Chapter 1 {Edited}

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Raven Crest academy, a school that offers day classes for humans, and night classes for the living impaired aka- the dead, politically correct term living-dead. Not just the living dead though, Zombie, Revenants, Hell spawn, Demons, Ghouls and the all-important and sought after Vampires.

They had come out to the world about six months before I was born actually. It caused a large upstart globally, the creatures coming out not my birth, and people panicked. They settled rather quickly but in a nearly drastic state, it wasn’t very pretty. Half of them hated the creatures, the rest just dealt with it I guess it was the best thing to do.

As per the bill passed ten years ago, human children were forbidden from making direct contact with preternatural beings. Which mean even in the progressive school like Raven Crest, they still had to adhere to it. The Day classes were not allowed to see or interact with the Night classes.

Although, thanks to a certain loophole our school does offer the Mixer Ball which is held every year, for graduating students above the age of eighteen. It’s meant to help us build bridges between the ‘Monsters’ and ourselves.

Each creature that enrolled in Raven crest had to pass a specific exam tailored to their specie. The Vampires had to pass a test in order to prove they’re newly dead, not saying that one couldn’t fake their way in. But why would they subject themselves to school over and over again? The test was a safety guard for the school, older vampires brought a lot of baggage and tended to be a little less caring on who they ate.  

How do I know so much about the Night class students and everybody? Well in my first year of high school I got sent to the night class for some reason. I didn’t know that I shouldn’t have been there since it was my very first year, so I spent a good chunk of the time either having a panic attack or just plain freaking out. It was a memorable grade nine year thought, it helped me realize what I wanted to do as a job in the future.

Nobody mentioned it now though, the Dean had dismissed the issue and I had been transferred into the Day classes to begin a new hell. Although sitting in the classroom with hot beaming rays of light pouring down into the small room turning it into its own personal section of hell, I couldn’t help but miss the cool tranquility of Night class bathed in moonlight instead of sun.

I scribbled on my page while everybody studied hard for the upcoming test. I wasn’t all that interest in it though, it was simple algebra, so long as you remembered the correct equations and what each unknown variable did then it was simple. I glanced sideways at the round white clock positioned above the heavy door that led into the hallway.

The little red hand sped around again and again until finally the minute hand shifted positions, the bell rang signaling my freedom from this place. I quickly collected my books and stood up with them, tucking my one lone pen into one of my text books.

I walked from the classroom, my hair tied back in a high pony tail, well as high as I could get it. It wasn’t because I wanted to wear it like that but if I didn’t then everybody would see the horrible cut to it. Thanks to one of my ex-best friends Martha who to get in with the cool kids was dared to cut my hair.

She had seemed too nice when she approached me offering to cut it for me. I had been under the impression that friends did this for each other. Instead here I was with a nasty ragged shear cut to my matte black hair. As if I didn’t look like a big enough freak already.

My eyes began to sting as I walked through the crowded hallway, filled with students dressed the same as me. The girls wore plain black mid-thigh length skirts, with white blouses. The guys wore the same colour scheme but with t-shirts and pants. Feel the sexism, feel it…

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