Chapter 37{Edited}

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I was woken slowly by the sensation of fingers brushing lightly down my cheeks, the dreams faded away leaving me shivering from the cold. I curled in against the side of who I was guessing was Saebriel, my hand stretched out across his flat stomach gently running over the ridges of his muscles. Pure power rippled beneath his cold skin, my body ached with that power that had flown into me.

“How do you feel?” He whispered his voice sounded tight and strained.

“Like I was hit by a car.”

Saebriel sighed the tension in his body breaking like ice in springtime, “Good, that’s good.” He breathed out running his hand down my side.

“Exactly how is me feeling as though I were hit by a car good?”

He looked down at me and in all honesty said, “You aren’t dead.” I let out a heavy sigh and settled my head on his stomach shutting my eyes again.

“Thank you Sabe.” I murmured snuggling closer to his side.

His shirt was slowly riding up as I attempted to get myself comfortable while laying on him as much as possible. Heavy white scars curved up from his pant line, I reached out pulling his shirt up more. Like unveiling an art gallery his pale skin was covered in heavy violent torturous scars.

“Rin, stop.” He grabbed my hand before I could pull the shirt any higher than his belly button, his fingers wrapped around my hand encompassing it easily.

“What happened to you Sabe?” I whispered sitting up a little more wincing at my head pounding headache. He sat up quickly lifting my hand to his lips, his fingers shifted and he kissed my knuckles.

“Many things have happened to me. All of which I have escaped.” He let my hand go and went to get off the bed.

I reached out to him, the air pressure changed and my ears popped. Saebriel spun on his heel to look at me his eyes narrowed. The bed lifted up from underneath me and instead I was dropped in a rich emerald green valley, the sun pouring down through the thin yet vibrant green canopy of the tree’s. Everything around me was quiet and peaceful, that was until something flew through the air crashing through large oak tree’s with trunks at least 3 ft. thick. The blur came to a stop against a jagged rock that looked to have rolled down from one of the mountains that towered on either side.

Slowly I got to my feet and took off sprinting through the foliage and underbrush that tried to trip me catching on my feet. I stepped out and looked up at the rock, Saebriel groaned and rolled down off the now bloody and jagged looking stone. He plummeted to the ground stumbling as he tried to land in a crouch and instead fell over onto his side.

“Sabe!” I cried running over to him.

He didn’t even look up at me, which made me pause. When he looked up his sea-foam eyes were wild and filled with violence.

“Icarus! You bastard, I’m going to tear you to pieces.” Saebriel snarled pushing off and vanishing into the tree’s again. A deep raspy laugh echoed around the forest sending horrified chills down my spine. What was I watching?

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