Chapter 29 {Edited}

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I was woken up with the smell of cinnamon French toast, I sat up groggily in bed rubbing my tired eyes. My body was slowly getting used to getting minimal hours of sleep. The scent made my mouth water and like a puppet I moved without realizing it, when I blinked I had moved from the bedroom to the kitchen doorway. Saebriel stood at my stove like he belonged there, making me breakfast.

He glanced over his shoulder and smirked, “Your stomach driven aren’t you?” He asked plating two pieces of bread and setting it on the counter next to the all-natural Canadian maple syrup.

Oh god he was sucking up to me, I didn’t budge from the doorway. He was up to something and I wasn’t going to like it. I knew when somebody was trying to sweeten the deal before it was made.

“What did you do?” I grumbled crossing my arms over my chest.

He turned and looked at me his façade dropped, “I called your Aunt, She’s agreed to meet us for lunch.”

“No.” I turned and walked away heading back to the bedroom.

“Aderyn stop.” He shouted, my body froze stiff on command.

Dammit, why he wanted to talk to my Aunt so badly frightened me. She was the one who was going to do the spell to keep him away; she was also the one that hid me from him. She was like my knight to protect me from my temperamental dragon.

“I don’t plan to hurt her, we aren’t going to discuss where she lives, so if you do need time away you have someplace I cannot get to. I want to talk to her about your visions.”

My hands clenched at my sides, “So what you think I’m psychic?” I snapped.

He touched my arm and my body came back to my control, “No, not psychic. The pain you experience before and after these lucid dreams worries me. I merely want her professional advice on what can be done to silence them.”

I turned around to face him, “I never had them before I met you, they could just be a side effect to the marks.”

He shook his head discouraging me, “I have never heard of a side effect to this degree.”

“You did force the marks on me so maybe-”

“I admit the first one was forced, but the second one saved your life!” He cut me off narrowing his eyes.

I placed my hands on my hips and met his eyes, “What do you have to do in order to complete these marks?” He couldn’t lie to me, but he could avoid answering. I was curious because he hadn’t talked about the last two marks that he still had to give me, something told me I wouldn’t like them in the least.

“The first mark is the sharing of life force, it’s metaphysical. The second is very much the same but a closer bond, it’s an illusion of two flames.”

Frowning at him I racked my brain trying to remember ever seeing two balls of flames. “I don’t remember that happening.”

“Something happened in your mind Aderyn, the flames did not appear to you because you were already stuck in an illusion. They sort of melted the ice you were dying from.”

Nodded my head I stepped closer, “Alright and the last two marks?”

“The third mark…” he shut his eyes tightly, “Requires us to share blood, I drink yours while you drink mine.” My jaw clenched and I forced myself to step closer to him, “The last mark requires you to drink from me while I recite a binding phrase. Or it can be supplemented with the action of intercourse, the last mark is to symbolize two becoming one.”

“So it’s like marriage?” I whispered looking into my living room.

“But it can never be undone.”

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