Chapter 7 {Edited}

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I was woken up by the feel of a cool wet clothe being pressed against my forehead, my eyes scrunched up and opened painfully. I took a deep breath in feeling a tight pain in my stomach.

“You’re awake” I glanced to my right finding Sabrinna waiting patiently in one of the grey chairs.

was in, Infirmary, I was in the school infirmary. I sat up wincing as the muscles in my stomach complained, Sabrinna rose quickly helping me sit upright.

“Do you know what happened?” I asked her running my hand through my hair pushing it back off my face.

“A flying bat hit your stomach, it knocked you out” She said sitting back down shaking her head.

I winced placing my left hand over my stomach, “I thought it was a ball.” Giving my head a little shake, “What time is it?” I glanced around unable to find a clock.

She lifted up a small tote bag and set it on the bed beside me, “School’s been out for about half an hour, I brought you casual clothes to change into. Saebriel will be waiting” With that she rose and left leaving me in a cold wake.

I pouted at her and looked around myself again, Almost two hours I had been out. That’s almost scary, I never passed out that long before. Then again I’ve never been hit in the stomach by a flying bat before. It took me twenty minutes to get changed into the dark red skinny jeans and a black and red horizontal pin striped tank top.

I slipped into my flats cramming my dusty gym clothes into the tote which I then proceeded to cram into my black backpack which was on the ground beside my bed. My school clothes were in there as well thankfully nobody decided to screw with them.

I didn’t feel all that bad but a bruise was starting to show on my stomach where the metal bat had flown right into me. Sabrinna was waiting outside the infirmary doors for me her face had darkened and her eyes grown very angry. She looked down at me and sighed letting the shadows dissipate.

“Come on, He’ll be pissed as it is” She said linking arms with me and leading me away from the white doors.

We turned down the first stairwell on my left which led down to the far left end of the campus near to college end. Which meant we had to cut across the courtyard again to reach my dorm room, the more I moved the more I wished I was dead. I moaned and started walking across the grass, students lingered around chatting with their friends.

Probably waiting to meet up with some of the night class students, I wanted to tell them to stick with humans but they wouldn’t listen to me. And I also wasn’t really one to talk seeing as how I was about to go and meet with some of them. That gut twisting nervousness returned and I wanted to turn and run my courage was fleeting when I needed it most.

“I feel like I’m going to be sick” I whispered staring up at my apartment door.

Sabrinna pet the top of my head, “I know, just deep breaths. You agreed to this, so you need to deal with it” She said pulling me up the steps towards my home.

I froze on the last step unable to move forward, I shook my head trying to back away from her. She sighed pulling me forward, “He won’t hurt you Aderyn, I think he’s proven that. He could have hurt you many times before now and yet he resisted. So breathe” She growled jerking me forward.

I hugged my stomach as she pulled me through the front door, I kicked off my flats finding myself shaking nearly uncontrollably. I stepped up into the hallway catching movement in the corner of my eye. I turned my head slowly to look at the group from yesterday sitting on my couch, minus the Russian doll girl. So it was the twins, the Cat-eyed guy, Herald, and a very lethal and angry looking Saebriel.

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