Chapter 34{Edited}

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Saebriel wrapped my black scarf around my throat to stop me from clawing myself bloody again, his hands had trembled as they tied my wrists together using the headmasters own scarf. He felt cold, almost dead cold now when he touched me. There was a bright fear burning in his eyes, the rage had simmered away.

He kept apologizing softly to me shaking his head back and forth, as if somehow this was his entire fault and I should blame him for it. Ms. Highswood stood back her hand clasped over her mouth in shock, you’d think being the headmaster for a school of supernatural beings she would be used to seeing things like this.

“Rin” Saebriel snapped his fingers next to my ear making me look up at him, “I’m going to take you home now.” He whispered moving around to my side, his arms slid underneath the bend of my knees and behind my back lifting me up.

I fought against the scarf he had tied around my wrists, the sensation of the vampires blood burning through my veins had spread like wild fire consuming more than half of my body. Saebriel ran across the courtyard, having to move at a slower human pace. If he had run how he was used to no doubt it would have suffocated me. Which meant it took him a good twenty minutes to get back to my apartment.

Mercury and Argon were sitting on the stairs while Bizzy paced impatiently at the base, when we got close enough they looked up at me helplessly bound in his arms. Surprisingly my tears hadn’t run out and still dripped continuously down my cheeks the cold night air freezing their trail.

“Saebriel” Bizzy whispered jogging towards us.

“I want you to run a warm bath, Argon I need you to make something easy to eat she needs something. Mercury get Herald, Sabrinna and Simon up stairs I have something I need them to do.” He growled pushing past them heading up the stairs.

“Saebriel what’s going on?” Herald stepped out the front door, his nostrils flared and his eyes went wide, “Dear god.” He hissed scurrying back inside.

Something was wrong with me, if Herald ran away. I turned my face away from him pressing my forehead against Saebriel shoulder.

“Sabe…” I whimpered, images of the man’s dark black eyes were seared into my brain. The sound of his voice, the sensation of his hand holding the nape of my neck, everything it was embedded in my head and was slowly encompassing the feelings I had for Saebriel. Whatever he had done to me, it was destroying everything.

“I know Rin, I should never have let you go. I’m sorry.” He kissed the top of my head softly rushing down the hallway and heading to the bedroom.


Don’t go there, his voice screeched through my head. My body began to twist and wiggle in Saebriels hold the closer he got to the bedroom.

“No!” I screamed bucking against his arms.

Cursing he dropped to his knee’s pinning me to the floor, “Damnit, get the hell out of her head!” He roared loud enough my ears popped, “I’ll fucking find you, and when I do you’ll regret even looking at Aderyn.” His hand brushed down my cheek making me shiver.

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