Chapter 33 {Edited}

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I stepped out into the courtyard and stopped, students roamed around sparsely some slipping on the soft coating of snow that lay over the ground picking it up and tossing it at one another. The black Victorian styled lamps that lined the main entrance and the pathways to the dorms were lit casting a dark orange film over the pure white snow that glowed all on its own.

The chill in the air nipped at my ears, nose, and made my lips go numb, almost like the first time Saebriel kissed me. I felt my cheeks heat at the memory, he was a jerk. No more than a jerk he had been sadistic, but now it was like I was standing behind a wall that protected me from everything including his sadistic twist. He was that wall.

“Excuse me?” Instantly my entire body went on alert, too many times had I been drawn into some idiotic situation starting with freaking ‘excuse me’.

I turned very slowly and found the hallway behind me empty, which sent chills of fear down my spine. I could feel the weight of eyes on my back, a little voice in the back of my head screamed at me to run back inside. Very slowly I began to walk back towards the door to head back inside the Headmasters office, get back to Saebriel. Do not look away from the door, don’t acknowledge the voice.

A large hand grabbed my right arm and dread filled my entire body like led, “Ms. Taun, I’m so glad you’re beautiful or this wouldn’t be nearly as fun.” The voice hissed in my ear, a cold tongue sliding down from my earlobe to the back of my jaw.

I screamed spinning around to face a thin man, dark tribal looking tattoo’s laced up over his pale bald head. Dark-dark black eyes bore down on me like black holes threatening to suck up my soul into their nothingness. He was dressed in a leather jacket and worn blue jeans with heavy work boots. His hand tightened tremendously on my arm causing my hand to go numb.

“Saebriel!” I screamed pulling desperately on my arm, ‘Run away’ blared in my head like a siren, red lights flashing all over the place. The tattoo’s- he was the man from the cold, he had been in the forest when I saw Saebriel die. This was the man I saw kill Saebriel!

The man laughed tossing his head back, “That’s right, scream-scream loud.” His other hand grabbed the back of my neck forcing me to face him.

“Get away from me!”

His eyes locked with mine and the darkness opened up swallowing me whole, I could feel him digging around inside of my head. The sensation was disturbingly familiar, Saebriel had done the same thing before. My legs gave out beneath me and he moved ever so gently so I could kneel instead.

My head began to pound, pain bloomed all over my body as I fell deeper into the darkness unable to pull myself back out. He released my arm and the back of my neck, he leaned back leaving me in an utter trance. I really had to stop walking away from Saebriel.

Something cold rolled down my cheek dripping off my chin, the man’s dark eyes followed it before a cat like grin pulled his lips back flashing fang. He brushed his knuckles down the side of my face leaving a wake of fire in his path. This wasn’t right, humans couldn’t do this…

“Vampire.” I whispered, more cold drops raced down my face.

“Very good young one.” He praised soothingly.


Dear god please, don’t let this be happening. I would rather face the creature in my mind again than be attacked by a Vampire. My body wouldn’t move, I couldn’t even blink. Frustration itched under my skin as my mind fought to make me get up and run from this threat. Dark blue flames erupted from his bottomless eyes and began to drift towards me, as they breached the edges of the darkness it was as though they could taste freedom. Bursting forwards I was engulfed in flames.

Burning pain burst from my chest pushing a loud scream from my mouth, and just as quickly as they appeared the flames, and the pain, vanished. I dropped backwards gasping for breath as feeling came back to my body, I felt as though I was going to throw up as I pushed to my hands and knee’s coughing and sputtering trying to breathe. I was trembling with effort to support myself, this couldn’t be happening. I watched dark spots appear on the stone pathway as more tears spilled from my eyes racing down my cheeks.

“Perfect.” He whispered from behind me.

I tried to crawl forwards but my limbs were too weak to support me and I dropped to the cold cement floor, this is when Saebriel showed up and saved me from being killed. My ears strained to hear anything over the beating of my own heart. The man’s hand grabbed my hair in a fistful lifting me off the ground, while his other wrapped around my stomach pulling my limp body in against his. Somebody please…

“Now for the third mark.” He leaned his head to the side, lifted his right wrist up to his own mouth and bit down into it.

I watched dark snaking rivers of blood drip down onto the ground staining his lips and the floor. He pressed the bleeding wound to my mouth and his disgustingly warm tangy blood trailed down my tongue cutting my throat as it went down.

A burst of energy filled me and it was like somebody had pressed live wires to my spine, I pushed against his chest obviously surprising him by fighting back. Stumbling backwards my back hit brick wall, my hands clasped over my throat. The man began to laugh again stepping towards me. My fingers clenched on either side of my throat and slowly my nails bit into my skin.

“You bastard!” Saebriels voice roared through the air making the wall tremble.

The man stopped moving and looked from me to Saebriel, he stepped back pulling a heavy long hood up over his head hiding his face in solid shadows. I dropped to my knees, my nails clawing hopelessly at my throat trying to dig out the blood that I could feel burning through my veins.

“Aderyn, Aderyn stop!” Small hands gently pressed over my own pulling my hands away with struggle, I looked up at the headmaster her eyes filled with worry.

I pushed away from her curling away; I had to get the blood out of my body. I stuck my finger down the back of my throat and felt my stomach heave, everything rushed up pouring out onto the cold stone. There was no blood in it, fear and utter panic filled me. Strong familiar arms wrapped around my chest pulling me back, I felt his ragged breath on my raw bleeding throat.

“What the hell are you doing?” He hissed in my ear his fingers gently touching the front of my throat.

My mouth dried out as the burning pain blossomed again, I dropped my head back against his shoulder and screamed. I had no idea what had just happened to me, but I was beyond terrified.

“Saebriel we need to get her to the Nurses office.” The headmaster spoke quietly but quickly.

Sabe shook his head his arms tightening around my chest, “She needs to go home. I need to get her somewhere safe.” He said rocking us back and forth in a repetitive motion.

Home sounded good, safety sounded even better. I didn’t care, so long as he didn’t let me go again.

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