Chapter 36{Edited}

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I had no idea what I was supposed to do so I just sat quietly watching and waiting for him to do something. Hell anything at that point, but he just crouched in front of me watching me. He cursed and turned away from me placing his hand over his eyes as if he were shielding them from something.

“Are you alright?” I asked sliding down to kneel infront of him.

“Will you forgive me?” He asked softly.

Taking a deep breath I smiled, “No, I won’t forgive you. Ever, I’m going to hold this entire thing over your head for eternity. Because I’m an irritating little shit.” He smiled, actually smiled at me dropping his hand.

“Very well, are you prepared to begin then?” he cleared his throat turning back to face me.

I nodded my head and sat back crossing my legs, his hand slid up along my right cheek until his fingers brushed underneath my hair and his thumb rested underneath my right eye gently rubbing back and forth. The first mark, sharing of Life force, the two times I had been through it all I had needed was physical contact and eye contact.

I raised my eyes to meet his and a deep nagging fear tightened my lungs. Pain blasted through my body and it felt as though bits and pieces of me were being sandblasted off. The air grew cold and prickled along my skin, unlike with the bald vampire I wasn’t consumed by Saebriels eyes.

Instead they seemed to just lock into place, the fear faded but true to his word the pain grew more. Now it was a tight clenching pain in my stomach and I felt like I was going to throw up, just imagining throwing up all over Saebriel made my face go red with embarrassment.

A warm gush rushed up my throat and into my mouth, he broke eye contact and pulled his hand back. He pulled the garbage can over and placed it in front of me before moving around quickly pulling my hair back off my face. Shutting my eyes tightly I wretched into the garbage can, it didn’t make me feel any better because now my throat stung and my head pounded angrily to add on I had just thrown up in front of him.

“Deep breath Rin.” He whispered softly behind me.

Shakily I opened my eyes and screamed, the bottom of the white bag was splattered with blood. Instantly I felt light headed and dropped backwards, Saebriel was there his arms wrapping around my stomach.

“I’m forcing him from your body, you ingested his blood.”

“Please don’t remind me.” I shuddered weakly.

He kissed the back of my neck, “We have to continue with the first mark.”

My eyes stretched wide, “You mean that didn’t do anything!” I cried turning to look at him.

“You were warned this would be painful.”

I shook my head, “I just threw up blood a lot of blood Sabe, Human bodies can’t handle that stress.”

“It will be fine, I promise. When this is over, I will take you anywhere you want to go, and we will do anything you want to do alright?” He murmured sliding back down to his knees.

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