Chapter 48 (The Last Mark) {Edited}

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It was a sudden shock of pain that rippled from my tailbone up my spine. The sensation of him moving inside of me was odd, it made me feel a strange kind of fullness. The pain was warm, dry, and tight drawing tears to my eyes that fell down the side of my face.


I turned my head to the side and shut my eyes as tightly as I could to try and hide my pain, if he stopped now it would make this all for nothing. I would not let this moment go to waste because I couldn't handle a little pain. Compared to the Were-wolf, or having the three marks forced onto me over another’s this was nothing.

His knuckles brushed down my cheek tracing a tears path, “Don't look away, please. I don’t want to lose control and hurt you.” he pleaded his entire body freezing in place.


I opened my eyes and slowly turned to face him again, his eyes were filled with fear. A nervous fear, the same kind I felt roiling in my stomach making me shake underneath him. I was more scared of not living up to an unannounced expectation than of him hurting me. My hands traced their way up his chest running over scars, along the sides of his face and finally reaching his soft black hair that tumbled down in tickling locks around us.

Successfully wrapping my fingers in his hair I pulled his face down to me a small smile pulling my lips up at the edges, “You could never hurt me” Before he could protest I kissed him.


My kiss seemed to calm him even more, his hips moved in slow thrusts against mine. In a matter of minutes the pain was all gone and I was left with the sensation of fullness that I couldn’t describe. His hands traveled back down my sides to manipulate my hips, I could feel tension beginning to build just below my belly button and every time he pressed as far into me as he could a sharp gasp escaped from between my lips. There was no more pain, just trembling pleasure. The awkwardness that had always been there between us vanished into nothing; there wouldn’t be any interruptions not now not here.


Saebriel kissed down my jaw up to that really ticklish spot where my ear meets my neck, a shudder rang through my body as he placed a butterfly kiss there then moved down the side of my throat over my hammering pulse.


My hands released his hair and instead slid along his shoulders and down just a little bit over his back. I felt the sharp scrape of fangs over my pulse and then they broke flesh, for the first time it didn’t hurt one bit. The sensation of my warm blood trickling out from the wound on the side of my neck didn’t disturb me as it usually did.


In all reality I couldn’t care, I was more focused on his cool rough hands gently flexing on my hips as his rhythm began to grow quicker and harder until it was more of a collision between our bodies crashing against one another. My nails dug into his back breaking his skin and drawing blood to slither in thin lines down his sides.


The heat built inside of me until it felt like I was going to implode, and then I did. I couldn’t tell if I enjoyed the sensation that gripped my body in an iron tight fist, but it was in control of everything in a split second. The world stopped for a heartbeat as cold washed through the inside of my body sliding underneath my skin and freezing into place. When both sensations faded and I had control of my body back a raw hunger filled in every pore, Saebriel watched my face with the same worry he always watched me with.

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