Chapter 31 {Edited}

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Life had sustained a level of normalcy for me, at least for the past week leading up to Christmas break life had been normal. I had two days left of school before we got off for two weeks of freedom, two weeks with Sabe. At least that’s how my mind saw it, I had already planned out what I was going to get him. I just needed to convince him that I was going to be safe with just Sabrinna and Caprilla with me.

His hand flexed in mine as we walked across the courtyard heading to my first period class, it had yet to snow but it was now cold enough. The water in the fountain had frozen solid overnight and had stayed like that for three days. I paused and looked up at him, he had his eyes trained on the dark grey sky.

A smile pulled at the edges of his mouth and I caught movement in the corner of my eye. I turned looking around the courtyard watching as snow began to drift in big fluffy looking clumps. Snow drifted onto my face and melted quickly on my warm skin, but on Saebriel it just rolled off like he wasn’t even there.

“I love the first snow.” He whispered looking down at me.

I felt myself grin as I nodded, “Me too, I like the cold.” Saebriel sighed shaking his head.

We stood in the falling snow for a few minutes just watching the clumps drift and float by like little pieces of cloud. His fingers tightened on my hand and I looked back over to him, his eyes remained transfixed on something behind me. Shifting, I turned to look and felt my breath catch, Ekaterina sat on one of the stone benches watching us with her big blue doll eyes. But what was even more shocking was who was sitting next to her, Kaden leaned over and kissed the side of her pale neck making her giggle and glance away from Saebriel and I.

“Sabe?” I whispered backing up against his chest.

“She won’t touch you.” He growled, “Let’s get you to class.”

He led me off towards the farthest open hallway I couldn’t help but keep glancing back at them. Kaden and Ekaterina together spelled my end for sure. Even from far away I could tell Kadens face was bruised still from me beating the crap out of him. No doubt he was scheming with Ekaterina about Sabe and I, hoping against hope that they weren’t but I knew it was trouble. So did Saebriel.

He all but pushed me up the stairs into the indoor hallways where kids were starting to gather. I spun on my heel ready to blow up at him, I knew Kaden upset him and he knew Ekaterina upset me but he didn’t have to literally push me around.

“I’m sitting in on your classes today.” He hissed looking up and down the hallways.

I groaned dropping my head back so I stared at the ceiling, mentally I was counting backwards from ten. It was a trick to help calm down feelings of immense rage and anger. I was doing my summative’s, having him looming over my shoulder would not ease any of the stress off. The fact I needed to get near perfect on these so if I bombed the exams I would be ok, was starting to exhaust me.

“Don’t groan like that.” Saebriel sighed running a fingernail down the front of my throat making me gag a little.

“Then don’t say stupid things that you don’t mean.” I snapped standing up straight.

He scowled at me, his face crinkling almost perfectly as usual. Most people had a really ugly scowling face but his was almost brooding anger except for the confusion that usually brightened his eyes.

“I’m not joking, and I do mean it. You have classes with Kaden and with him now talking with Ekaterina I don’t feel you’re safe.”

Part of my brain felt touched by his need to keep me safe, and I was almost wooed by it. The other side of my brain, the one I listened to most, screamed at me ‘Summative!’ and then all the cutesy thoughts vanished like smoke on a rainy day. I shook my head at him and backed away.

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