Wedding day with a sad ending

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I woke up bright and early, oblivious to the fact I was getting married today. I casually walked into the kitchen to see my mum said in a smart dress "Why you all dressed up for?" I said confused "Um it's September 27th" she replied "Oh I forgot, happy birthday." I said and handed her a gift from me. "Aren't your forgetting something else?" She said and raised an eyebrow, nothing came to mind at first but then it clicked. "Fuck I'm meant to be getting married today" I said "Bingo! We finally got there" my mum cheered. I ran to my room and showered before coming back out to the living room and I sat down, "You really shouldn't be doing my hair and makeup, you should be resting." I said to my mom "I might not be around for much longer, I at least want to help my daughter on her wedding day" she said and smiled.

"Your sister just called. Alex is waiting at the registry office" my mum said as I continued to get ready. I went over to Kevin and picked him up and got him ready whilst I waited for my brother to continue getting ready. "Come on you brat hurry up" I shouted up the stairs to my brother. He then flew down the stairs "That was quick!" I said in shock.

"Faye the cars here" my mum said as I squeezed into my dress. "Coming" I replied and I emerged into the living room. My mum was in shock as she saw me, "You... You look amazing" she said as she started to tear up. We all got into the car and started the drive. I was nervous, anyone will be when they are about to get married. "Mom are you ok? You don't look good" I said to my mom she looked a bit yellow and faint "I'm fine, it's just my medication that's all" she said trying to brush it off "Tell me" I whispered to her. "I don't want to ruin your day" she said and smiled "It's fine, tell me" I said, "I don't think I've got much more time now, I feel weaker by the second, I'd be surprised if I make another day" she said and started to sob "Shh it's ok. Cmon don't think about it." I said to her and handed her a tissue.

We sat and talked for a while before the car stopped. The driver came round and opened the door, I looked out and saw my sister waiting down at the door "You sure you can walk me down the aisle?" I said to my mom "If I want to do anything before I go it's to do this, your father isn't here to do it so I will in his honour" she said and held my hand. "I'm ready if you are?" I said and she nodded. We emerged into the doorway and everyone we invited stood up. I smiled as I walked past everyone. Minutes later I was up at the front, I turned and looked at Alex who was stood in front of me "You look amazing" I said to her "You too" she said and smiled. The ceremony started and after a while of the registrar saying stuff it was time to exchange vows. "I Faye Eloise Marshall, take thee Alex Vause to be my lawfully wedded wife. Till death do us part I will care and love you for the rest of my life" I said to Alex and she started to tear up before she said her vows. "I Alex Vause take thee Faye Eloise Marshall, to be my lawfully wedded wife. I will care for you for the rest of my life and I will protect you always" she said and smiled. We exchanged rings after we said our vows. We finally done it. We are married.

"You may now kiss your bride" the registrar said to me and Alex and we kissed each other. Everyone around us cheered and clapped. "We've done it" Alex whispered to me and I smiled. We held hands and walked past everyone and headed outside for photos to be taken. We didn't want a huge party after so we just invited a few friends over to our house.

"Wait a minute" Alex said as we got back to the house. I stopped and looked at her and she put one arm around my shoulder and another under my legs and lifted me up. She carried me through the door and placed me on the sofa "My heels are killing" I said as I took of my shoes. "I'm going to have a lie down" my mum said as she looked at me. She looked even worse than earlier. I'll check up on her later, she only turned 52 today. She doesn't deserve this. We all partied outside for hours into the early hours of the morning.

It turned 3am when my brother came running outside "Faye, Danielle it's mom quick" he said to us. I shot up out of  my chair and ran indoors. Alex and my sister followed as Piper sat outside drowning her sorrows in vodka. I ran upstairs to my moms room and went inside. She was led in bed. Beside her was a cloth which was drenched in blood. She started to cough which led to more blood coming up. "I'm sorry I had to ruin your day" she whimpered to me "You haven't ruined it" I said as tears started to flow out of my eyes. She started to cough a lot at this point, "Should we call an ambulance?" Alex suggested but my mom interrupted "No ambulances" she demanded. "Ok that's fine. Listen I'm sorry I've been a bitch to you, I guess I'm the daughter in law from hell" Alex said to her "You make my daughter very happy. Make sure it stays that way" she said and smiled.

We sat around her bed for a while. She was quiet but she spoke often "Faye, promise you will take care of your brother" she muttered "I will. I won't let you down" I said to her and I started to cry even more. "I love you all" she whispered. She took her last breath before slumping back. Her eyes were shut. "Is... Is she gone?" My brother asked. I couldn't talk, I felt numb I've lost the person I loved most in my life. "I'll leave you to it" Alex said and kissed me as she left. Leaving us to say our goodbyes. "I'm sorry I failed you as a daughter. I went to prison for a stupid crime and I missed out on all these months being with you" I said and I rested my head in my mothers hands "Faye, the private ambulance is here" Alex said as she peered around the door "No, no one is taking her" I ordered "We can't keep her here. Cmon it's time to go" my sister said, surprisingly she was the strong one. I got up out of my chair and looked back one final time. "Come here" my sister said to me and my brother and we all ran in for a hug "It's not fair, none of this is fair" my brother whimpered. "It's ok. Everything will be ok soon" my sister said trying to reassure us, but no one could say anything to heal the loss of my mother, nothing can....

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