Chapter 10 {Edited}

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Saebriel didn’t have to wake me up, I came back to full consciousness as we moved through the front door. Saebriel and I moved into the living room so Argon could carry Mercury into the room they had uncovered. Sabrinna stood in the kitchen watching with wide frightful eyes at the blood that dripped down off of Mercury who was dipping in and out of consciousness himself.

There was a moment of utter chaos where everybody tried to figure out where to go and who to help. Saebriel set me down on my light brown L couch standing up his shoulders back.

“Bizzy, follow Argon and help save Mercury. Herald you take Sabrinna out and patrol for any more of that damned pack. I want it safe out there before sunrise for Miss-” He glanced at me his jaw clenched slight, “For Aderyn when she goes in for classes”

“Will she be alright?” Sabrinna asked.

“Shut up Naga cow, let’s go”

My jaw clenched, “Herald I think you’re just jealous” I hissed pushing to my feet my right arm wrapping around my stomach.

Saebriel glanced at me and stepped back, I raised an eyebrow was he now letting me mouth off… This guy was seriously going to be the death of me one day.

“What would I be jealous about Little Cow

“That you don’t have boobs” I said plainly, I had no idea where I was going with this.

He froze in the hallway staring at me over the back of the couch, “What?” He whispered shaking his head.

“You keep calling Sabrinna and I cows, your just jealous that we have breasts and you don’t”

I watched his shoulders shake and he moved to the doorway in a heart-beat, Damn I was just a glutton for punishment wasn’t I?

“Listen little cow, I do not call you that because I am jealous” He snarled.

“Then why do you?” I shouted at him.

“Aderyn enough” Saebriel hissed.

“Because that’s all you are to us, Cows for the slaughter, something to eat. We gain your trust and then drain you dry and use you up” Herald snarled at me, “Just wait and you’ll understand” With that he turned and vanished, the slam of the front door signaling his grand exit.

Sabrinna looked at me and her eyes dropped, she took off down the hallway following Herald. A chill ran down my spine and I shut my eyes, animals they were animals. I had left out that accusation.

“Is that what you want from me Saebriel, to use me, to drain me, and then kill me?”

“It doesn’t matter what I say, my words are hollow are they not Aderyn Taun”

I gave a bitter laugh, “That’s right; you’ve called me a cow as well. I guess you don’t have to answer it.” I murmured.

“Sit down and let me look at the claw marks” He said grabbing my arm.

He turned me to sit down on the couch pushing on my shoulders so I would lean back against. “I’m going to have to move your shirt, or what’s left of it up.” He warned as he began to peel it back pushing it up to expose only my stomach this time. He vanished for a moment then re-appeared with my little white first aid kit.

“Argon and Mercury told me how they met you” I whispered as he knelt down next to me.

He didn’t hesitate as he pulled out the antiseptic and a couple packages of gauze. “Did they?”

“What you did for them, It…”

“Aderyn, before you stumble through a sentence trying to get across to me that you find me honorable for saving them, stop yourself” He grumbled pressing the cold wet gauze to one of the puncture wounds.

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