someone" I replied "Oh Jesus we are gunna die, she's gunna kill us all" a teenager said a few rows ahead "Hey shut it she looks just as scared as us, she's handcuffed and has a guard near her nothing will happen" a lady said I couldn't see who it was at first until she turned around....

"Jessica?" I said confused "There's me thinking you wouldn't recognise me. Christ Faye what have you done to yourself?" She responded "It was an accident, remember Shanice college party? That's why I'm here" I replied. "Hey buddy do you mind swapping seats with me so I can sit with my friend?" Jessica asked the guy sat next to me "Gladly" he replied and he shot up out of his seat. "So how long did you get?" Jessica asked as she sat down "3 years but they've reduced my sentence it was just over a year and I've served 9 months so far I was due to be out in October this year but they've added another 5 months" I sighed "Why?" She replied "Got into another brawl at a prison here" I said "anyway enough about me how have you been I haven't seen you since...... Shanice party" I said "Yeah I'm good I was here on holiday for my 23rd birthday. I'm engaged too" she said "How's the others, Catherine, Hannah and Kelsy?" I asked "We haven't spoken we all lost touch about 6 months ago" she said "None of them would return my calls" I sighed as the plane took off back to New York.....

Thanks for reading this chapter, hope you enjoyed if so votes would be really appreciated as it gives me more inspiration and determination to write updates for this book ~James~

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